A Book of Mormon Treasury
Gospel Insights from General Authorities and Religious Educators

About the Book
"The Book of Mormon provides resounding and great answers to what Amulek designated as 'the great question'—namely, is there really a redeeming Christ? (Alma 34:5–6). The Book of Mormon with clarity and with evidence says, 'Yes! Yes! Yes!' "
This declaration by Elder Neal A. Maxwell is the first in what might be described as a treasure trove of answers—a collection of twenty-seven though-provoking essays exploring and explaining the great truths found in the book of Mormon. Selected from more than three decades of symposia and conferences held at Brigham Young University, these essays by General Authorities and religious educators are filled with insights that will appeal to any serious student of the "keystone of our religion."
A Book of Mormon Treasury covers a wide variety of gospel topics, from "Agency and Freedom," "Faith, Hope, and Charity," and "The Doctrine of a Covenant People" to "Abinadi's Commentary on Isaiah," "The Natural Man: An Enemy to God," and "The Concept of Hell." Arranged to follow the order of the books in the Book of Mormon, each essay provides a deeper look into familiar doctrines, illuminating the gems of truth found within this sacred book of scripture.
Among the valuable insights offered are these:
"The highest and most revered purpose of the Book of Mormon is to restore to Abraham's seed that crucial message declaring Christ's divinity, convincing all who read its pages 'with a sincere heart, with real intent' that Jesus is the Christ (Moroni 10:4)."—Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
"Even as the criticism of the Book of Mormon continues to intensify, the book continues to testify and to diversify its displays of interior consistency, conceptual richness, and its connection with antiquity."—Elder Neal A. Maxwell
"Serious and careful study of the Fall in the Book of Mormon can drive people to their knees, bringing them to acknowledge their own weaknesses and thus their need for the Lord's redemption. The Atonement is necessary because of the Fall, and unless people sense the effects of Eden—both cosmically and personally—they cannot comprehend the impact of Gethsemane and Calvary."—Robert L. Millet
ISBN 978-1-5903-8099-4
Published in 2003