Religious Educator Vol. 19 No. 2 · 2018

Scripture Studies and Saints
Editor's Note
Over the past five years, I have had the privilege of serving as publications director at the Religious Studies Center. One of my assignments has been to act as acquisitions editor for the Religious Educator, which meant I had the privilege of reading every article submitted to the journal during my time here. I have learned many things, gained new perspectives, and watched as the journal has continued to grow in its reach and scope. The RSC has a great future ahead of it, and I hope you will take the opportunity to read some of the books we publish. In September 2018, I will take on a new position in the College of Humanities at BYU.
This issue of the journal features a mixture of studies. I particularly enjoyed the series of articles that engage texts directly: two on the Book of Mormon, one on the Doctrine and Covenants, and one on the New Testament. These studies demonstrate the exacting type of discussion that is necessary to broaden our understanding of scripture and to widen our perspectives regarding how texts are used. Each of these four studies conceives of the text as a historical artifact that had an original context in time and place with implications for more recent religious practice and understanding. It is an effort to find meaning in ancient text for a modern world.
Another highlight of this issue is the introduction of the new history of the Church series entitled Saints. Casey Paul Griffiths, faculty member of Church History and Doctrine and BYU, sits down with the authors Scott Hales and Steven C. Harper to explore how this new series will inform teaching and understanding. The two authors offer engaging insights into the writing process and the various considerations that went into producing Saints. Everyone who teaches the history of the Church should read the interview and take a look at the chapters that have been made available online.
Thomas A. Wayment