Gospel Topic: Jesus Christ
- Bibliography (8 views)
- Chapter 1: I Am Ready (51 views)
- Chapter 10: Prepare Me for Thy Use (28 views)
- Chapter 9: The Covenants and Keys of the Kingdom (19 views)
- Building Emotional Resilience (38 views)
- Our Divine Identity (43 views)
- Revealing the Truths About You (40 views)
- Self-Doubt: The Antithesis of Faith (42 views)
- The Building Blocks of Self-Worth (62 views)
- Addressing the Crisis in Meaning and Identity Through Covenant Relationship (258 views)
- Expecting More (316 views)
- Experiencing the Doctrine of Christ (277 views)
- Teaching That Leads to Enduring Conversion (253 views)
- Department and Individual Efforts to Amplify Prophetic Messages (93 views)
- Helping Students to Take Charge of Their Own Testimonies (258 views)
- Institutional Efforts to Amplify Prophetic Messages (127 views)
- Seminaries and Institutes Reach and Impact Update (162 views)
- Vital Gospel Nutrients (592 views)
- Mentoring: Covenant Women’s Leadership (305 views)
- The Chosen Conference (192 views)
- Angels and Demons: Joseph Smith’s Apocalyptic Restoration (89 views)
- Joseph Smith’s Multiple Visions of the Father and the Son (83 views)
- Joseph Smith’s Vision of the Celestial Kingdom: The Problem of Evil, the Promise of Salvation (42 views)
- Joseph Smith’s Visions and the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ (81 views)
- “Let the Hearts of All My People Rejoice” (27 views)
- The Joseph Smith Papers Project’s Elucidation of the Visionary and Visitation Experiences of Joseph Smith (26 views)
- Doctrine and Covenants Insights: Capstone of Doctrinal Understanding (3,941 views)
- Bibliography (9 views)
- “Be Not Weary in Well Doing”: Josefina Sacro Villanueva and the Growth of the Church in the Philippines (29 views)
- “Behold, It Was the Faith of . . .”: Stories of Latter-day Saint Women from Papua New Guinea (23 views)
- “Eternity Sketch’d in a Vision”: The Poetic Version of Doctrine and Covenants 76: (Doctrine and Covenants 76) (62 views)
- From the Palace to Dust, from Dust to the Clouds (24 views)
- “I Will Send You Elijah the Prophet”: (Doctrine and Covenants 110) (41 views)
- Women of Micronesia Navigate Cultural Crosscurrents (28 views)
- Sacramental Connections: Deliverance, Redemption, and Safety: (Doctrine and Covenants 27) (67 views)
- The Life and Teachings of Chieko N. Okazaki (47 views)
- “An House of Prayer for All People”: A Guide to Christ’s Cleansing of the Temple (500 views)
- Declared Guiltless: Justification by Faith in the Latter-day Saint Classroom (2,448 views)
- Seminary Life Preparation Lessons (1,695 views)
- The Good, the Bad, and the Heavenly: Considering Opposition in All Things (929 views)
- The Articles of the Church of Christ (20 views)
- Learning From Spiritual and Secular Sources: Orchestrating Inspired Discussions While Teaching in the Savior’s Way (401 views)
- Observation, Reason, Faith, and Revelation (1,476 views)
- Stirreth Up the People (397 views)
- Walk with Me: Towards a Christ-Inspired Shepherd-Leader Apprenticeship Model of Leadership Development (484 views)
- Bringing Wilford Woodruff to Life (237 views)
- "A Pattern in All Things that Ye May Not Be Deceived": Prophetic Themes as an Anchor in Book of Mormon and Young Adult Religion Courses (1,406 views)
- Helping Young Adults Work through Complex Issues of Faith (811 views)
- "I Say unto You, My Brethren": Helping Female Students See Themselves in the Book of Mormon (749 views)
- Names and Titles of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in the Book of Mormon (2,624 views)
- Preparing Students for Eternity (333 views)
- Seeing, Knowing, and Recognizing the True Identity of Christ (716 views)
- Standing Again through the Resurrection of Christ (49 views)
- "That Evil May Be Done Away": Wickedness and Christ's Power to Save (295 views)
- Witnesses of the Redeemer (62 views)
- Witnesses of the Restoration and the Resurrection (45 views)
- Alma and the Plan of Redemption (50 views)
- "Expound[ing] All the Scriptures in One": Christ's Use of Nephi's Words (43 views)
- The Savior's Voice in the Book of Mormon (88 views)
- Voices in the Book of Mormon (93 views)
- A Provocative Application: Old Testament Allusion in the Record of Jacob (52 views)
- "Because of Faith and Great Anxiety": Jacob and the Challenges of Mental Health (5,131 views)
- "Abiding by Its Precepts": Using Precepts to Draw Closer to Jesus Christ (445 views)
- Abinadi and the Witness of Jesus Christ (143 views)
- Appendix: Book of Mormon Promised Blessings (70 views)
- Christ and the Cup (103 views)
- Finding His Flock: Ammon's Instructions on Gathering (61 views)
- Loving Our Neighbor: Ammon and the Lamanite Queen (100 views)
- Rabbanah: Ammon as a Type of Jesus Christ (125 views)
- Staying by the Tree of Life (382 views)
- Training Up a Child: Parenting in the Book of Mormon (65 views)
- Five Important Texts That Help Us to Understand Isaiah (189 views)
- Introduction (28 views)
- Isaiah Used Symbols to Teach Eternal and Significant Truths (86 views)
- Jesus Christ: The Focus of Isaiah's Message (152 views)
- The Importance of Isaiah's Book (54 views)
- The Man Named Isaiah (102 views)
- Ways to Read Isaiah: Six Outlooks (70 views)
- Alma’s Cry for Salvation (528 views)
- The Divine Mission of the Prophet Joseph Smith (2,876 views)
- The Martyrdoms of Ignatius, Polycarp, and Perpetua: Windows into Christian Discipleship in Ancient Rome (1,406 views)
- According to Their Faith: Alma and Amulek Typify Jesus in Overcoming Evil (134 views)
- Ascended into Heaven: The Book of Mormon's Witness of Jesus Christ's Ascension (95 views)
- Book of Mormon "Trinitarianism" and the Nature of Jesus Christ: Old and New World Contexts (439 views)
- Coming to Know Christ through the "I Am" Statements in the Book of Mormon (2,865 views)
- "I Am the Law": Jesus Christ and the Law of Moses in the Book of Mormon (208 views)
- Introduction (23 views)
- Jesus Christ and the Gathering of Israel: A Book of Mormon Perspective (228 views)
- Jesus Christ as a Revealer of Ordinances in the Book of Mormon (632 views)
- Mentoring in the Savior's Way: Learning from Jesus Christ's Example in 3 Nephi (125 views)
- Remember Him: The Christ-Centered Focus of Remember in the Book of Mormon (129 views)
- "That They May Bear Testimony of Him": Jesus Christ's Communication to and about Prophets in the Book of Mormon (83 views)
- The Book of Mormon's Relevance for Us: Promises for Our Time (71 views)
- The Brazen Serpent as a Symbol of Jesus Christ: A Dichotomy of Benevolence and Admonition (230 views)
- The Way, the Truth, and the Way to Truth: Harmony in Pursuit of Orthodoxy (328 views)
- "After All We Can Do" (2 Nephi 25:23) (247 views)
- Dealing with Difficulty in Scripture: Divine Violence in the Book of Mormon (52 views)
- Lessons from the Zarahemla Churches (32 views)
- Scripture and Revelation (172 views)
- The Historicity of the Book of Mormon (69 views)