Gospel Topic: Death
- Miracles of Jesus in the Gospel of John (51,084 views)
- The "Spirit" that Returns to God in Ecclesiastes 12:7 (49,377 views)
- Interpreting Caiaphas’s “Prophecy” of the Savior’s Death (35,598 views)
- “Jesus Christ, and Him Crucified”: Paul’s Testimony of Christ (29,823 views)
- Six Days in August: Brigham Young and the Succession Crisis of 1844 (29,271 views)
- The Life of the Apostle Paul: An Overview (25,882 views)
- Paul the Apostle: Champion of the Doctrine of the Resurrection (22,901 views)
- Matthew's Portrayal of Jesus: Son of David, a New Moses, and Son of God (20,115 views)
- The Great Plan of Happiness: A Christ-Centered Visual Approach (19,496 views)
- Caroline Young Harris: The Kirtland Wife of Martin Harris (18,674 views)
- Jesus and the Ossuaries: First-Century Jewish Burial Practices and the Lost Tomb of Jesus (15,850 views)
- Clothing and Textiles in the New Testament (15,380 views)
- Abinadi: The Prophet and Martyr (15,352 views)
- Peter—the Chief Apostle (14,888 views)
- Enoch in the Old Testament and Beyond (14,647 views)
- A New Meaning of “Restoration”: The Book of Mormon on Life after Death (14,503 views)
- The Vision of the Redemption of the Dead (D&C 138) (14,283 views)
- The Use of the Old Testament in the New Testament Gospels (13,879 views)
- The Condescension of God according to Paul (13,537 views)
- Teaching the Book of Revelation: Five Considerations (13,153 views)
- The Natural Man: An Enemy to God (12,607 views)
- Between the Testaments: The History of Judea Between the Testaments of the Bible (12,421 views)
- “Between the Time of Death and the Resurrection”: A Doctrinal Examination of the Spirit World (12,382 views)
- Roman Law Relating to the New Testament (11,788 views)
- Paul as a Witness of the Work of God (11,607 views)
- Confucianism (11,132 views)
- Simon Peter (11,079 views)
from Peter and the Popes
- “Behold the Lamb of God” (10,349 views)
- Restoration, Redemption, and Resurrection: Three R’s of the Book of Mormon (9,639 views)
- The State of the Soul between Death and the Resurrection (9,302 views)
- Hell Second Death, Lake of Fire and Brimstone, and Outer Darkness (9,183 views)
- Gethsemane and Golgotha: Why and What the Savior Suffered (8,685 views)
- John Taylor: Beyond “A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief” (8,673 views)
- Judea as a Roman Province, AD 6-66 (8,635 views)
- Discipleship: Brigham Young and Joseph Smith (8,497 views)
- Earthquakes, Wars, Holocausts, Disease, and Inhumanity: Why Doesn’t God Intervene? (8,477 views)
- The Final Judgment (8,192 views)
- Resurrection: The Ultimate Triumph (8,124 views)
- Greco-Roman Philosophy and the New Testament (7,680 views)
- The Savior’s Ministry to the Spirit World (7,543 views)
- The Lamb of God: Unique Aspects of the Passion Narrative in John (7,540 views)
- The Grace and Mercy of Jesus Christ (7,538 views)
- What Is the Purpose of Suffering? (7,328 views)
- The Life of Jesus of Nazareth: An Overview (7,163 views)
- The Overlooked Epistle of Jude (7,146 views)
- The Atonement of Jesus Christ—“Glad Tidings of Great Joy” (7,095 views)
- The Crucifixion (6,789 views)
- The Divine Nature of Jesus Christ during Mortality (6,180 views)
- Messianism and Jewish Messiahs in the New Testament Period (6,178 views)
- The Destruction of Jerusalem (5,690 views)
- The Revelation of Jesus Christ to Paul: Presenting a Deeper, Full Christology (5,550 views)
- The Factor of Fear in the Trial of Jesus (5,532 views)
- Reading 2 Peter as a Farewell Text (5,262 views)
- Sikhism (5,247 views)
- Mourning with Hope (5,235 views)
- What’s on the Other Side? : A Conversation with Brent L. Top on the Spirit World (4,819 views)
- Jonah: Testimony of the Resurrection (4,572 views)
- "By His Own Blood He Entered in Once into the Holy Place": Jesus in Hebrews 9 (4,313 views)
- From Obscurity to Scripture: Joseph F. Smith's Vision of the Redemption of the Dead (4,065 views)
- The Idea of Redemption in Christianity and Islam (3,980 views)
- For Heaven’s Sake: A Review of N. T. Wright’s Surprised by Hope (3,879 views)
- The Book of Revelation: Following the Lamb (3,664 views)
- Those Who Have Never Heard: A Survey of the Major Positions (3,625 views)
- “A Modern Patriarchal Family”: The Wives of Joseph F. Smith in the Relief Society Magazine, 1915-19 (3,582 views)
- The Probationary Nature of Mortality (3,519 views)
- Alma’s Conversion: Reminiscences in His Sermons (3,517 views)
- “The First Principles of Man Are Self-Existent with God”: The Immortality of the Soul in Mormon Theology (3,504 views)
- We Have Found the Messiah (3,480 views)
- The Exalted Lord (3,473 views)
- The Mississippi Saints: A Unique Odyssey of Southern Pioneers (3,387 views)
- Easter, the Lord’s Day (3,318 views)
- Marcan Christology: Narrating the Christ (3,245 views)
- Life Beyond the Grave: Christian Interfaith Perspectives (3,182 views)
- Beyond Justice: Reading Alma 42 in the Context of Atonement Theories (3,069 views)
- Development of the Understanding of the Postmortal Spirit World (3,020 views)
- Justice, Mercy and the Atonement in the Teachings of Alma to Corianton (2,996 views)
- A Most Remarkable Family: The Ohio Legacy of the Asael and Mary Duty Smith Family (2,948 views)
- The Fatherhood of Christ and the Atonement (2,816 views)
- Ethnohistorical Sources and the Death of Abinadi (2,790 views)
- Joseph Smith, a True Martyr (2,786 views)
- Redemption's Grand Design for Both the Living and the Dead (2,759 views)
- Resurrection: “A Matter of Surpassing Wonder” (2,711 views)
- The Atonement (2,629 views)
- Doctrinal Contributions of Joseph F. Smith (2,229 views)
- “How Long, Oh Lord, How Long?” James E. Talmage and the Great War (2,178 views)
- Christ’s Crucifixion: Reclamation of the Cross (2,140 views)
- Joseph Smith on the Body as a Fallen or Blessed Vessel (2,124 views)
- New Creatures in Christ (2,056 views)
- The Resurrection (2,015 views)
- The Resurrection: An Embattled Keystone (2,015 views)
- Born of God—Partaking of the Fruit (2,006 views)
- In Praise of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ: The Culmination of His Saving Work (1,914 views)
- Teachings of Church Leaders on Christ's Final Seven Statements (1,826 views)
- Deaths in Early Nauvoo, Illinois, 1839–46, and in Winter Quarters, Nebraska, 1846–48 (1,825 views)
- Cut Off from the Face and Presence: Alma’s Use of Hebraistic Idioms to Teach the Fall (1,784 views)
- The 1911 Dedication of the Oliver Cowdery Monument in Richmond, Missouri (1,777 views)
- Beings Divine or Devilish: Which Is the Destroyer Riding upon the Waters? (1,743 views)
- Joseph Smith’s Accuracy on the First Vision Setting: The Pivotal 1818 Palmyra Camp Meeting (1,723 views)
- The Paradoxical Lamb and the Christology of John's Apocalypse (1,701 views)
- “We Are Not Cut Off”: Separation and Reconciliation through Sacred Covenants (1,683 views)