Religious Educator Vol. 25 No. 1 · 2024

Learning Truth and Coming Close to the Source of All Truth
Editor's Note
In the first article of this issue, Elder Renlund gives a master class on how we come to know truth. He shares the importance of approaching our learning through humility and the Spirit. He explains that although observation, reason, faith, and revelation are all tools the Lord has given us with which to know truth, we are susceptible to error if we rely on only one means of knowing truth. Rather, such tools are more powerful when they are used together and, in combination, can lead to revelation from God.
For each of us and the students we teach, such counsel provides a helpful framework with which to avoid error and to come to know and love truth—including our Savior who is known as the Way, the Truth, and the Life. As the Savior himself explained: “And as all have not faith, seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith” (Doctrine and Covenants 88:118). We hope this issue of the Religious Educator qualifies as one of those books that can help each of us draw nearer to the source of all truth.
One of the first articles focuses on the prophetic themes that members of the First Presidency and Quorum of Twelve have asked us to focus on in our lives and in our gospel instruction. Those who teach for the Church, whether through the Church’s schools, through Seminary and Institutes, or through service in ward and stakes, have been asked to focus on these themes as we teach. Such an effort helps our students focus on those issues and truths that God is inspiring our prophets to emphasize.
There are several articles that highlight lessons and resources for teaching the scriptures—especially the Book of Mormon. Topics range from recognizing and being protected from the influence of secret combinations to learning more about the Lord’s power of deliverance to avoiding the types of connections and relational patterns that keep us from growing closer to each other and God. There are articles on how we can most effectively teach and lead those we have the sacred stewardship to serve. And there are two articles describing a powerful resource for teaching the Book of Mormon that perhaps few of us are taking advantage of.
I hope the result is an issue filled with truth and light that will ultimately help us and those we serve more fully come to our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.
Michael A. Goodman
Editor in Chief