Gospel Topic: Old Testament
- Jesus Is Jehovah (YHWH): A Study in the Gospels (59,301 views)
- Paul's Use of Old Testament Scripture (45,895 views)
- Circumcision in the Old Testament (38,027 views)
- Symbolic Action as Prophecy in the Old Testament (35,565 views)
- Paul's Teachings in 1 Corinthians on Women (34,770 views)
- “Precept upon Precept, Line upon Line”: An Approach to Understanding Isaiah 28:7–13 (25,936 views)
- An “East Wind”: Old and New World Perspectives (24,697 views)
- Motherhood in the Old Testament (21,183 views)
- Matthew's Portrayal of Jesus: Son of David, a New Moses, and Son of God (20,097 views)
- Prophets and Priesthood in the Old Testament (19,946 views)
- A Scientific Analysis of Isaiah Authorship (19,720 views)
- Ruth, Redemption, Covenant, and Christ (19,614 views)
- The Name and Titles of God in the Old Testament (19,450 views)
- Old Testament Types and Symbols (19,351 views)
- Eternal Marriage and Family in the Old Testament (19,197 views)
- Isaiah and the Restoration of Israel (18,691 views)
- "Be Ye Therefore Perfect": The Elusive Quest for Perfection (17,554 views)
- What Old Testament Temples Can Teach Us about Our Own Temple Activity (17,407 views)
- Egypt in the Bible (17,180 views)
- Elements of Sacrifice in Abraham’s Time and Our Own (17,005 views)
- Chapters, Verses, Punctuation, Spelling, and Italics (16,553 views)
- William Tyndale and the Language of At-one-ment (15,748 views)
- The Wife/Sister Experience: Pharaoh's Introduction to Jehovah (15,669 views)
- The Marriage of Adam and Eve: Ritual and Literary Elements (15,478 views)
- Clothing and Textiles in the New Testament (15,338 views)
- Jesus the Messiah: Prophet, Priest and King (15,195 views)
- Was Noah's Flood the Baptism of the Earth? (14,905 views)
- The Story of Judah and Tamar (14,625 views)
- The Use of the Old Testament in the New Testament Gospels (13,872 views)
- The Restoration as Covenant Renewal (13,743 views)
- Teaching the Book of Revelation: Five Considerations (13,151 views)
- Study Bibles: An Introduction for Latter-day Saints (13,048 views)
- Between the Testaments: The History of Judea Between the Testaments of the Bible (12,413 views)
- “From King Ahaz’s Sign to Christ Jesus": The “Fulfillment” of Isaiah 7:14 (12,185 views)
- A Comparison of Book of Mormon, Bible, and Traditional Teachings on the Doctrines of Salvation (11,821 views)
- Words “Fitly Spoken”: Tyndale’s English Translation of the Bible (11,795 views)
- The Marriage of Hosea and Jehovah’s Covenant with Israel (11,006 views)
- The Plan of Salvation in the First Six Books of the Old Testament (10,708 views)
- "How Excellent Is Thy Lovingkindness": The Gospel Principle of Hesed (10,492 views)
- The Captain and the Covenant (10,354 views)
- Abinadi on the Father and the Son: Interpretation and Application (10,033 views)
- Joseph Smith as Found in Ancient Manuscripts (9,596 views)
- Finding Doctrine and Meaning in Book of Mormon Isaiah (9,574 views)
- Isaiah Variants in the Book of Mormon (9,420 views)
- Worship: Bowing Down and Serving the Lord (9,376 views)
- Teaching the Scriptural Emphasis on the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ (9,046 views)
- The Imagery of Hosea's Family and the Restoration of Israel (8,947 views)
- The Old Testament and Easter (8,878 views)
- "Great Are the Words of Isaiah" (8,536 views)
- Israel, the Mormons and the Land (8,477 views)
- The Abrahamic Covenant: A Foundational Theme for the Old Testament (8,362 views)
- The Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament (8,117 views)
- "Holiness to the Lord" and Personal Temple Worship (8,081 views)
- “I Will Write My Law in Their Hearts” (8,074 views)
- Temple Symbolism in Isaiah (8,017 views)
- Jesus' Use of the Psalms in Matthew (7,896 views)
- A Latter-day Saint Reading of Isaiah: The Example of Isaiah 6 (7,649 views)
- Reexamining Lot (7,560 views)
- The Context of Old Testament Temple Worship: Early Ancient Egyptian Rites (7,529 views)
- Apocryphal Literature and the Latter-day Saints (7,515 views)
- A Savior with a Sword: The Power of a Fuller Scriptural Picture of Christ (7,303 views)
- “I Will Bless the Lord at All Times”: Blessing God in the Old Testament (7,259 views)
- Solomon’s Temple Compared to the Salt Lake Temple (7,171 views)
- Types, Shadows, and Symbols of Christ Seen by the Church Fathers (7,146 views)
- Seeing God in His Temple: A Significant Theme in Israel’s Psalms (7,120 views)
- Reading the Song of Solomon as a Latter-day Saint (6,960 views)
- The Book of Moses: From the Ancient of Days to the Latter Days (6,898 views)
- Nonverbal Communication in the New Testament (6,704 views)
- The Isaiah Map: An Approach to Teaching Isaiah (6,642 views)
- History of the Book of Moses (6,491 views)
- The Holy Spirit: Creating, Anointing, and Empowering throughout the Old Testament (6,343 views)
- Obadiah's Vision of Saviors on Mount Zion (6,084 views)
- The Presence of the Lord (6,046 views)
- The Common Temple Ideology of the Ancient Near East (5,966 views)
- Isaiah's "Other" Servant Songs (5,854 views)
- The Lord Will Redeem His People: Adoptive Covenant and Redemption in the Old Testament (5,649 views)
- Jachin and Boaz in Religious and Political Perspective (5,548 views)
- “The Word of the Lord in the Original”: Joseph Smith’s Study of Hebrew in Kirtland (5,384 views)
- “Her Stakes Must Be Strengthened” (D&C 82:14): The Symbolism of Isaiah’s Tent (5,362 views)
- Remnants Gathered, Covenants Fulfilled (5,072 views)
- Insights into Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy (4,955 views)
- The Sanctifying Power of True Ritual Worship (4,933 views)
- Remnants Gathered, Covenants Fulfilled (4,902 views)
- Old Testament Psalms in the Book of Mormon (4,848 views)
- A Precious and Powerful Witness of Jesus Christ (4,744 views)
- Autumn, Olives, and the Atonement (4,725 views)
- Understanding Micah’s Lament for Judah (Micah 1:10–16) through Text, Archaeology, and Geography (4,616 views)
- From Creation to Sinai: The Old Testament through the Lens of the Restoration (4,562 views)
- What Is in a Name? Lessons from the Names of Old Testament Prophets (4,519 views)
- Sitting Enthroned: A Scriptural Perspective (4,438 views)
- Approaching Holiness: Exploring the History and Teachings of the Old Testament (4,157 views)
- Isaiah: Four Latter-day Keys to an Ancient Book (4,094 views)
- The Use of the Old Testament in the New Testament (4,046 views)
- Noncanonical Gospels (3,994 views)
- Insights into the Book of Genesis (3,943 views)
- Abinadi’s Commentary on Isaiah (3,818 views)
- The Exodus Pattern in the Book of Mormon (3,770 views)
- A King James Vocabulary Lesson (3,680 views)
- The Ages of the Patriarchs in the Joseph Smith Translation (3,615 views)
- The Prophet-Leader (3,462 views)