Gospel Topic: Repentance
- The Three Most Abominable Sins (169,498 views)
- Faith Unto Repentance (17,424 views)
- The Meaning of the Word Gospel (15,439 views)
- What We Learn from Alma’s Messages to His Sons (13,719 views)
- Healing, Wholeness, and Repentance in Acts 3 (12,260 views)
- “They Must Suffer Even As I”: Misconceptions concerning Personal Payment for Sin (11,917 views)
- The Doctrine of Christ: 2 Nephi 31–32 (11,748 views)
- Restoration, Redemption, and Resurrection: Three R’s of the Book of Mormon (9,638 views)
- Gethsemane and Golgotha: Why and What the Savior Suffered (8,681 views)
- The Law of Justice and the Law of Mercy (8,447 views)
- Baptism (8,026 views)
- A Simple but Powerful Path to Forgiveness (Alma 36) (8,013 views)
- The Grace and Mercy of Jesus Christ (7,534 views)
- The Liahona Triad (6,323 views)
- The Presence of the Lord (6,046 views)
- Joseph Smith and Hearty Repentance (5,882 views)
- For the Sake of Retaining a Remission of Your Sins (4,865 views)
- "Commissioned of Jesus Christ": Oliver Cowdery and D&C 13 (4,348 views)
- “A Mighty Change” (4,274 views)
- The Parable of the Two Sons: A Revelation about God (4,005 views)
- Later Years: the Book of Prophecies and the Final Voyage (3,934 views)
- Unity through the Power of Charity (3,056 views)
- Justice, Mercy and the Atonement in the Teachings of Alma to Corianton (2,993 views)
- The Two Covenants (2,781 views)
- A Church Educator’s Guide to Identifying and Helping the Scrupulous Student (2,765 views)
- The Jaredites—A Case Study in Following the Brethren (2,657 views)
- Samuel the Lamanite: Confronting the Wall of Nephite Prejudice (2,634 views)
- Beyond “Recipe Repentance” and “Formula Forgiveness” (2,480 views)
- The Important Role of Relationships in Our Heavenly Father's Plan of Salvation (2,320 views)
- The Preparatory Priesthood (2,208 views)
- “This Is My Gospel” (2,194 views)
- Enos and the Words Concerning Eternal Life (2,191 views)
- “Walk in Newness of Life” (2,160 views)
- Choosing Redemption (2,143 views)
- Faith unto Repentance: The Fulness of the Simple Way (2,114 views)
- Repentance: The Gift of Love (2,106 views)
- Born of God—Partaking of the Fruit (2,005 views)
- The Testimony of Alma: “Give Ear to My Words” (1,910 views)
- "A Messenger of Good and Evil Tidings": A Narrative Study of Abinadi (1,651 views)
- Doctrines from Our Savior’s Final Words (1,595 views)
- Church Discipline in the Book of Mosiah (1,567 views)
- Lifelong Conversion (1,524 views)
- Alma as an Intentional Father (1,472 views)
- Christianity (1,466 views)
- “Was It Not So?” Remembering the Contributions of Samuel the Lamanite (1,439 views)
- The Only Sure Foundation: Building on the Rock of our Redeemer (1,404 views)
- Alma 39: A Model for Teaching Morality (1,382 views)
- They Did Remember His Words (1,366 views)
- Scholarly Notes on Helaman 13–16: Appendix (1,323 views)
- Alma's Loving Counsel to His Sons about the Law of Justice (1,214 views)
- The Commandment to Be Perfect (1,195 views)
- Samuel the Lamanite: Key Prophet in the Returning Prophet Type-Scene (1,042 views)
- Rethinking Alma 36 (1,018 views)
- The Constants of Conversion (994 views)
- "We are a Covenant-Making People": Gospel Principles and Ordinances in Marriage (918 views)
- Alma 36: A Call to Repentance, a Prophetic Call (861 views)
- The Interplay between Forgiveness and Lost Opportunities (853 views)
- "And Now My Son, I Have Somewhat More to Say": Corianton's Concerns, Alma's Theology, and Nephite Tradition (769 views)
- Redemption's Grand Design for Both the Living and the Dead (760 views)
- How "Come unto Me" Fits into the Nephite Gospel (729 views)
- Entries 101–200 (670 views)
- Spiritual Death Divided and Dividing (513 views)
- Can You Hear the Music? (417 views)
- “There Was One Samuel” : Possible Multiple Sources for the Samuel Narrative (305 views)
- The dead raised to life! (249 views)
- Nephite Jeremiad or Lamanite Encomium? Helaman 13–15 and Lamanite Exceptionalism (238 views)
- The Brazen Serpent as a Symbol of Jesus Christ: A Dichotomy of Benevolence and Admonition (230 views)
- Focus on His Forgiveness (174 views)
- Scrupulosity versus Healthy Religious Faith (154 views)
- Samuel the Lamanite: Confronting the Wall of Nephite Prejudice (119 views)
- The Savior's Voice in the Book of Mormon (87 views)
- 1. Anti-Scrupulosity Scriptures (86 views)
- A Historical and Thematic Reading of Mormon's Record (66 views)
- Fathers and Sons: Textual Connections between 2 Nephi 2 and Alma 42 (54 views)
- Choosing Redemption (49 views)
- Self-Help Treatment: Exposure (46 views)