Gospel Topic: Bible
- Textual Criticism and the New Testament (4,824 views)
- Textual Evidences for the Book of Mormon (2,803 views)
- “That Sacred Depository”: Biblical Content in Joseph Smith’s 1832 First Vision Account (31 views)
- "That Ye May Have Hope": Nephi's Use of Isaiah 49:22-23 in Teaching the Concept of Hope (2,048 views)
- The "Spirit" that Returns to God in Ecclesiastes 12:7 (49,345 views)
- The Ages of the Patriarchs in the Joseph Smith Translation (3,615 views)
- The Ancient Nature of the Gospel (349 views)
- The Bible, the Book of Mormon, and the Concept of Scripture (3,236 views)
- The Bible—A Priceless Treasure (404 views)
- The Book of Jasher and the Latter-day Saints (9,214 views)
- The Book of Mormon: Historical Setting for Its Translation and Publication (981 views)
- The Brazen Serpent as a Symbol of Jesus Christ: A Dichotomy of Benevolence and Admonition (230 views)
- The BYU Edition of the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible (1,838 views)
- The Chicago Experiment (248 views)
- The Church of Jesus Christ in Kosrae (145 views)
- The Coming Forth of the King James Bible (1,670 views)
- The Confusing Case of Zacharias (53,606 views)
- The Contribution of the JST to the Old Testament Historical Books (1,145 views)
- The Contribution of the JST to Understanding the Old Testament Prophets (1,893 views)
- The Copts and the Bible (928 views)
- The Covenant among Covenants: The Abrahamic Covenant and Biblical Covenant Making (2,398 views)
- The Cry of the Widow, the Fatherless, and the Stranger: The Covenant Obligation to Help the Poor and Oppressed (2,478 views)
- The Da Vinci Code, the Gospel of Judas, and Other Bad Ideas (1,066 views)
- The Dark Way to the Tree: Typological Unity in the Book of Mormon (1,018 views)
- The dead raised to life! (249 views)
- The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Roundtable Discussion Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of Their Discovery, Part 1 (473 views)
- The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Roundtable Discussion Celebrating the Sixtieth Anniversary of Their Discovery, Part 2 (492 views)
- The Doctrinal Restoration (2,601 views)
- The Doctrine of a Covenant People (7,094 views)
- The Ebla Tablets and the Abraham Tradition (7,982 views)
- The Education of a Prophet: The Role of the New Translation of the Bible in the Life of Joseph Smith (1,657 views)
- The English Bible: A Very Short History (976 views)
- The Exodus (115 views)
- The Field (82 views)
- The Garden of Eden, the Ancient Temple, and Receiving a New Name (21,629 views)
- The Global Church (187 views)
- The Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament (8,117 views)
- The Great Jerusalem Temple Prophecy: Latter-day Context and Likening unto Us (28,452 views)
- The Greek New Testament Text of the King James Version (3,751 views)
- The Historical Jesus: A Latter-day Saint Perspective (1,956 views)
- The Holy Land, June 1896–July 1896 (488 views)
- The Importance of Isaiah's Book (54 views)
- The Influence of the Brass Plates on the Teachings of Nephi (8,426 views)
- The Joseph Smith Translation and Italicized Words in the King James Version (1,552 views)
- The Joseph Smith Translation and the Book of Moses (472 views)
- The Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible: A Panel (2,238 views)
- The JST: Retrospect and Prospect—A Panel (1,932 views)
- The King James Bible and the Book of Mormon (6,848 views)
- The King James Bible and the Doctrine and Covenants (2,945 views)
- The King James Bible and the Joseph Smith Translation (4,989 views)
- The King James Bible in the Days of Joseph Smith (1,691 views)
- The King James Translation of the New Testament (2,663 views)
- The Latter-day Saint Edition of the King James Bible (2,551 views)
- “The Light Shall Begin to Break Forth” Protestant Missions to the Indians in Colonial America (362 views)
- The London Missionary Society in the Cook Islands: Restricting Religious Freedom (47 views)
- The Marriage of Adam and Eve: Ritual and Literary Elements (848 views)
- “The Most Correct Book”: Joseph Smith’s Appraisal (7,241 views)
- The Nag Hammadi Library: a Mormon Perspective (4,061 views)
- The Name and Titles of God in the Old Testament (19,450 views)
- The New Testament and the Latter-day Saints (1,521 views)
- The New Testament: A Translation for Latter-day Saints (557 views)
- The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity (1,082 views)
- The Origin and Formation of the Corpus of Apocryphal Literature (639 views)
- The Parable of the Two Sons: A Revelation about God (4,005 views)
- The Paradoxical Lamb and the Christology of John's Apocalypse (1,700 views)
- The Paradoxical Lamb and the Christology of John's Apocalypse (139 views)
- The Persian Empire and the Restored Jewish Nation (93 views)
- The Plan of Salvation and the Book of Mormon (142 views)
- The Rising of the Holy Bible to the Restoration (669 views)
- The Sabbath in the Old Testament (105 views)
- The Scales (87 views)
- The unpopularity of "Mormonism"? (237 views)
- “The Way of an Eagle”: Birds in the Scriptures (2,695 views)
- The Whole Meaning of the Law: Christ’s Vicarious Sacrifice (526 views)
- “The Word of the Lord in the Original”: Joseph Smith’s Study of Hebrew in Kirtland (5,384 views)
- The World of the Bible (81 views)
- "The Writing Is on the Wall": The Book of Mormon as Interpretive Key (216 views)
- “Then Shall They Be Gods”: The Restoration of the Doctrine of Exaltation (97 views)
- Thomas Bilney: A Prelude to the Restoration (448 views)
- "To Extend the Boundaries of Zion": The London Missionary Society and Rev, John Williams, "Apostle of Polynesia" (153 views)
- Translation and Transculturation in the Pacific (400 views)
- Treatises on miracles (586 views)
- Tsar Alexander I: The King of the North and His Holy Alliance (1,484 views)
- Unveiling Revelation and a Landmark Commentary Series (1,066 views)
- Usage of the Title Elohim (14,308 views)
- Waking Up to Eternity (484 views)
- What Has Moroni to Do with John? (825 views)
- What If There Were No Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible? (454 views)
- What Nephi’s Vision Teaches about the Bible and the Book of Mormon (6,890 views)
- What Old Testament Temples Can Teach Us about Our Own Temple Activity (17,407 views)
- What the Bible Means to Latter-day Saints (2,520 views)
- Where Was Ur of the Chaldees? (39,071 views)
- Who Really Wrote the Gospels? A Study of Traditional Authorship (11,525 views)
- Whose Apocrypha? : Viewing Ancient Apocrypha from the Vantage of Events in the Present Dispensation (2,150 views)
- “Whoso Is Enlightened . . . Shall Obtain Benefit”: The Literary Art of the Apocrypha (389 views)
- Why Bible Translations Differ: A Guide for the Perplexed (7,038 views)
- William Tyndale and the Language of At-one-ment (15,749 views)
- William Tyndale, John Foxe, and the “Boy That Driveth the Plough” (11,272 views)
- Words “Fitly Spoken”: Tyndale’s English Translation of the Bible (11,795 views)
- You Shall Have My Word: Apostolic Dedication and Translation of the Chinese Book of Mormon (1959–65) (2,116 views)