Gospel Topic: Church History 1820–1844
- Prophets and Apostles of the Last Dispensation (5,069 views)
- Restorations: Scholars in Dialogue from Community of Christ and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (2,185 views)
- Joseph Smith's Translation of the Bible: The Joseph Smith Translation and the King James Translation in Parallel Columns (9,783 views)
- Understanding Joseph Smith's Translation of the Bible (2,608 views)
- The Brigham Young Journals: Volume 1: April 1832–February 1846 (4,428 views)
- Joseph Smith as a Visionary: Heavenly Manifestations in the Latter Days (1,836 views)
- A Flood of Revelations, 1831 (967 views)
- A Method for Evaluating Latter-day Saint History (3,540 views)
- A Multiplicity of Witnesses: Women and the Translation Process (7,826 views)
- A People Prepared (227 views)
- A Prophet-Statesman: Joseph Smith in the Public Square (622 views)
- “A Revelation I Give unto You”: The Revelation of Jesus Christ to Emma Hale Smith (987 views)
- A Seeker’s Guide to the Historical Accounts of Joseph Smith’s First Vision (4,314 views)
- "A Subject That Can Bear Investigation": Anguish, Faith, and Joseph Smith's Youngest Plural Wife (15,869 views)
- Absence of “Joseph Smith” in the Book of Mormon: Lack of the Name Letter Effect in Nephite, Lamanite, and Jaredite Names (1,388 views)
- Angels in the Age of Railways (589 views)
- Appendix: Timeline of the Church in Latin America (86 views)
from An Apostolic Journey
- Authorship and History of the Lectures on Faith (7,060 views)
- Before 8 August 1839 (1) (1,242 views)
- Before 8 August 1839 (2). (455 views)
- “Bound Together in the Cords of Everlasting Love”: Forging Bonds between Leader and Follower (533 views)
- Christology and Theosis in the Revelations and Teachings of Joseph Smith (492 views)
- Conquest of the Heart: Implementing the Law of Consecration in Missouri and Ohio (2,632 views)
- Dan Jones and the Wales Mission (1,606 views)
- Discoveries from the Joseph Smith Papers Project: The Early Manuscripts (734 views)
- Discussing Difficult Topics: Plural Marriage (2,044 views)
- Doctrines, Covenants, and Sweet Consolation, 1843 (2,631 views)
- Early Life of and Religious Influences on Joseph Smith (201 views)
- Egyptian Papyri and the Book of Abraham: A Faithful, Egyptological Point of View (12,251 views)
- Elizabeth Ann Whitmer Cowdery: A Historical Reflection of Her Life (5,253 views)
- "Every Man Walketh in His Own Way": Individualism, Revelation, and Authority in the Ohio Period (507 views)
- “Exalt Not Yourselves”: The Revelations and Thomas B. Marsh, An Object Lesson For Our Day (591 views)
- Expulsion from Zion, 1833 (3,192 views)
- Fayette: The Place the Church was Organized (152 views)
- Fayette: The Place the Church was Organized (1,530 views)
- First Vision–Based Christology and Praxis for Anxious Teens (252 views)
- Firsthand Witness Accounts of the Translation Process (9,625 views)
- “For Their Salvation Is Necessary and Essential to Our Salvation”: Joseph Smith and the Practice of Baptism and Confirmation for the Dead (3,482 views)
- From Kirtland, Ohio, to Far West, Missouri: Following the Trail of the Mormon Mummies (1,117 views)
- George A. Smith's Mission with the Twelve in England, 1839–41 (1,148 views)
- Getting to Know Saints: The Story of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter Days (280 views)
- God and the People Reconsidered: Further Reflections on Theodemocracy in Early Mormonism (908 views)
- Hefted and Handled: Tangible Interactions with Book of Mormon Objects (6,159 views)
- Individual Affidavits from the National Archives (A-L) (594 views)
- Injustices Leading to the Creation of the Council of Fifty (475 views)
- Introduction (342 views)
- Israel Barlow and the Founding of Nauvoo (2,096 views)
- John C. Frémont’s 1843–44 Western Expedition and Its Influence on Mormon Settlement in Utah (8,809 views)
- Joseph Smith (13,544 views)
- Joseph Smith and "The Vision," 1832 (7,292 views)
- Joseph Smith and Abraham Lincoln (4,061 views)
- Joseph Smith and Money Digging (598 views)
- Joseph Smith and the First Principles of the Gospel: 1820-29 (1,170 views)
- Joseph Smith and the Historicity of the Book of Mormon (10,050 views)
- Joseph Smith and the Kirtland Crisis, 1837 (12,632 views)
- Joseph Smith and the Kirtland Temple, 1836 (11,622 views)
- Joseph Smith and the Redemption of Zion, 1834 (2,817 views)
- Joseph Smith Goes to Washington, 1839-40 (7,182 views)
- Joseph Smith in Northern Missouri, 1838 (6,490 views)
- Joseph Smith's New Translation of the Bible, 1830 (6,144 views)
- Joseph Smith's Practice of Plural Marriage (1,396 views)
- Joseph Smith, John C. Bennett, and the Extradition Attempt, 1842 (6,588 views)
- Joseph Smith, Robert Foster, and Chauncey and Francis Higbee (2,390 views)
- Joseph Smith’s Negotiations to Publish the Book of Mormon (2,140 views)
- Latter-day Saints in Tubuai, French Polynesia, Yesterday and Today (1,165 views)
- Making a Case for Church History (136 views)
- Martin Harris’s 1828 Visit to Luther Bradish, Charles Anthon, and Samuel Mitchill (6,204 views)
- Medical Terms Used by Saints in Nauvoo and Winter Quarters, 1839–48 (3,375 views)
- Missionaries and Converts in Illinois 1831–34 (603 views)
- Missionaries and Converts in Illinois 1835–38 (528 views)
- Oliver Cowdery as Book of Mormon Scribe (4,453 views)
- Oliver Cowdery as Editor, Defender, and Justice of the Peace in Kirtland (454 views)
- Oliver Cowdery as Second Witness of Priesthood Restoration (5,798 views)
- Oliver Cowdery in the Doctrine and Covenants (4,281 views)
- Oliver Cowdery's Legal Practice in Tiffin, Ohio (765 views)
- Oliver's Joseph (2,081 views)
- Personal Journal Entries in Chronological Order: 21 May 1836 - 12 October 1840 (36 views)
- Personal Journal Entries in Chronological Order: 19–21 October 1840 - 18 January 1842 (31 views)
- Photo Essay of Church History Sites in Liverpool and the Ribble Valley (4,608 views)
- Poet Biographies (155 views)
- Quincy, Illinois: A Temporary Refuge (901 views)
- Race, the Priesthood, and Temples (1,469 views)
- Raising Money in Righteousness: Oliver Cowdery as Banker (1,126 views)
- Reconciling Joseph Smith—History 1:10 and 1:18–19 (2,362 views)
- Remembering the First Vision (812 views)
- Remembering the Impact of British Missionary Isaac Russell (987 views)
- Return to the Joseph Smith Family Farm (1,018 views)
- Review of Documents, Volume 4: April 1834–September 1835 (121 views)
- Saints: Internalizing the Restoration (140 views)
- Scenes and Incidents in Nauvoo (2,340 views)
- Scenes in Nauvoo (325 views)
- Scenes in Nauvoo after the Martyrdom of the Prophet and Patriarch (1,066 views)
- Scenes in Nauvoo, and Incidents from H. C. Kimball’s Journal (628 views)
- Seeking “Power to Protect the Innocent” (180 views)
- "Something Better" for the Sisters: Joseph Smith and the Female Relief Society of Nauvoo (2,138 views)
- Suspicion or Trust: Reading the Accounts of Joseph Smith's First Vision (4,045 views)
- "Taught from on High": The Ministry of Angelic Messengers to the Prophet Joseph Smith (2,515 views)
- "That Thy Days May Be Prolonged": Attempts on the Life of Joseph Smith (340 views)
- The Church in Britain before 1840 (653 views)
- The Conversion of Oliver Cowdery (4,764 views)