Religious Educator Vol. 22 No. 3 · 2021

The Church Educational System Fleet
Editor's Note
With the generous support of Seminaries and Institutes, we present what is affectionately called the “S&I issue” of the Religious Educator. Historically, this issue has sought to publish content relevant to the upcoming course of study and pedagogical reflections about teaching. True to that charge, we are pleased to share articles on the Old Testament, deep learning, and literacy, highlighted by an interview with the outgoing commissioner of education, Elder Paul V. Johnson, who reflects on his life as a religious educator.
“If you are thinking of a metaphor,” Elder Johnson observes in his interview, “you might think of something like a naval fleet of ships, where the whole fleet has a strategic mission, but each ship has a little different role. You have a flagship, you have an aircraft carrier, you have a cruiser, you have a submarine. They’re each designed to do a little bit different things and yet there is overlap in what they are trying to do.” We are especially pleased by the broad representation from the fleet in this issue as well as the cooperation from a sister department, all focused on the goal of helping students deepen their faith in Jesus Christ.
Finally, as a personal note, I am stepping down as editor of the journal, succeeded by professors Jared W. Ludlow and Michael A. Goodman. Thank you to the countless authors, reviewers, and readers who helped me in my efforts to produce a journal that seeks to strengthen teaching of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
Scott C. Esplin
Editor in Chief