Religious Educator Vol. 23 No. 1 · 2022

Deepening Conversion
Editor's Note
All that we do as religious educators should deepen conversion to Jesus Christ and his restored gospel. This issue of the Religious Educator focuses on helping us with this all-important responsibility. Elder Dale G. Renlund’s 2021 Brigham Young University devotional, included in this issue, focuses on lifelong conversion through the doctrine of Christ: “Enduring to the end is not a separate step in the doctrine of Christ—as though we complete the first four steps and then hunker down, grit our teeth, and wait to die,” Elder Renlund said. “No, enduring to the end is actively and intentionally repeating the steps in the doctrine of Christ.” Three other articles provide insights on how we can help our students better understand the scriptures and ultimately achieve deep and enduring conversion.
We continue a strong focus on Old Testament themes to go along with the primary course of study introduced and emphasized in our last issue. One article uses examples from the Old Testament to demonstrate how teachers can teach difficult scripture passages, one highlights how the story of the Exodus has pertinence for our own time, and one illustrates how ancient and modern temple worship are important.
There is a strong focus on the role of women throughout the Old Testament in providing inspiring examples of sacrifice, courage, and faithful discipleship. Several of the articles focus on women’s examples throughout the Old Testament, including a recent interview with President Jean B. Bingham, the Relief Society General President, highlighting female role models throughout the ancient scripture.
I hope this issue helps us as religious educators wherever we serve to help our students draw nearer to the Savior by coming to know his role as Jehovah better.
Michael A. Goodman
Editor in Chief