Gospel Topic: Church History 1845–1877
- Civil War Saints (2,108 views)
- Far Away in the West: Reflections on the Mormon Pioneer Trail (924 views)
- A Year of Decision: 1847 (536 views)
- Prophets and Apostles of the Last Dispensation (5,126 views)
- Directions to the emigrants (40 views)
- The Practice of Polygamy (1,501 views)
- Defense of the Saints—Rees Davies (86 views)
- “This Shall Be Our Covenant”: Brigham Young and D&C 136 (1,294 views)
- The Council of Fifty in Western History (214 views)
- The Council of Fifty and the Search for Religious Liberty (301 views)
- "With Full Authority to Build Up the Kingdom of God on Earth": Lyman Wight on the Council of Fifty (459 views)
- Dan Jones and the Wales Mission (1,663 views)
- American Indians and the Nauvoo-Era Council of Fifty (658 views)
- To Carry Out Joseph's Measures is Sweeter to Me Than Honey: Brigham Young and the Council of Fifty (281 views)
- Insights into Mormon Record-Keeping Practices from the Council of Fifty Minutes (280 views)
- Eastern Canada: An Early Fruitful Field, 1829-77 (2,415 views)
- Race, the Priesthood, and Temples (1,484 views)
- From Philadelphia to Salt Lake, 1857–60 (138 views)
- Discussing Difficult Topics: The Mountain Meadows Massacre (5,242 views)
- An Outsider’s Experience Teaching Mormon History in Utah (382 views)
- Medical Terms Used by Saints in Nauvoo and Winter Quarters, 1839–48 (3,402 views)
- Scenes and Incidents at Winter Quarters (764 views)
- No. 26 December 22, 1855 (34 views)
- The Preparation of Karl’s Missionaries (131 views)
- Maeser and Nineteenth-Century Educational Theory (676 views)
- The Arrival of Nineteenth-Century Mormon Emigrants in Salt Lake City (3,332 views)
- Jonathan Napela: A Noble Hawaiian Convert (508 views)
- Brigham Young (1,684 views)
- Heber C. Kimball and Orson Hyde’s 1837 Vision of the Infernal World (8,177 views)
- Timeline (167 views)
- Elam Luddington: First LDS Missionary to Thailand (407 views)
- No. 5 March 8, 1851 (77 views)
- The Deseret Alphabet Experiment (1,840 views)
- The Brigham Young Family: Transition between Reformed Methodism and Mormonism (1,555 views)
- The Role of Local Missionaries in Nineteenth-Century England (1,144 views)
- Book Review: Mapping Mormonism: An Atlas of Latter-day Saint History (273 views)
- The Beehive and Deseret: Mormon Symbols in Salt Lake City (5,430 views)
- Discussing Difficult Topics: Plural Marriage (2,080 views)
- Mission to the Fatherland, 1867–70 (355 views)
- The Ten Pioneering Missionaries of the Sandwich Islands, 1850–54 (2,442 views)
- Remembering the Pioneer Legacy (1,043 views)
- Christology and Theosis in the Revelations and Teachings of Joseph Smith (510 views)
- Orson Hyde: A Life of Lessons Learned (5,594 views)
- Heber C. Kimball—Man of Faith and Integrity (3,973 views)
- Images of Wilford Woodruff's Life: A Photographic Journey (3,006 views)
- Latter-day Saints in Tubuai, French Polynesia, Yesterday and Today (1,197 views)
- Early Latter-day Saint Martyrs: The Jesse Woods and Armela Shanks Berry Family (688 views)
- Brigham Young versus Free Schools: A Battle for the Minds of the Young, 1870–75 (1,387 views)
- Saints: Internalizing the Restoration (143 views)
- The Separatist Impulse in the Nauvoo Council of Fifty (475 views)
- The Willie and Martin Handcart Companies: Application and Insights into a Recurring Rescue (3,249 views)
- Camp Douglas: Keeping a Watchful Eye on the Saints (426 views)
- Our Travels beyond the Mississippi (190 views)
- From Dresden to London, 1855–57 (127 views)
- Start with Faith: A Conversation with Elder Steven E. Snow (700 views)
- F, G (261 views)
- The Missionaries and Their Labors (661 views)
- Appendix One: Helen Mar Kimball Whitney 1881 Autobiography (2,154 views)
- The Nineteenth-Century Euro-American Mormon Missionary Model (1,332 views)
- Thomas Bullock: "The Lord's Clerk" (1,465 views)
- July, 1848 (78 views)
- Imaging a Global Religion, American Style: Mormon Pageantry as a Ritual of Community Formation (330 views)
- Intellectual Rebellion at Home, 1869–72 (232 views)
- Teacher in Salt Lake, 1860–67 (129 views)
- A Dialogue: Reverend—Boy (English) (67 views)
- Wilford Woodruff Chronology (873 views)
- Discussions of Exant Items (282 views)
- The Haifa, Israel, Missionary Graves and the BYU Jerusalem Center (1,533 views)
- Appendix: Timeline of the Church in Latin America (92 views)
from An Apostolic Journey
- Establishing the Church in Hawaiʻi (636 views)
- "A Covenant and a Deed Which Cannot Be Broken": The Continuing Saga of Consecration (11,806 views)
- A Century of LDS Church Schools in Mexico Influenced by Lamanite Identity (179 views)
- The Journey West: Historian's Corner (94 views)
- December, 1846 (103 views)
- Beehive and Portico (157 views)
- The Story of the Restoration Continues: Insights into Saints, Volume 2 (477 views)
- Patriots and Pioneers (276 views)
- Pushing and Pulling to Zion: The Eighth Handcart Company Trek Day by Day in 1859 (1,119 views)
- On Trial in the Welsh Press: Latter-day Saint Missionaries Declare and Defend the Faith, 1840–1860 (620 views)
- The Early Years: 1874-1945 (64 views)
- February, 1847 (101 views)
- Entries 400-499 (302 views)
- No. 17 May 6, 1854 (23 views)
- April, 1847 (57 views)
- 1850 (29 views)
- Sister to the Prophet: The Life of Katharine Smith Salisbury (1,878 views)
- Prepare Me for Thy Use: Lessons from Wilford Woodruff’s Mission Years (232 views)