Gospel Topic: Joseph Smith
- The Lost 116 Pages Story: What We Do Know, What We Don’t Know, and What We Might Know (43,582 views)
- Moroni, the Last of the Nephite Prophets (36,335 views)
- Six Days in August: Brigham Young and the Succession Crisis of 1844 (28,957 views)
- "That They Might Come to Understanding": Revelation as Process (28,640 views)
- The Second Coming of Jesus (27,458 views)
- The History and Doctrine of the Adam-ondi-Ahman Revelation (D&C 116) (26,457 views)
- Jared and His Brother (24,660 views)
- The History of Intelligence in Latter-day Saint Thought (22,011 views)
- “John the Revelator”: The Written Revelations of John Taylor (19,002 views)
- Jacob in the Presence of God (17,239 views)
- The Book of Mormon Plates (17,225 views)
- The Earliest Documented Accounts of Joseph Smith’s First Vision (17,207 views)
- "Here Is Wisdom; Yea, to Be a Seer, a Revelator, . . . and a Prophet" (16,326 views)
- "A Subject That Can Bear Investigation": Anguish, Faith, and Joseph Smith's Youngest Plural Wife (15,822 views)
- Joseph Smith and "The Only True and Living Church" (15,664 views)
- The Gathering of Israel (15,108 views)
- Book of Mormon: Overview (14,778 views)
- Abraham Lincoln and the Mormons (14,559 views)
from Civil War Saints
- New Testament Manuscripts, Textual Families, and Variants (14,251 views)
- Enoch in the Old Testament and Beyond (13,997 views)
- The First Jewish Revolt against Rome (13,433 views)
- Joseph Smith (13,395 views)
- "I Will Send You Elijah the Prophet" (12,716 views)
- The Articles of Faith: Answering the Doctrinal Questions of the “Second Great Awakening” (12,676 views)
- Egyptian Papyri and the Book of Abraham: A Faithful, Egyptological Point of View (12,201 views)
- "How We Got the Book of Moses" (11,752 views)
- "A Covenant and a Deed Which Cannot Be Broken": The Continuing Saga of Consecration (11,507 views)
- Who Really Wrote the Gospels? A Study of Traditional Authorship (11,355 views)
- Using Section 84 to Emphasize the Priesthood Power of Women (11,097 views)
- Of Soils and Souls: The Parable of the Sower (10,870 views)
- The Near-Death Experience: Why Latter-day Saints Are So Interested (10,733 views)
- Joseph Smith, Emanuel Swedenborg, and Section 76: Importance of the Bible in Latter-day Revelation (10,442 views)
- “Have We Not Had a Prophet Among Us?”: Joseph Smith’s Civil War Prophecy (10,206 views)
from Civil War Saints
- Did Joseph Smith Translate the Kinderhook Plates? (10,076 views)
- Teaching the Book of Abraham Facsimiles (9,960 views)
- Joseph Smith and the Historicity of the Book of Mormon (9,938 views)
- “All Their Creeds Were an Abomination”: A Brief Look at Creeds as Part of the Apostasy (9,867 views)
- The Premortal Godhood of Christ: A Restoration Perspective (9,543 views)
- Joseph Smith as Found in Ancient Manuscripts (9,412 views)
- Firsthand Witness Accounts of the Translation Process (9,311 views)
- The Probation of a Teenage Seer: Joseph Smith’s Early Experiences with Moroni (9,293 views)
- The Doctrine of the Firstborn and Only Begotten (9,151 views)
- John Taylor: Beyond “A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief” (8,538 views)
- Joseph Smith’s Translation of the Bible: A Historical Overview (8,407 views)
- Insights from the JST into the Book of Revelation (8,353 views)
- The Influence of the Brass Plates on the Teachings of Nephi (8,333 views)
- Earthquakes, Wars, Holocausts, Disease, and Inhumanity: Why Doesn’t God Intervene? (8,170 views)
- Authorship of the Epistle to the Hebrews (7,920 views)
- Baptism (7,837 views)
- Resurrection: The Ultimate Triumph (7,827 views)
- A Multiplicity of Witnesses: Women and the Translation Process (7,729 views)
- The Eleven Witnesses (7,523 views)
- Apocryphal Literature and the Latter-day Saints (7,429 views)
- Who Wrote the Book of Mormon? (7,422 views)
- Getting “Nearer to God”: A History of Joseph Smith’s Statement (7,174 views)
- “Line upon Line”: Joseph Smith’s Growing Understanding of the Eternal Family (7,143 views)
- The Appearance of the Father and the Son to Joseph Smith in 1820 (7,078 views)
- “The Most Correct Book”: Joseph Smith’s Appraisal (7,071 views)
- The Life of Jesus of Nazareth: An Overview (7,030 views)
- Authorship and History of the Lectures on Faith (7,023 views)
- Joseph Smith’s Expansion of Our Understanding of the Premortal Life and Our Relationship to God (6,940 views)
- The Muhammad–Joseph Smith Comparison : Subjective Metaphor or a Sociology of Prophethood? (6,724 views)
- The Sermon on the Mount in the JST and the Book of Mormon (6,582 views)
- History of the Book of Moses (6,393 views)
- The Significance of Joseph Smith’s “First Vision” in Mormon Thought (6,340 views)
- “Pouring in Oil”: The Development of the Modern Mormon Healing Ritual (6,291 views)
- Nephi, Isaiah, and the Latter-day Restoration (6,235 views)
- How Has God Intervened in History? (6,075 views)
- The Judgment Seat of Christ (6,047 views)
- "Guilty of Such Folly"? Accusations of Adultery or Polygamy Against Oliver Cowdery (6,035 views)
- Hefted and Handled: Tangible Interactions with Book of Mormon Objects (5,952 views)
- The Lord's Supper in Early Mormonism (5,949 views)
- An Analysis of the Joseph Smith Translation of 1 Corinthians 15:40 (5,897 views)
- The JST on the Second Coming of Christ (5,887 views)
- Joseph Smith's Inspired Commentary on the Doctrine of Calling and Election (5,880 views)
- Zion, Zion, Zion: Keys to Understanding Ether 13 (5,879 views)
- Dealing with Personal Injustices: Lessons from the Prophet Joseph Smith (5,576 views)
- The Divine Principle of Friendship: Some Prophetic and Secular Perspectives (5,330 views)
- Oliver Cowdery as Second Witness of Priesthood Restoration (5,305 views)
- Joseph Smith and Hearty Repentance (5,302 views)
- Precious Truths Restored: Joseph Smith Translation Changes Not Included in Our Bible (5,297 views)
- No Middle Ground: The Debate over the Authenticity of the Book of Mormon (5,260 views)
- The Calling of the Twelve Apostles and the Seventy in 1835 (5,153 views)
- The Textual Context of Doctrine and Covenants 121–23 (5,141 views)
- The “Same” Organization That Existed in the Primitive Church (5,136 views)
- The Father in the Sermon on the Mount (5,130 views)
- Joseph Smith's Uncanonized Revelations (5,118 views)
- "The Established Order of the Kingdom of God" (4,998 views)
- 188 Unexplainable Names: Book of Mormon Names No Fiction Writer Would Choose (4,950 views)
- The King James Bible and the Joseph Smith Translation (4,935 views)
- Insights into Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy (4,906 views)
- The Stem of Salvation and the Rod of Restoration: Revisiting Biblical Exegesis and Latter-day Saint Interpretation of Isaiah 11:1 (4,903 views)
- Close Friends as Witnesses: Joseph Smith and the Joseph Knight Families (4,894 views)
- Samuel the Lamanite and Prophecies Fulfilled (4,857 views)
- Mormon, the Man and the Message (4,820 views)
- Doctrine and Covenants 110 and the Mission of the Church (4,804 views)
- Textual Criticism and the New Testament (4,751 views)
- Elijah's Mission: His Keys, Powers, and Blessings from the Old Testament to the Latter Days (4,733 views)
- The Conversion of Oliver Cowdery (4,684 views)
- Was the Earth Formed from the Debris of Other Planets? (4,456 views)