About the Book
In his letter to the Corinthians, the apostle Paul bore witness of Jesus Christ, giving the saints at Corinth a list of eyewitnesses who had seen and interacted with the risen Savior and repeating the phrase “he was seen.” Those who experienced Christ after his Resurrection include Mary Magdalene, other women, Peter, James, Stephen, Paul, other apostles, and more than five hundred brethren. In the latter days, witnesses of the living Christ continue to bear testimony of him. This volume points to many reasons to fortify our faith in the Son of God, to deepen our discipleship, and to believe in the Lord’s Resurrection and the Restoration of the gospel. These essays encourage all to spiritually see and experience the risen Christ, affirming Paul’s declaration that “he was seen.”
ISBN 978-1-9503-0451-6
Published in 2024