Gospel Topic: Atonement of Jesus Christ
- Greater Love Hath No Man: A Latter-day Saint Guide to Celebrating the Easter Season (4,500 views)
- A Doctrinal Framework for the New Testament (1,051 views)
- A Liar from the Beginning (7,921 views)
- A New Commandment: The Transformative Power of Redeeming Love (2,443 views)
- A Simple but Powerful Path to Forgiveness (Alma 36) (7,792 views)
- Abinadi’s Commentary on Isaiah (1,388 views)
- Accomplishing the Will of the Father: A Historical and Theological Examination of Doctrine and Covenants 19 (751 views)
- Adoption and Atonement: Becoming Sons and Daughters of Christ (3,990 views)
- "After All We Can Do" (2 Nephi 25:23) (220 views)
- “After All We Can Do” (2 Nephi 25:23) (44,125 views)
- Agency and Freedom in the Divine Plan (4,190 views)
- Alive in Christ: the Salvation of Little Children (2,985 views)
- Alma the Younger: A Disciple’s Quest to Become (8,828 views)
- Alma's Loving Counsel to His Sons about the Law of Justice (1,129 views)
- Alma’s Conversion: Reminiscences in His Sermons (3,396 views)
- Alma’s Conversion: Reminiscences in His Sermons (908 views)
- Alma’s Conversion: Reminiscences in His Sermons (915 views)
- "Always Remember Him" (322 views)
- And He Did Invite Them One By One (975 views)
- "And Now My Son, I Have Somewhat More to Say": Corianton's Concerns, Alma's Theology, and Nephite Tradition (739 views)
- Applying the Atonement of Jesus Christ (1,825 views)
- Arma Christi (415 views)
- Ascended into Heaven: The Book of Mormon's Witness of Jesus Christ's Ascension (83 views)
- Atonement of Jesus Christ (7,681 views)
- Atoning Grace on Progression's Highway: Explorations into Latter-day Saint Theological Anthropology (479 views)
- Autumn, Olives, and the Atonement (4,620 views)
- B. H. Roberts: The Book of Mormon and the Atonement (1,634 views)
- “Be Ye Therefore Perfect”: Beyond the Perfectionist Paradigm (4,405 views)
- “Behold the Lamb of God” (9,442 views)
- Beyond Justice: Reading Alma 42 in the Context of Atonement Theories (2,948 views)
- Born of God—Partaking of the Fruit (1,931 views)
- Bounce Back and Move Forward: Resilience and Posttraumatic Growth (1,192 views)
- Bruce R. McConkie’s Final Testimony (13,178 views)
- "By His Own Blood He Entered in Once into the Holy Place": Jesus in Hebrews 9 (4,073 views)
- Choosing Divinity, Choosing Christ (436 views)
- Choosing Redemption (41 views)
- Choosing Redemption (2,034 views)
- Christ, Our Advocate and High Priest (6,714 views)
- Christ, Our Advocate and High Priest (863 views)
from Celebrating Easter
- Christianity (1,385 views)
- Christ’s Crucifixion: Reclamation of the Cross (5,486 views)
- Christ’s Crucifixion: Reclamation of the Cross (2,067 views)
- “Come, Follow Me”: The Imitation of Christ in the Later Middle Ages (1,112 views)
- Conclusion: Focus on His Invitation (53 views)
- Days of Wickedness and Vengeance: Analysis of 3 Nephi 6 and 7 (3,132 views)
- Declared Guiltless: Justification by Faith in the Latter-day Saint Classroom (2,196 views)
- Deliverance from Bondage (10,422 views)
- Divine Indebtedness and the Atonement (3,493 views)
- Doctrines from Our Savior’s Final Words (1,541 views)
- Elements of Sacrifice in Abraham’s Time and Our Own (16,497 views)
- Endowed with Power (2,393 views)
- Expanding Our Gratitude for Jesus Christ (871 views)
- Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (2,668 views)
- Faith unto Repentance: The Fulness of the Simple Way (2,016 views)
- Faith Unto Repentance (17,111 views)
- Familial and Religious Influences on Suicidal Ideation (362 views)
- Fathers and Sons: Textual Connections between 2 Nephi 2 and Alma 42 (43 views)
- “Fear Not, I Am with Thee”: The Redeeming, Strengthening, and Perfecting Blessings of Christ’s Atonement (3,877 views)
- Feeling God’s Love (3,088 views)
- Focus on His Forgiveness (138 views)
- For the Sake of Retaining a Remission of Your Sins (4,745 views)
- From Calvary to Cumorah: What Mormon History Means to Me (212 views)
- Gethsemane and Golgotha: Why and What the Savior Suffered (8,064 views)
- Good Friday (166 views)
- He Has Risen: The Resurrection Narratives as a Witness of Corporeal Regeneration (1,098 views)
- “He Healed Them All”: Understanding Mental Illness in the Classroom (1,476 views)
- "He Is Not Ashamed to Call Them Brethren": Family Structure in Hebrew 2:10-18 and Jesus Christ's Fraternal Roles in Atoning for Humanity (112 views)
- “He Lives to Bless Me with His Love” (605 views)
- Hebrews and the General Epistles: Hebrews, James, 1-2 Peter, 1-3 John, and Jude (5,525 views)
- Hell Second Death, Lake of Fire and Brimstone, and Outer Darkness (8,666 views)
- Hostility toward Jesus: Prelude to the Passion (2,827 views)
from Celebrating Easter
- How "Come unto Me" Fits into the Nephite Gospel (652 views)
- How to Be Reclaimed from the Fall of Adam (1,478 views)
- "I Am the Law": Jesus Christ and the Law of Moses in the Book of Mormon (184 views)
- “I Stand All Amazed” (4,250 views)
- “I Will Give Judgment unto Him in Writing”: The Three Law Codes of the Pentateuch (176 views)
- In Praise of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ: The Culmination of His Saving Work (1,782 views)
- In the Steps of Jesus (404 views)
- Infant Salvation: Book of Mormon Theology in a Nineteenth-Century Context (724 views)
- Isaiah Used Symbols to Teach Eternal and Significant Truths (80 views)
- "It Is Finished": The Divine Accomplishment of the Crucifixion (2,039 views)
from Celebrating Easter
- Jacob: Prophet, Theologian, Historian (705 views)
- Jesus Christ: The Savior Who Knows (142 views)
- Jesus Christ: The Focus of Isaiah's Message (125 views)
- Jesus Christ and Salvation (3,536 views)
- Jesus Christ: Priest, King, and Prophet (1,582 views)
- Jesus Christ: The Savior Who Knows (4,209 views)
from Celebrating Easter
- Jesus’ Atonement Foretold through His Birth (8,365 views)
- Jews and Greeks: The Broader Context for Writing the New Testament (20,038 views)
- John Taylor, Teacher of the Atonement (1,163 views)
- John the Beloved: Special Witness of the Atonement (2,296 views)
- Joseph Smith and the Problem of Loneliness (970 views)
- Joseph Smith's Articles of Faith (397 views)
- Joseph Smith, Gethsemane, and the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ (1,130 views)
- Justice, Mercy and the Atonement in the Teachings of Alma to Corianton (2,835 views)
- Laman and Lemuel: A Case Study in “Not Becoming” (25,091 views)
- Latter-day Saint Liturgical Practice: The Psalms and the Day of Atonement (389 views)
- Law of God/God of Law: The Law of Moses in Alma's Teachings to Corianton (1,202 views)
- Lessons from the Atonement (1,626 views)
- "Light of the World" (344 views)