Gospel Topic: Restoration of the Gospel
- Restorations: Scholars in Dialogue from Community of Christ and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (2,159 views)
- "A Covenant and a Deed Which Cannot Be Broken": The Continuing Saga of Consecration (732 views)
- A Different Jesus? The Christ of the Restoration (22,368 views)
- A House Divided: Utah and the Return of the Wolf (1,363 views)
- A Marvelous Work and a Wonder (1,038 views)
- A New Meaning of “Restoration”: The Book of Mormon on Life after Death (14,407 views)
- A People Prepared (226 views)
- “A Revelation I Give unto You”: The Revelation of Jesus Christ to Emma Hale Smith (923 views)
- Acquiring Cumorah (1,530 views)
- Alma's Loving Counsel to His Sons about the Law of Justice (1,151 views)
- Alma’s Attempt to Loose Corianton’s Mind from Zoramite Chains (605 views)
- An Everlasting Covenant: The Old Testament through the Lenses of the Restoration (656 views)
- "And Now My Son, I Have Somewhat More to Say": Corianton's Concerns, Alma's Theology, and Nephite Tradition (745 views)
- Angels and Demons: Joseph Smith’s Apocalyptic Restoration (56 views)
- Appendix: Principal Christological Titles in the New Testament (119 views)
- Become as Little Children: Participating in the Household of God (70 views)
- “Behold, I Am the Lord of Glory”: Analyzing the Lord’s Self-Introduction in Joseph Smith’s First Vision (35 views)
- Church and State: The National Park Service and Nauvoo (71 views)
- “Come, See the Place”: Teaching Students the Value of Historic Sites (318 views)
- Conclusion (410 views)
- Contributions of the Restoration (542 views)
- Creating BYU's "Foundations of the Restoration" Course: Historian's Corner (125 views)
- Deconstructing the Sacred Narrative of the Restoration (668 views)
- “Delivered by the Power of God”: Nephi’s Vision of America’s Birth (3,736 views)
- Dispersing the Darkness: Joseph Smith and His First Vision (274 views)
- Doctrine and Covenants 93: How and What We Worship (6,662 views)
- Early Life of and Religious Influences on Joseph Smith (200 views)
- Enoch in the Old Testament and Beyond (13,545 views)
- Entrenching a Fundamental: Use of the First Vision in General Conference (390 views)
- Faculty and Staff Notes (42 views)
- Foreword (51 views)
- Grace and Works in Martin Luther and Joseph Smith (1,184 views)
- "Her Borders Must Be Enlarged": Evolving Conceptions of Zion (343 views)
- Home-Centered Pathways to Personal and Interpersonal Revelatory Experiences (71 views)
- Introduction: The Worldwide Reach of Mormonism (38 views)
- Introduction: The Grand Tapestry of the Restoration (82 views)
- Isaiah and the Restoration of Israel (17,381 views)
- John Wesley: A Methodist Foundation for the Restoration (2,716 views)
- Joseph Smith and the Problem of Loneliness (1,154 views)
- Joseph Smith and the Restoration of Temple Service (2,417 views)
- Joseph Smith’s First Vision: “The Greatest Event . . . since the Resurrection of the Son of God” (1,037 views)
- Joseph, Moroni, and the “Priesthood Garment”: A Latter-day Restoration of “Covenantal Clothing” (112 views)
- Justice, Mercy and the Atonement in the Teachings of Alma to Corianton (2,892 views)
- Kirtland Bibliography (1,102 views)
- Law of God/God of Law: The Law of Moses in Alma's Teachings to Corianton (1,226 views)
- Learning from People of Other Faiths (564 views)
- Literary Craftsmanship of the Joseph Smith Story (111 views)
- "Millions Shall Know Brother Joseph Again": Joseph Smith's Place among the Prophets (2,294 views)
- Moroni and the Restoration: A Closer Look (2,516 views)
- Multimedia Resources Tell Restoration Story (155 views)
- Nauvoo Restoration Drawings and Photographs (410 views)
- Nephi, Isaiah, and the Latter-day Restoration (6,182 views)
- New Temple Festivals in the Temple Scroll (2,174 views)
- "O Lord, What Church Shall I Join?": The Question and the Answer (261 views)
- Obadiah 1:21: Context, Text, Interpretation, and Application (1,904 views)
- Preface (111 views)
- Raising Money in Righteousness: Oliver Cowdery as Banker (1,083 views)
- Reflections on Apostasy and Restoration (4,065 views)
- Religious Liberty in Historical and Global Perspective (55 views)
- Shedding Light on Church History: Repicturing the Restoration (298 views)
- South American Seminar (103 views)
- Susa Young Gates's "Vision Beautiful" (398 views)
- Teaching Isaiah with a Restoration Focus by Improving Historical Awareness: Study Resources (335 views)
- Teaching the Doctrine of the Resurrection when Sharing the Gospel (1,427 views)
from Celebrating Easter
- Teaching the Four Gospels: Five Considerations (92 views)
- "That Ye May Have Hope": Nephi's Use of Isaiah 49:22-23 in Teaching the Concept of Hope (1,906 views)
- The (True) Light of Christ in Joseph Smith’s Revelations (767 views)
- The Ancient Nature of the Gospel (309 views)
- The Book of Moses and Temple Worship (1,091 views)
- The Brigham Young Family: Transition between Reformed Methodism and Mormonism (1,479 views)
- The Certain Restoration of Judah and Israel (3,384 views)
- The Community of Christ and Other Restoration Movements: Outreach (299 views)
- The Contribution of the JST to the Old Testament Historical Books (1,132 views)
- The Covenant among Covenants: The Abrahamic Covenant and Biblical Covenant Making (2,149 views)
- The Desert Blossoms as a Rose: Toward a Western Conservation Aesthetic (1,338 views)
- The Doctrinal Restoration (2,553 views)
- The Explanatory Introduction: A Guide to the Doctrine and Covenants (1,224 views)
- The First Vision Goes to the Movies (368 views)
- The First Vision in 2020 (391 views)
- The First Visions (300 views)
- The Imagery of Hosea's Family and the Restoration of Israel (8,809 views)
- The Imagery of Hosea’s Family and the Restoration of Israel (108 views)
- The Impact of the Doctrinal Restoration: How the World Was Different after Joseph Smith (3,553 views)
- The Joseph Smith Translation and the Book of Moses (421 views)
- “The Kingdom of God and His Laws”: Joseph Smith’s Revelations and Teachings on Christ’s Kingdom and Church in the Council of Fifty (550 views)
- The Morning Breaks: The Glorious Light of Restoration (875 views)
- The New Translation and the Revelations (62 views)
- The Ordination of Q. Walker Lewis (196 views)
- The Radical Reformation and the Restoration of the Gospel (2,662 views)
- The Rainbow as a Token in Genesis: Covenants and Promises in the Flood Story (782 views)
- The Restoration as Covenant Renewal (13,461 views)
- The Restoration of All Things: What the Doctrine and Covenants Says (6,838 views)
- The Restoration of All Things: What the Doctrine and Covenants Says (786 views)
- The Restoration of Dreams as Revelation (36 views)
- The Restoration of Plain and Precious Parts: The Book of Helaman (600 views)
- The Restoration of the New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage (4,340 views)
- The Restoration of the Priesthoods (693 views)
- The Savior’s Doctrine and Covenants “I Am” Statements (42 views)
- The Scriptural Restoration (800 views)
- The Stem of Salvation and the Rod of Restoration: Revisiting Biblical Exegesis and Latter-day Saint Interpretation of Isaiah 11:1 (4,826 views)