Gospel Topic: Jesus Christ
- Coming to Know Christ through the "I Am" Statements in the Book of Mormon (2,628 views)
- Mentoring in the Savior's Way: Learning from Jesus Christ's Example in 3 Nephi (120 views)
- Joseph Smith’s Multiple Visions of the Father and the Son (66 views)
- Names and Titles of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in the Book of Mormon (2,467 views)
- Kirtland Bibliography (1,117 views)
- "I Am the Law": Jesus Christ and the Law of Moses in the Book of Mormon (188 views)
- The Savior's Voice in the Book of Mormon (81 views)
- "A Pattern in All Things that Ye May Not Be Deceived": Prophetic Themes as an Anchor in Book of Mormon and Young Adult Religion Courses (1,378 views)
- Jesus Christ (175 views)
- "That They May Bear Testimony of Him": Jesus Christ's Communication to and about Prophets in the Book of Mormon (77 views)
- "We Talk of Christ, We Rejoice in Christ" (5,947 views)
- Jesus Christ: The Focus of Isaiah's Message (133 views)
- The Distinctive Testimonies of the Four Gospels (9,903 views)
- A Thing of Naught: World Judgment and The Trial of Jesus Christ (1,002 views)
- Joseph Smith’s Visions and the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ (61 views)
- Gethsemane and Golgotha: Why and What the Savior Suffered (8,415 views)
- Walk with Me: Towards a Christ-Inspired Shepherd-Leader Apprenticeship Model of Leadership Development (455 views)
- Mormon Administrative and Organizational History: A Source Essay (1,487 views)
- "Christ" after the Apostles: The Humanity and Divinity of the Savior in the Second Century (1,834 views)
- The Process of Salvation (6,446 views)
- The Living Reality of the Savior’s Mercy (1,393 views)
- You Shall Have My Word: The Personal Ministry of Jesus Christ in the Restoration (2,328 views)
- The Brazen Serpent as a Symbol of Jesus Christ: A Dichotomy of Benevolence and Admonition (206 views)
- Raised unto Eternal Life: The Principle of Ascension in the Revelations of the Restoration (847 views)
- Joseph Smith, Gethsemane, and the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ (1,256 views)
- Conclusion: Focus on His Invitation (54 views)
- Focus on His Forgiveness (155 views)
- Ascended into Heaven: The Book of Mormon's Witness of Jesus Christ's Ascension (85 views)
- In Praise of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ: The Culmination of His Saving Work (1,862 views)
- Baptism (7,857 views)
- "Resist Not Evil": The Supreme Test of Christian Discipleship (8,525 views)
- The Grace and Mercy of Jesus Christ (7,432 views)
- The Premortal Godhood of Christ: A Restoration Perspective (9,562 views)
- A Different Jesus? The Christ of the Restoration (22,437 views)
- A Savior with a Sword: The Power of a Fuller Scriptural Picture of Christ (7,256 views)
- The Divine Nature of Jesus Christ during Mortality (6,094 views)
- The Martyrdoms of Ignatius, Polycarp, and Perpetua: Windows into Christian Discipleship in Ancient Rome (1,338 views)
- The Important Role of Relationships in Our Heavenly Father's Plan of Salvation (2,264 views)
- Doctrine and Covenants 93: How and What We Worship (6,714 views)
- Testimony of Jesus Christ (2,206 views)
- Teachings of Church Leaders on Christ's Final Seven Statements (1,782 views)
- Teaching That Leads to Enduring Conversion (184 views)
- The Power of the New Testament in the Latter Days (85 views)
- Jesus Christ: Priest, King, and Prophet (1,596 views)
- Witnesses of the Redeemer (54 views)
- The Exalted Lord (3,455 views)
- Success and the Second Mile (1,504 views)
- The Book of Mormon's Relevance for Us: Promises for Our Time (65 views)
- Seeing, Knowing, and Recognizing the True Identity of Christ (535 views)
- Think It Not Strange Concerning the Fiery Trial (11,835 views)
- More Than Promised: Unexpected Additional Blessings (42 views)
- The Revelation of Jesus Christ to Paul: Presenting a Deeper, Full Christology (5,447 views)
- The First Vision and Continuing Revelation (199 views)
- Commonalities in the Savior's Postmortal Visits to the Spirit World, the Holy Land, and the New World (218 views)
- The Condescension of God according to Paul (13,416 views)
- A Testament of Jesus Christ (49 views)
- Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (2,732 views)
- Appendix: Principal Christological Titles in the New Testament (120 views)
- Faith in Jesus Christ (852 views)
- Teaching the Atonement (4,686 views)
- Nephi's Messiah (688 views)
- "As Your Father Also Is Merciful": The Sermon on the Plain and the Development of Mercy (2,183 views)
- Vital Gospel Nutrients (495 views)
- “Let the Hearts of All My People Rejoice” (23 views)
- Rabbanah: Ammon as a Type of Jesus Christ (121 views)
- Salvation (117 views)
- Suffering for the Savior’s Sake (6,705 views)
- Jesus Christ and the Gathering of Israel: A Book of Mormon Perspective (218 views)
- Remember Him: The Christ-Centered Focus of Remember in the Book of Mormon (124 views)
- Declared Guiltless: Justification by Faith in the Latter-day Saint Classroom (2,334 views)
- Jesus Christ, Our Healer (3,762 views)
- Standing as a Witness (1,961 views)
- Doctrines from Our Savior’s Final Words (1,563 views)
- Saved and Enabled by the Grace of Jesus Christ (12,966 views)
- The Book of Mormon as the Keystone of Church Administration (1,438 views)
- Becoming True Disciples of Jesus Christ (1,069 views)
- Rebirth in Christ: A Latter-day Saint Perspective (2,508 views)
- Sacramental Connections: Deliverance, Redemption, and Safety: (Doctrine and Covenants 27) (50 views)
- Christmas and Childhood (1,043 views)
- “Behold the Lamb of God” (9,970 views)
- Jesus the Messiah: Prophet, Priest and King (242 views)
- The Condescension of the Lamb of God (3,673 views)
- The Second Coming of Jesus (27,505 views)
- “This Is My Gospel”: Jesus’ Discourse in 3 Nephi (3,092 views)
- "We are a Covenant-Making People": Gospel Principles and Ordinances in Marriage (893 views)
- "Be Ye Therefore Perfect": The Elusive Quest for Perfection (17,213 views)
- The Atonement of Jesus Christ—“Glad Tidings of Great Joy” (6,961 views)
- Treatises on miracles (561 views)
- The Mediator of the New Covenant (3,100 views)
- Light and Truth (671 views)
- The Divine Mission of the Prophet Joseph Smith (2,777 views)
- Jared and His Brother (24,668 views)
- Jesus the Messiah: Prophet, Priest and King (15,005 views)
- Jesus Christ: Overview (600 views)
- Jeffrey R. Holland with Andrew Teal (858 views)
- Interpreting Caiaphas’s “Prophecy” of the Savior’s Death (35,087 views)
- Seminaries and Institutes Reach and Impact Update (130 views)
- Remembering Christ's Blood Which Was Shed (980 views)
- A Brief History of the Dialogue (63 views)
- What Jews Can Learn from Latter-day Saints: Insights from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (160 views)