Far Away in the West
Reflections on the Mormon Pioneer Trail

About the Book
The story of the Mormon exodus from Nauvoo to a new mountain home “far away in the west” still stirs the imagination of writers, artists, historians, and musicians. Letters, diaries and other manuscript sources continue to be discovered that recount this stirring chapter in Mormon history. An entire believing people came to trust that they would find their place to worship without fear of persecution if they followed their God.
This book is divided into three sections: the Mormons’ forced departure from their Nauvoo homes in 1846–47; the Mormons’ experiences along their journey to the Rocky Mountains; and what the Mormon Trail has come to mean in recent times. Even readers who have followed this history will discover new and inspiring facts about this enduring story.
ISBN 978-0-8425-2969-3
Published in 2015