Gospel Topic: Heaven
- A Comparative Study of Ascension Motifs in World Religions (3,295 views)
from Deity & Death
- A Liar from the Beginning (8,079 views)
- "A Wise Man Built His House upon a Rock": The Doctrine of Discernment (2,023 views)
- “A World in Darkness”: Early Latter-day Saint Understanding of the Apostasy, 1830–34 (1,433 views)
- Agency and Freedom in the Divine Plan (4,340 views)
- “All Their Creeds Were an Abomination”: A Brief Look at Creeds as Part of the Apostasy (9,860 views)
- Ancient Israel: Sacral Themes in Deuteronomy and the Deuteronomic History (38 views)
- "And God Blessed the Seventh day, and Sanctified It": The Sabbath at Creation, Dedications, and Christ's Theophany in 3 Nephi (99 views)
- Angels and Demons: Joseph Smith’s Apocalyptic Restoration (63 views)
- Appendix B: A Voice of Warning and Truth (309 views)
- Appendix E: Translated Documents Contents (97 views)
- "As Your Father Also Is Merciful": The Sermon on the Plain and the Development of Mercy (2,176 views)
- Ascended into Heaven: The Book of Mormon's Witness of Jesus Christ's Ascension (85 views)
- August, 1846 (139 views)
- August, 1847 (38 views)
- Baptism (228 views)
- "Be Ye Therefore Perfect": The Elusive Quest for Perfection (17,148 views)
- Become as Little Children: Participating in the Household of God (73 views)
- Biblical Hebrew Words You Already Know and Why They Are Important (254 views)
- Broken Dreams (57 views)
- "By His Own Blood He Entered in Once into the Holy Place": Jesus in Hebrews 9 (4,181 views)
- Chapter 12: Chap XII.— (286 views)
- Christ's Descent into Hell: A Latter-day Saint Perspective (1,230 views)
- Colossians (26 views)
- Condescension and Fullness: LDS Christology in Conversation with Historic Christianity (1,990 views)
- Connecting with Heaven through Individual Study and Worship (69 views)
- Death (22 views)
- Death and Dying in the Middle East (18,740 views)
from Deity & Death
- December, 1848 (72 views)
- Did Joseph Smith Use a Seer Stone in the Translation of the Book of Abraham? (2,320 views)
- Dogma and Hypothesis: Purgatory, Limbo, and Catholic Views of the Afterlife (524 views)
- Echoes from the Sermon on the Mount (2,640 views)
- Enoch in the Old Testament and Beyond (13,969 views)
- Entries 101–200 (651 views)
- Expanding Heaven and Contracting Hell: Joseph Smith’s 1836 Vision of the Celestial Kingdom (71 views)
- February 1849 (50 views)
- For Heaven’s Sake: A Review of N. T. Wright’s Surprised by Hope (3,825 views)
- Genesis and the Ancient Near East (148 views)
- Gestures of Praise: Lifting and Spreading the Hands in Biblical Prayer (32,805 views)
- Heaven and Hell in the Eyes of Cook Islands Maori: A Comparative Review of Three Time Periods (2,394 views)
- Heaven Opened in the Soul: The Religious Imagination of Methodists (636 views)
- Hebrews and the General Epistles: Hebrews, James, 1-2 Peter, 1-3 John, and Jude (5,770 views)
- History of the Latter-day Saints (386 views)
- Home, a Glimpse of Heaven (284 views)
- How Has God Intervened in History? (6,070 views)
- Insights from the JST into the Book of Revelation (8,350 views)
- Interpreter Of Joseph Smith's Nauvoo Doctrines (411 views)
- Isaiah 52–53 and Mosiah 13–14: A Textual Comparison (1,387 views)
- Israel's Ancient Psalms: Cornerstone of the Beatitudes (3,524 views)
- Jacob in the Presence of God (17,235 views)
- January, 1847 (68 views)
- Johannine Christology through the Lens of Three of Its Dialogues (2,160 views)
- Joseph Smith and the Problem of Loneliness (1,228 views)
- Joseph Smith and the Rise of a World Religion (798 views)
- Joseph Smith's Articles of Faith (401 views)
- Joseph Smith's Expansive Eternalism (277 views)
- Joseph Smith's Revelatory Restoration (232 views)
- Joseph Smith’s Multiple Visions of the Father and the Son (63 views)
- Joseph Smith’s Vision of the Celestial Kingdom: The Problem of Evil, the Promise of Salvation (34 views)
- July, 1846 (103 views)
- Lecture 5 (1,991 views)
- Lecture 7 (1,633 views)
- Lessons from Liberty Jail (1,337 views)
- "Line upon Line": Joseph Smith's Growing Understanding of the Eternal Family (907 views)
- Literary Craftsmanship of the Joseph Smith Story (114 views)
- Luke's Jesus: The Compassionate and Saving Son of God (3,260 views)
- Make Your Calling and Election Sure (245 views)
- Martyrdom and Aftermath (1,033 views)
- Moses 2: The Purpose and Logistics of Creation (740 views)
- Moses 4: The Council in Heaven (912 views)
- Moses 6 (1,224 views)
- Moses 7 (1,098 views)
- Moses 7: Enoch's Zion (730 views)
- Moses 7: Enoch’s Vision of the Earth, the Savior, and Zion's Return (3,980 views)
- Moses 7: Influence on the Development of Zion (571 views)
- No. 20 May 27, 1854 (26 views)
- No. 20 October 4, 1851 (138 views)
- No. 22 June 10, 1854 (9 views)
- No. 28 July 29, 1854 (16 views)
- No. 30 August 26, 1854 (23 views)
- No. 31 September 9, 1854 (8 views)
- No. 6 March 17, 1855 (34 views)
- No. 9 March 4, 1854 (14 views)
- No. 9 May 3, 2015 (27 views)
- Nonverbal Communication in the New Testament (6,574 views)
- November, 1846 (70 views)
- "Now This Caused Us to Marvel": The Breadth of God's Heaven and the Depth of His Mercy (437 views)
- Observations on that which is in part—perfect (77 views)
- "One Like the Son of Man Came with the Clouds of Heaven": The Context and Influence of the Son of Man Prophecy in Daniel 7 (1,043 views)
- Orson Spencer and the Prussia Mission (413 views)
- Peter—the Chief Apostle (14,775 views)
- Peter’s Keys (5,659 views)
- Postlude: Later Appearances and the Ongoing Apostolic Witness: “I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world” (91 views)
- Preaching to the spirits in prison (1,997 views)
- Premortal Existence, Foreordinations, and Heavenly Councils (7,741 views)
- Proclamation to priests (83 views)
- Raised unto Eternal Life: The Principle of Ascension in the Revelations of the Restoration (844 views)
- "Renounce War and Proclaim Peace": Early Beginnings (1,165 views)
- Reply to the objections (271 views)
- Review of the treatise of W. Jones (59 views)