Gospel Topic: Family
- Paul’s Inspired Teachings on Marriage (65,365 views)
- The Life of the Apostle Paul: An Overview (24,898 views)
- Ruth, Redemption, Covenant, and Christ (19,272 views)
- Eternal Marriage and Family in the Old Testament (18,920 views)
- The Earliest Documented Accounts of Joseph Smith’s First Vision (17,170 views)
- "A Subject That Can Bear Investigation": Anguish, Faith, and Joseph Smith's Youngest Plural Wife (15,806 views)
- Jesus and the Ossuaries: First-Century Jewish Burial Practices and the Lost Tomb of Jesus (15,294 views)
- Caroline Young Harris: The Kirtland Wife of Martin Harris (14,670 views)
- Bruce R. McConkie’s Final Testimony (13,430 views)
- Four C’s of the Mormon Family: Chastity, Conjugality, Children, and Chauvinism (13,253 views)
- The Influence of Three Agents of Religious Socialization: Family, Church, and Peers (13,163 views)
- Roman Law Relating to the New Testament (11,437 views)
- Using Section 84 to Emphasize the Priesthood Power of Women (11,022 views)
- Confucianism (10,922 views)
- The Sociocultural Context of the Sermon on the Mount (10,723 views)
- Vital Statistics (10,649 views)
- The Premortal Godhood of Christ: A Restoration Perspective (9,516 views)
- The Doctrines of Eternal Marriage and Eternal Families (9,325 views)
- The Probation of a Teenage Seer: Joseph Smith’s Early Experiences with Moroni (9,261 views)
- Shinto (9,077 views)
- Father Lehi (8,610 views)
- Latter-day Saints in the Civil War (7,355 views)
from Civil War Saints
- “Line upon Line”: Joseph Smith’s Growing Understanding of the Eternal Family (7,115 views)
- Khirbet Beit Lei and the Book of Mormon: An Archaeologist’s Evaluation (7,035 views)
- Appendix D: Celebrating Holy Week: A Resource Guide for Latter-day Saints (6,980 views)
- The Prophet Nephi (6,903 views)
- Motherhood: Restoring Clarity and Vision in a World of Confusing Messages (6,797 views)
from By Divine Design
- The Power of Inspired Invitations (6,794 views)
- The Plates of Ether and the Covenant of the Book of Mormon (6,653 views)
- Using the Book of Mormon to Meet Today's Challenges (6,604 views)
- Family Life (5,750 views)
- Teaching Students to Deal with Questions and Doubts: A Perspective and a Pattern (5,253 views)
- Jeremiah’s Imprisonment and the Date of Lehi’s Departure (5,135 views)
- Lehi Dreamed a Dream: The Report of Lehi’s Dream in Its Biblical Context (5,001 views)
- Delinquency (4,950 views)
- The Double Nature of God’s Saving Work: The Plan of Salvation and Salvation History (4,913 views)
- Spirituality and Self-Worth: The Role of Religion in Shaping Teens’ Self-Image (4,912 views)
- The Dimensions of Religiosity: A Conceptual Model with an Empirical Test (4,904 views)
- "Because of Faith and Great Anxiety": Jacob and the Challenges of Mental Health (4,897 views)
- Joseph Smith’s Developing Relationship with the Apocrypha (4,896 views)
- Elizabeth Ann Whitmer Cowdery: A Historical Reflection of Her Life (4,872 views)
- Close Friends as Witnesses: Joseph Smith and the Joseph Knight Families (4,795 views)
- Elijah's Mission: His Keys, Powers, and Blessings from the Old Testament to the Latter Days (4,731 views)
- Contemporary Challenges for Religion and the Family from a Protestant Woman’s Point of View (4,437 views)
- “The Lord . . . Bringeth Low, and Lifteth Up”: Hannah, Eli, and the Temple (4,303 views)
- The Olive Leaf and the Family of Heaven (4,177 views)
- “To Stir Them Up in the Ways of Remembrance”: Lamanites and Memory in the Book of Mormon (4,143 views)
- Personal Reflections (4,124 views)
- Adoption and Atonement: Becoming Sons and Daughters of Christ (4,066 views)
- Lehi’s Last Will and Testament: A Legal Approach (4,004 views)
- Sexual Purity (3,993 views)
- Bringing God into Our Marriage (3,839 views)
- “They Were of One Heart and One Mind": Councils in Zion, Zion in Councils (3,788 views)
- Eternal Marriage (3,724 views)
- Jesus Christ, Our Healer (3,715 views)
- Submit Yourselves . . . as unto the Lord (3,685 views)
- Ezra Taft Benson (3,671 views)
- Shifting View on the Male-Female Relationship: Same-Sex Marriage and Other Social Consequences (3,615 views)
- Prophetic Perspectives: How Lehi and Nephi Applied the Lessons of Lehi’s Dream (3,588 views)
- “A Modern Patriarchal Family”: The Wives of Joseph F. Smith in the Relief Society Magazine, 1915-19 (3,554 views)
- Reciprocal Influences of Family and Religion in a Changing World (3,519 views)
- Types of Religious Values and Family Cultures (3,512 views)
- “Persuasion and Love Unfeigned”: The Exercise of Agency, Influence, and Principle (3,385 views)
- Family, Marriage, and Celibacy in the New Testament (3,319 views)
- The Prophet Nephi and the Covenantal Nature of "Cut Off," "Cursed," "Skin of Blackness," and "Loathsome" (3,273 views)
- The Gospel and Culture: Definitions and Relationships (3,059 views)
- Why the Ohio? Why Anything in My Life? Lessons from the Command to Gather (3,035 views)
- A Most Remarkable Family: The Ohio Legacy of the Asael and Mary Duty Smith Family (2,891 views)
- Hawaiian Values and the Gospel (2,681 views)
- How Can Church Members Increase Their Environmental Awareness? (2,664 views)
- The Influence of Faith on Marital Commitment (2,627 views)
from By Divine Design
- A Distinctive Way of Life: Family, Health, Education, and Employment (2,621 views)
- Hyrum Smith's Liberty Jail Letters (2,614 views)
- Ontario (2,603 views)
- Self-Esteem (2,583 views)
- History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Fiji (2,554 views)
- Marriage and Family Relationships—The Lord’s Way (2,539 views)
- Delivering the Family Proclamation: Insights from Former Relief Society President Elaine L. Jack (2,538 views)
- Edmonton and Northern Alberta (2,514 views)
- Religion and Adolescent Social Competence (2,512 views)
- The Present State of Judah and Israel (2,506 views)
- What the Bible Means to Latter-day Saints (2,500 views)
- Unity and Atonement in Ephesians (2,472 views)
- Plants in the New Testament (2,434 views)
- Rearing Children in Love and Righteousness: Latitude, Limits, & Love (2,430 views)
from By Divine Design
- Monument to Women Memorial Garden (2,420 views)
- The Promises Made to and the Right Belonging to the Fathers (2,375 views)
- David O. McKay (2,333 views)
- Declared Guiltless: Justification by Faith in the Latter-day Saint Classroom (2,319 views)
- The Basis of Mormon Success: A Theoretical Application (2,260 views)
- The Important Role of Relationships in Our Heavenly Father's Plan of Salvation (2,248 views)
- Seasons of Faith: An Overview of the History of the Church in French Polynesia (2,199 views)
- Hinduism (2,104 views)
- You Shall Have My Word: Apostolic Dedication and Translation of the Chinese Book of Mormon (1959–65) (2,090 views)
- Naomi, Ruth, and Boaz: Borders, Relationships, Law, and Ḥesed (2,085 views)
- Women’s Religiosity and Employment: The LDS Experience (2,083 views)
- Marriage and Family Relationships—The Lord’s Way (2,065 views)
- Truman O. Angell: Architect and Saint (2,040 views)
- Seeking Divine Interaction: Joseph Smith's Varying Searches for the Supernatural (2,035 views)
- Early Mormonism and Early Christianity: Some Providential Similarities (2,032 views)