Gospel Topic: Love
- Paul’s Inspired Teachings on Marriage (66,037 views)
- Laman and Lemuel: A Case Study in “Not Becoming” (25,331 views)
- Simon and the Woman Who Anointed Jesus’s Feet (25,087 views)
- “The Pure Love of Christ”: The Divine Precept of Charity in Moroni 7 (24,150 views)
- "Be Ye Therefore Perfect": The Elusive Quest for Perfection (17,424 views)
- Renaissance: The Beginning of Religious Reform (16,992 views)
- Love in the Book of Mormon (15,068 views)
- The Six Antitheses: Attaining the Purpose of the Law through the Teachings of Jesus (13,821 views)
- What We Learn from Alma’s Messages to His Sons (13,703 views)
- Lehi’s Dream as a Template for Understanding Each Act of Nephi’s Vision (12,840 views)
- Faith, Hope, Charity (11,864 views)
- Paul as a Witness of the Work of God (11,580 views)
- Salvation in Christ: A Calvinist Perspective (10,545 views)
- Light in Our Vessels: Faith, Hope, and Charity (10,159 views)
- King Benjamin: In the Service of Your God (9,523 views)
- "Resist Not Evil": The Supreme Test of Christian Discipleship (8,648 views)
- To Know God Is Life Eternal (7,739 views)
- Motherhood: Restoring Clarity and Vision in a World of Confusing Messages (7,711 views)
from By Divine Design
- Commitment to the Covenant: LDS Marriage and Divorce (7,683 views)
from By Divine Design
- Instruments in the Hands of God: The Message of Alma 17–27 (7,572 views)
- The Grace and Mercy of Jesus Christ (7,495 views)
- Jesus, Sacrament of God: A Contemporary Franciscan View (7,400 views)
- Spiritual Rebirth: Have Ye Been Born of God? (7,355 views)
- What Is the Purpose of Suffering? (7,266 views)
- “The Most Correct Book”: Joseph Smith’s Appraisal (7,190 views)
- Appendix D: Celebrating Holy Week: A Resource Guide for Latter-day Saints (7,154 views)
- The Atonement of Jesus Christ—“Glad Tidings of Great Joy” (7,046 views)
- The Power of Inspired Invitations (7,009 views)
- With All Diligence of Mind (6,848 views)
- Using the Book of Mormon to Meet Today's Challenges (6,649 views)
- “All Are Alike unto God”: Equality and Charity in the Book of Mormon (6,272 views)
- "We Talk of Christ, We Rejoice in Christ" (5,989 views)
- Hebrews and the General Epistles: Hebrews, James, 1-2 Peter, 1-3 John, and Jude (5,929 views)
- A Scriptural Comparison Concerning Anger: 3 Nephi 12:22 and Matthew 5:22 (5,732 views)
- The Divine Principle of Friendship: Some Prophetic and Secular Perspectives (5,409 views)
- The Father in the Sermon on the Mount (5,151 views)
- "Because of Faith and Great Anxiety": Jacob and the Challenges of Mental Health (5,019 views)
- Spirituality and Self-Worth: The Role of Religion in Shaping Teens’ Self-Image (4,971 views)
- Teaching the Atonement (4,734 views)
- There Was No Contention (4,598 views)
- The Great Commandment: Principle or Platitude? (4,497 views)
- Contemporary Challenges for Religion and the Family from a Protestant Woman’s Point of View (4,489 views)
- William Clayton and the Records of Church History (4,465 views)
- “I Stand All Amazed” (4,409 views)
- Jesus Christ, Our Healer (3,887 views)
- Bringing God into Our Marriage (3,886 views)
- The Condescension of the Lamb of God (3,704 views)
- Shifting View on the Male-Female Relationship: Same-Sex Marriage and Other Social Consequences (3,636 views)
- “A Modern Patriarchal Family”: The Wives of Joseph F. Smith in the Relief Society Magazine, 1915-19 (3,571 views)
- The Golden Rule: A Moral Searchlight (3,535 views)
- Agency and Self-Deception in the Writings of James and 1 John (3,444 views)
- “Persuasion and Love Unfeigned”: The Exercise of Agency, Influence, and Principle (3,437 views)
- Feeling God’s Love (3,347 views)
- Reproving with Sharpness—When? (3,290 views)
- The Mission of the Holy Ghost: From Believing to Becoming (3,160 views)
- The Gospel and Culture: Definitions and Relationships (3,095 views)
- Unity through the Power of Charity (3,040 views)
- The Process of Apostasy in the New Testament and the Book of Mormon (3,025 views)
- The Love of God (2,979 views)
- Memories of Matthew Cowley: Man of Faith, Apostle to the Pacific (2,918 views)
- We Must Raise Our Sights (2,865 views)
- The Divine Mission of the Prophet Joseph Smith (2,810 views)
- Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (2,768 views)
- Lecture 3 (2,690 views)
- How Can Church Members Increase Their Environmental Awareness? (2,684 views)
- The Present State of Judah and Israel (2,530 views)
- A New Commandment: The Transformative Power of Redeeming Love (2,495 views)
- Unity and Atonement in Ephesians (2,490 views)
- The Only True Church: Boldness without Overbearance (2,475 views)
- Rearing Children in Love and Righteousness: Latitude, Limits, & Love (2,460 views)
from By Divine Design
- The Cry of the Widow, the Fatherless, and the Stranger: The Covenant Obligation to Help the Poor and Oppressed (2,443 views)
- John the Beloved: Special Witness of the Atonement (2,408 views)
- Declared Guiltless: Justification by Faith in the Latter-day Saint Classroom (2,393 views)
- "They Twain Shall Be One Flesh": Marital Unity in the Sexual Relationship (2,352 views)
- Law and Liberty in Galatians 5–6 (2,301 views)
- The Important Role of Relationships in Our Heavenly Father's Plan of Salvation (2,299 views)
- "As Your Father Also Is Merciful": The Sermon on the Plain and the Development of Mercy (2,216 views)
- The Love of God (2,158 views)
- Jewish Hermeneutics in the New Testament Period (2,157 views)
- “Walk in Newness of Life” (2,150 views)
- Christ’s Crucifixion: Reclamation of the Cross (2,122 views)
- Marriage and Family Relationships—The Lord’s Way (2,102 views)
- The Savior’s Love (2,102 views)
- How New Testament Variants Contribute to the Meaning of the Sermon on the Mount (2,085 views)
- Law and Liberty in Galatians 5–6 (2,049 views)
- Repentance: The Gift of Love (2,044 views)
- A Scriptural Basis for the Doctrine of Sexual Purity (2,033 views)
- John Taylor: Family Man (2,015 views)
- Desires, Character, and Principle-Based Decision Making (1,990 views)
- Faith, Hope, and Charity (1,930 views)
- Richard Lyman Bushman (1,925 views)
- Healing the Time-Starved Marriage (1,914 views)
from By Divine Design
- Laurel Thatcher Ulrich (1,909 views)
- Principles and Practices for Motivating Youth for Scripture Literacy (1,859 views)
- The Setting and Sacrament of the Christian Community (1,840 views)
- Salvation in Christ: Perspectives of the Orthodox Church (1,806 views)
- Teachings of Church Leaders on Christ's Final Seven Statements (1,805 views)
- Twilight in the Early Church (1,786 views)
- Faithful Fathering (1,737 views)
from By Divine Design
- "It Is Finished" (1,706 views)
from My Redeemer Lives!