Gospel Topic: Prophets
- Prophets and Prophecy in the Book of Mormon: The Case of Samuel the Lamanite (3,150 views)
- "Here Is Wisdom; Yea, to Be a Seer, a Revelator, . . . and a Prophet" (16,326 views)
- False Prophets (1,403 views)
- Treatises on miracles (561 views)
- "That They May Bear Testimony of Him": Jesus Christ's Communication to and about Prophets in the Book of Mormon (77 views)
- Following Prophets When We Have Questions (Section 67) (36 views)
- "Safety in Counsel": Heeding Prophets and Apostles (576 views)
- Institutional Efforts to Amplify Prophetic Messages (97 views)
- "A Pattern in All Things that Ye May Not Be Deceived": Prophetic Themes as an Anchor in Book of Mormon and Young Adult Religion Courses (1,378 views)
- Appendix B: A Voice of Warning and Truth (309 views)
- The Prophet-Leader (3,413 views)
- Martyrdom and Aftermath (1,034 views)
- The Prophets of the Exile: Saviors of a People (18,552 views)
- The Plan of Salvation and the Book of Mormon (130 views)
- Prophet (1,637 views)
- Samuel’s Nephite Sources (597 views)
- First Nephi: A Case Study for Following Prophets (115 views)
- Teaching That Leads to Enduring Conversion (184 views)
- History of the Latter-day Saints (388 views)
- Samuel's Nephite Sources (14 views)
- Pre-Islamic Arabian Prophets (5,924 views)
- The Prophets and the Restoration of Integrity (1,152 views)
- The Perceptible and the Unseen: The Qur’anic Conception of Man’s Relationship to God and Realities Beyond Human Perception (452 views)
- The Perceptible and the Unseen: The Qur’anic Conception of Man’s Relationship to God and Realities Beyond Human Perception (3,875 views)
from Mormons and Muslims
- Ephesians: Unfolding the Mysteries through Revelation (14,285 views)
- "Except Some Man Should Guide Me": Studying Isaiah with Nephi and Jacob (124 views)
- Abinadi: The Prophet and Martyr (15,241 views)
- Book of Mormon Authors: Their Words and Messages (719 views)
- Ether and Mormon: Parallel Prophets of Warning and Witness (2,392 views)
- “There Was One Samuel” : Possible Multiple Sources for the Samuel Narrative (299 views)
- "Words of Plainness": Jacob's Apology, His Addendum, and the Competing Forms of Nephite Worship (71 views)
- Prophets and Polity (60 views)
- Seership and World Conferences: The Divine Origin and Inception of the Family Proclamation (1,407 views)
- Joseph Smith and the Problem of Loneliness (1,235 views)
- The Savior’s Rejection: Insights from the Joseph Smith Translation (803 views)
- A Testament of Jesus Christ (49 views)
- Joseph Fielding Smith (559 views)
- The Ancient Nature of the Gospel (322 views)
- “A Prophet . . . Like unto Thee” (1,578 views)
- “Follow the Prophet”: Eight Principles from 1 and 2 Kings (4,768 views)
- “Go Ye and Learn What That Meaneth”: Mercy and Law in the Old Testament’s Prophetic Literature and in the Gospels (691 views)
- The Nephite Prophets’ Understanding of Faith and Faithfulness (9,457 views)
- Joseph Smith's Revelatory Restoration (232 views)
- “With the Assistance of the Holy Prophets” (269 views)
- The Baptisms of Latter-day Prophets (387 views)
- Joseph Smith Among the Prophets (4,481 views)
- The “Same” Organization That Existed in the Primitive Church (5,137 views)
- The Family Proclamation: The Secular and Spiritual Context (1,714 views)
- Prophets and Priesthood in the Old Testament (19,657 views)
- Initiation to the School of the Prophets (241 views)
- The Muhammad–Joseph Smith Comparison : Subjective Metaphor or a Sociology of Prophethood? (6,726 views)
- “Was It Not So?” Remembering the Contributions of Samuel the Lamanite (1,425 views)
- The Church in the First Century (151 views)
- Profiles of the Prophets: Wilford Woodruff (561 views)
- Scholarly Notes on Helaman 13–16: Appendix (1,288 views)
- Profiles of the Prophets: Gordon B. Hinckley (717 views)
- Preservation of Life as Manifested in the Lives of Latter-day Prophets (655 views)
- The Prophecies of the Prophets (3,023 views)
- The Calling of a Prophet (4,377 views)
- Prophetic Use of the Pauline Epistles, 1970–2013 (2,024 views)
- Diversity: The Strength of Book of Mormon Prophets (482 views)
- Howard William Hunter (605 views)
- Ezra Taft Benson (511 views)
- Spencer Woolley Kimball (530 views)
- Harold Bingham Lee (555 views)
- Joseph Fielding Smith (517 views)
- David Oman McKay (427 views)
- George Albert Smith (715 views)
- Heber Jeddy Grant (891 views)
- Brigham Young (846 views)
- The Prophets’ Remnant Theology: A Latter-day Saint Perspective (4,421 views)
- “They Are Not Cast Off Forever”: Fulfillment of the Covenant Purposes (2,330 views)
- What Is in a Name? Lessons from the Names of Old Testament Prophets (4,471 views)
- "Taught from on High": The Ministry of Angelic Messengers to the Prophet Joseph Smith (2,507 views)
- The Foundational Doctrines of 1 Nephi 11–14 (4,044 views)
- Historical Data about Presidents of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (739 views)
- The Preparation of Prophets (2,762 views)
- Isaiah: Four Latter-day Keys to an Ancient Book (4,049 views)
- August, 1846 (139 views)
- Living Scriptures from a Living God through Living Prophets and for a Living Church (645 views)
- Joseph Smith as Found in Ancient Manuscripts (9,413 views)
- Abinadi’s Legacy: Tracing His Influence through the Book of Mormon (3,271 views)
- The Prophets and the Mission (7,071 views)
- The Contribution of the JST to Understanding the Old Testament Prophets (1,873 views)
- “Seek Ye First”: Prophetic Counsel for Establishing Priorities in Our Lives (1,889 views)
- The Beginnings of Christianity in the Book of Mormon (1,116 views)
- The Three Nephite Churches of Christ (2,692 views)
- The Promised Land and Its Covenant Peoples (7,454 views)
- Lehi’s Last Will and Testament: A Legal Approach (4,012 views)
- Tender Mercies and Thomas S. Monson (11,005 views)
- Preparing Our Hearts (1,099 views)
- "Expound[ing] All the Scriptures in One": Christ's Use of Nephi's Words (38 views)
- Questions and Responses (71 views)
- Prophetic Perspectives: How Lehi and Nephi Applied the Lessons of Lehi’s Dream (3,591 views)
- The Doctrinal Restoration (2,563 views)
- Ten Testimonies of Jesus Christ from the Book of Mormon (11,571 views)
- The Prophet's "Daily Walk and Conversation": Three Women Witnesses (310 views)
- Ancient Foundations of a Modern Religion: Latter-day Saints and the Hebrew Bible (316 views)
- "What Is Our Doctrine?" (3,357 views)
- The body of Christ (986 views)