Gospel Topic: Bible
- Study Bibles: An Introduction for Latter-day Saints (12,913 views)
- The King James Bible and the Book of Mormon (6,691 views)
- Modern English Bible Translations (6,852 views)
- The Rising of the Holy Bible to the Restoration (659 views)
- The King James Bible and the Joseph Smith Translation (4,927 views)
- The English Bible: A Very Short History (947 views)
- The Latter-day Saint Edition of the King James Bible (2,507 views)
- The King James Bible in the Days of Joseph Smith (1,659 views)
- Chapters, Verses, Punctuation, Spelling, and Italics (16,310 views)
- The King James Translation of the New Testament (2,576 views)
- A Latter-day Saint Perspective on Biblical Inerrancy (2,561 views)
- Recovering the World of the Bible (483 views)
- What the Bible Means to Latter-day Saints (2,486 views)
- A Latter-day Saint Perspective on Biblical Inerrancy (304 views)
- "Appointed to Be Read in Churches" (1,308 views)
- Joseph Smith’s Biblical Antiquity (1,061 views)
- Adding and Taking Away "without a cause" in Matthew 5:22 (3,737 views)
- They Shall Grow Together: The Bible in the Book of Mormon (5,438 views)
- The Coming Forth of the King James Bible (1,601 views)
- Joseph Smith and the King James Bible (1,403 views)
- Scriptural Commentaries and Emendations (100 views)
- The King James Bible and the Doctrine and Covenants (2,902 views)
- Joseph Smith’s Developing Relationship with the Apocrypha (4,884 views)
- A Comparison of Book of Mormon, Bible, and Traditional Teachings on the Doctrines of Salvation (11,425 views)
- Reply to the objections (270 views)
- Nephi’s Vision and the Loss and Restoration of Plain and Precious Truths (5,161 views)
- American Visionaries and Their Approaches to the Past (998 views)
- Israel's United Monarchy (1030?-931 BCE) (65 views)
- Words “Fitly Spoken”: Tyndale’s English Translation of the Bible (11,533 views)
- Asking Restoration Questions in New Testament Scholarship (943 views)
- Forerunners and Foundation Stones of the Restoration (1,210 views)
- The Joseph Smith Translation and the Book of Moses (430 views)
- The BYU Edition of the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible (1,803 views)
- Scripture (63 views)
- Faculty and Staff Notes (42 views)
- Joseph Smith's Translation of the New Testament (1,363 views)
- The Name and Titles of God in the Old Testament (19,221 views)
- “That Sacred Depository”: Biblical Content in Joseph Smith’s 1832 First Vision Account (25 views)
- Debate between a Baptist and an atheist (787 views)
- The Field (79 views)
- The Education of a Prophet: The Role of the New Translation of the Bible in the Life of Joseph Smith (1,260 views)
- Jubilee Celebration: New Buildings, Scriptures, and the Fiftieth Anniversary (2004–8) (232 views)
- Joseph Smith: Ancient Scripture and Revealed Texts (314 views)
- A Different Jesus? The Christ of the Restoration (22,406 views)
- Bibliography (46 views)
- "The Writing Is on the Wall": The Book of Mormon as Interpretive Key (210 views)
- Alexander Campbell's Reasoned Restoration (352 views)
- The Bible—A Priceless Treasure (389 views)
- Gathering the Lord's Words into One: Biblical Intertextuality in the Doctrine and Covenants (2,289 views)
- Intertestamental Literature and the Dead Sea Scrolls (87 views)
- The Covenant among Covenants: The Abrahamic Covenant and Biblical Covenant Making (2,172 views)
- William Tyndale and the Language of At-one-ment (15,423 views)
- "Chapters, Verses, Punctuation, Spelling, and Italics in the King James Version" (1,016 views)
- Revisiting William Tyndale, Father of the English Bible (4,507 views)
- Alexander Campbell's "Delusions" and the Mormon Response (328 views)
- Challenges in Printing Early English Bibles (1,328 views)
- Conversations (41 views)
- Q&A: Conversations with Mary Jane Woodger and Andrew C. Skinner (26 views)
- The Bible, the Book of Mormon, and the Concept of Scripture (3,172 views)
- Palmyra and Jerusalem: Joseph Smith’s Scriptural Texts and the Writings of Flavius Josephus (2,383 views)
- Teaching the Four Gospels: Five Considerations (94 views)
- Establishing the Truth of the Bible (3,009 views)
- William Tyndale, John Foxe, and the “Boy That Driveth the Plough” (11,056 views)
- Ancient Foundations of a Modern Religion: Latter-day Saints and the Hebrew Bible (316 views)
- Archaeology (52 views)
- Chapters, Verses, Punctuation, Spelling, and Italics in the King James Version (8,061 views)
- The Joseph Smith Translation and Italicized Words in the King James Version (1,500 views)
- A King James Vocabulary Lesson (3,585 views)
- How the King James Translators “Replenished” the Earth (5,915 views)
- Teaching the Four Gospels: Five Considerations (4,348 views)
- Joseph Smith’s Awareness of Greek and Latin (1,710 views)
- “As Far as It Is Translated Correctly”: Bible Translation and the Church (7,644 views)
- What Nephi’s Vision Teaches about the Bible and the Book of Mormon (6,760 views)
- The Da Vinci Code, the Gospel of Judas, and Other Bad Ideas (1,052 views)
- Why Bible Translations Differ: A Guide for the Perplexed (6,917 views)
- Learning from People of Other Faiths (568 views)
- "New Discoveries in the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible" (689 views)
- Joseph Smith, Emanuel Swedenborg, and Section 76: Importance of the Bible in Latter-day Revelation (10,400 views)
- The Origin and Formation of the Corpus of Apocryphal Literature (551 views)
- What If There Were No Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible? (445 views)
- The Ancient Nature of the Gospel (316 views)
- History of the Latter-day Saints (386 views)
- Precious Truths Restored: Joseph Smith Translation Changes Not Included in Our Bible (5,269 views)
- "To Extend the Boundaries of Zion": The London Missionary Society and Rev, John Williams, "Apostle of Polynesia" (137 views)
- What Has Moroni to Do with John? (805 views)
- An Analysis of the Joseph Smith Translation of 1 Corinthians 15:40 (5,854 views)
- How We Got the Book of Moses (1,267 views)
- Robert J. Matthews and His Work with the Joseph Smith Translation (2,660 views)
- Joseph Smith’s Translation of the Bible: A Historical Overview (8,381 views)
- The Doctrinal Restoration (2,561 views)
- Joseph Smith's New Translation of the Bible, 1830 (5,991 views)
- The Copts and the Bible (915 views)
- Isaiah in the Book of Mormon (906 views)
- The Historical Jesus: A Latter-day Saint Perspective (1,926 views)
- A Doctrinal Framework for the New Testament (1,073 views)
- The Sabbath in the Old Testament (94 views)
- The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Roundtable Discussion Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of Their Discovery, Part 1 (457 views)
- Apocryphal Literature and the Latter-day Saints (7,390 views)
- Biblical Hebrew Words You Already Know and Why They Are Important (3,820 views)
- The Confusing Case of Zacharias (52,568 views)