Gospel Topic: Testimony
- The Accounts of Peter’s Denial: Understanding the Texts and Motifs (36,412 views)
- “Jesus Christ, and Him Crucified”: Paul’s Testimony of Christ (29,785 views)
- Matthew's Portrayal of Jesus: Son of David, a New Moses, and Son of God (20,016 views)
- Rending the Veil of Unbelief (17,890 views)
- Peter—the Chief Apostle (14,871 views)
- Bruce R. McConkie’s Final Testimony (13,543 views)
- Ten Testimonies of Jesus Christ from the Book of Mormon (11,693 views)
- Sherem the Anti-Christ (11,687 views)
- Joseph Smith and the Historicity of the Book of Mormon (10,234 views)
- Faith and the Scientific Method (9,509 views)
- Mormon and Moroni: Father and Son (9,222 views)
- Discipleship: Brigham Young and Joseph Smith (8,442 views)
- Choosing the “Good Part” (8,322 views)
- The Gospel of John (8,056 views)
- Baptism (8,003 views)
- The Eleven Witnesses (7,801 views)
- Evaluating the Book of Mormon Witnesses (7,071 views)
- Suffering for the Savior’s Sake (6,798 views)
- The Judgment Seat of Christ (6,134 views)
- "We Talk of Christ, We Rejoice in Christ" (6,002 views)
- Bearing Pure Testimony (5,550 views)
- Teaching Students to Deal with Questions and Doubts: A Perspective and a Pattern (5,308 views)
- The Living Christ: Apostolic Testimonies and Infinite Love (5,229 views)
- Nephi’s Message to the Gentiles (4,834 views)
- “Whom Say Ye That I Am?”: Peter’s Witness of Christ (4,827 views)
- To Whom Is the Arm of the Lord Revealed?” Part 1 (4,694 views)
- The Record of Alma: A Prophetic Pattern of the Principles Governing Testimony (4,689 views)
- Joseph Smith Among the Prophets (4,549 views)
- The Law of Witnesses in 2 Nephi (4,528 views)
- Reading and Receiving: An Interpretation of Moroni’s Promise(s) (3,381 views)
- What Parents Should Teach Their Children from the Book of Mosiah (3,352 views)
- Easter, the Lord’s Day (3,308 views)
- The Role of Evidence in Religious Discussion (3,281 views)
- Wilford Woodruff's 1897 Testimony (3,227 views)
- Witnesses—Those Who Assist to Bring Forth This Work (3,224 views)
- The Testimony of Amaleki (3,101 views)
- The Divine Mission of the Prophet Joseph Smith (2,876 views)
- Joseph Smith, a True Martyr (2,782 views)
- The Present State of Judah and Israel (2,542 views)
- The Challenge of the Book of Mormon (2,467 views)
- Moroni’s Six Commentaries in the Book of Ether (2,450 views)
- Testimony of Jesus Christ (2,245 views)
- The Foolishness of Teaching (2,129 views)
- You Shall Have My Word: Apostolic Dedication and Translation of the Chinese Book of Mormon (1959–65) (2,111 views)
- Moroni 9–10: Remember How Merciful the Lord Hath Been (2,061 views)
- The Middoni Principle (2,012 views)
- Standing as a Witness (2,005 views)
- The Testimony of Alma: “Give Ear to My Words” (1,910 views)
- We Labor Diligently to Persuade Our Children to Believe in Christ: 2 Nephi 25:21 to 26:11 (1,901 views)
- Discussing Difficult Topics: The Book of Abraham (1,741 views)
- “A Prophet . . . Like unto Thee” (1,601 views)
- Alma as an Intentional Father (1,469 views)
- "A Pattern in All Things that Ye May Not Be Deceived": Prophetic Themes as an Anchor in Book of Mormon and Young Adult Religion Courses (1,401 views)
- Lessons from Liberty Jail (1,374 views)
- Stephen Burnett versus the Eight Witnesses: An Exercise in Mature Historical Thinking (1,299 views)
- Developing Teenage Testimonies: Programs and Pedagogy with Spiritual Impact (1,265 views)
- A House of Faith: How Family Religiosity Strengthens Our Children (1,257 views)
from By Divine Design
- John Taylor, Teacher of the Atonement (1,233 views)
- The Expanding Role of Joseph Smith’s First Vision in Mormon Religious Thought (1,204 views)
- The Four Gospels as Testimonies (1,192 views)
- The Beginnings of Christianity in the Book of Mormon (1,142 views)
- Preparing Our Hearts (1,132 views)
- Nephi’s Message to the “Gentiles” (1,048 views)
- Angus M. Cannon: Pioneer, President, Patriarch (1,040 views)
- “He Is Risen” (1,016 views)
- A Discussion of Lecture 7: Fruits of Faith (1,012 views)
- Hell To Pay In Missouri (986 views)
- Testimony of Jesus Christ (982 views)
from Celebrating Easter
- Major Doctrinal Contributions of the JST (977 views)
- The Credibility of the Book of Mormon Translators (939 views)
- “The Circumference of the Apostleship” (895 views)
- Building Stronger Testimonies (881 views)
- Faith in Jesus Christ (870 views)
- Serving Students: A Conversation with Chad H Webb (856 views)
- An Invitation to Study the Book of Mormon (853 views)
- I See You, God (840 views)
- Joseph Smith and the Rise of a World Religion (825 views)
- Raising the Bar: Preparing Future Missionaries (793 views)
- Becoming Master Teachers (772 views)
- We Believe and Are Sure (718 views)
- The Religiosity of Mormon Men and Women through the Life Cycle (676 views)
- Entries 101–200 (670 views)
- Tying It to the Priesthood: Harold B. Lee’s Restructuring of the Young Men Organization (651 views)
- Doctrine and Covenants: A Roundtable Discussion, Part 2 (627 views)
- Vital Gospel Nutrients (583 views)
- The Testimony of Christ Through the Ages (581 views)
- The Messengers and the Message: Missionaries to the Lamanites (553 views)
- A Lifetime of Deep Learning (549 views)
- "More Value . . . Than All the Gold and Silver of England": The Book of Mormon in Britain, 1837–52 (519 views)
- Engaging without Being Defensive (481 views)
- The Book of Mormon: A Powerful Model for Distance Learning (480 views)
- Truth Restored (476 views)
- A House of Faith (418 views)
- History of the Latter-day Saints (412 views)
- Planting Seeds with Little Harvest (1891-97) (401 views)
- Veteran Accounts (398 views)
- Preparing Elders, Sisters, and Couples to Serve (379 views)
- On Confessing Belief: Thoughts on the Language of the Articles of Faith (378 views)
- The Consecrated Service of Elder John W. F. Volker: The Netherlands Mission (373 views)
- Institutionalizing the Church in San Marcos and Environs (370 views)