Gospel Topic: Book of Mormon
- The Three Most Abominable Sins (119,773 views)
- The Lamanite Mark (50,473 views)
- When Did Jesus Visit the Americas? (49,652 views)
- “After All We Can Do” (2 Nephi 25:23) (43,386 views)
- Hagoth and the Polynesians (35,740 views)
- Moroni, the Last of the Nephite Prophets (34,396 views)
- The Lost 116 Pages Story: What We Do Know, What We Don’t Know, and What We Might Know (28,172 views)
- The Second Coming of Jesus (26,264 views)
- Jared and His Brother (23,997 views)
- “The Pure Love of Christ”: The Divine Precept of Charity in Moroni 7 (23,290 views)
- Secret Covenant Teachings of Men and the Devil in Helaman Through 3 Nephi 8 (23,163 views)
- An “East Wind”: Old and New World Perspectives (22,088 views)
- The Scattering and Gathering of Israel: God’s Covenant with Abraham Remembered through the Ages (21,849 views)
- A Different Jesus? The Christ of the Restoration (21,010 views)
- Lehi’s Journeys (18,690 views)
- What the Book of Mormon Tells Us about Jesus Christ (18,419 views)
- Rending the Veil of Unbelief (17,399 views)
- The Three Nephites and the Doctrine of Translation (16,315 views)
- The Book of Mormon Plates (15,745 views)
- Abinadi: The Prophet and Martyr (15,004 views)
- Enos: His Mission and His Message (14,759 views)
- A New Meaning of “Restoration”: The Book of Mormon on Life after Death (14,309 views)
- Love in the Book of Mormon (13,897 views)
- What We Learn from Alma’s Messages to His Sons (13,509 views)
- The Book of Mormon and the Origin of Native Americans from a Maternally Inherited DNA Standpoint (13,341 views)
- Book of Mormon: Overview (13,298 views)
- Saved and Enabled by the Grace of Jesus Christ (12,809 views)
- Joseph Smith and "The Only True and Living Church" (12,720 views)
- Seeds of Faith: A Follower’s View of Alma 32 (12,512 views)
- The Atonement of Jesus Christ: 2 Nephi 9 (12,492 views)
- Lehi’s Dream as a Template for Understanding Each Act of Nephi’s Vision (12,402 views)
- The Terrifying Book of Helaman (12,400 views)
- Lehi on God’s Law and an Opposition in All Things (12,185 views)
- The Natural Man: An Enemy to God (12,092 views)
- Columbus: Fulfillment of Book of Mormon Prophecy (11,917 views)
- Caroline Young Harris: The Kirtland Wife of Martin Harris (11,528 views)
- Chiasmus in the Book of Mormon (11,521 views)
- Sherem the Anti-Christ (11,417 views)
- The Doctrine of Christ: 2 Nephi 31–32 (11,093 views)
- Ten Testimonies of Jesus Christ from the Book of Mormon (11,033 views)
- Faith, Hope, Charity (11,014 views)
- The Title Page (10,853 views)
- A Comparison of Book of Mormon, Bible, and Traditional Teachings on the Doctrines of Salvation (10,749 views)
- Deliverance from Bondage (10,386 views)
- Transoceanic Crossings (10,253 views)
- The Small Plates of Nephi and the Words of Mormon (10,230 views)
- The Captain and the Covenant (10,064 views)
- Bitter and Sweet: Dual Dimensions of the Tree of Life (9,998 views)
- God Will Fulfill His Covenants with the House of Israel (9,669 views)
- Stela 5, Izapa: A Layman’s Consideration of the Tree of Life Stone (9,533 views)
- Restoration, Redemption, and Resurrection: Three R’s of the Book of Mormon (9,487 views)
- The Nephite Prophets’ Understanding of Faith and Faithfulness (9,393 views)
- The Historicity of the Book of Mormon (9,338 views)
- King Benjamin: In the Service of Your God (9,278 views)
- An Anti-Christ in the Book of Mormon—The Face May Be Strange, but the Voice Is Familiar (9,220 views)
- Priesthood in Mosiah (9,106 views)
- Finding Doctrine and Meaning in Book of Mormon Isaiah (9,091 views)
- Joseph Smith and the Historicity of the Book of Mormon (8,917 views)
- Isaiah Variants in the Book of Mormon (8,903 views)
- Alma the Younger: A Disciple’s Quest to Become (8,728 views)
- The Imprisonment of Jeremiah in Its Historical Context (8,570 views)
- Scripture Note: A Fresh Approach to Moroni’s Promise (8,496 views)
- Hell Second Death, Lake of Fire and Brimstone, and Outer Darkness (8,465 views)
- The Lamanites—A More Accurate Image (8,330 views)
- Father Lehi (8,326 views)
- When Less Is More: The Reticent Narrator in the Story of Alma and Amulek (8,201 views)
- Early Christianity and 1 Nephi 13–14 (8,117 views)
- Firsthand Witness Accounts of the Translation Process (8,050 views)
- The Influence of the Brass Plates on the Teachings of Nephi (8,045 views)
- Gethsemane and Golgotha: Why and What the Savior Suffered (7,936 views)
- The Enemies of Christ: 2 Nephi 28 (7,844 views)
- The Final Judgment (7,836 views)
- “I Will Write My Law in Their Hearts” (7,657 views)
- The Powers of the Atonement: Insights from the Book of Mormon (7,604 views)
- “As Far as It Is Translated Correctly”: Bible Translation and the Church (7,375 views)
- William W. Phelps: His Contributions to Understanding the Restoration (7,273 views)
- Who Wrote the Book of Mormon? (7,091 views)
- Spiritual Rebirth: Have Ye Been Born of God? (7,077 views)
- The Eleven Witnesses (7,048 views)
- The Promised Land and Its Covenant Peoples (6,985 views)
- A Multiplicity of Witnesses: Women and the Translation Process (6,959 views)
- Geological Upheaval and Darkness in 3 Nephi 8–10 (6,941 views)
- The Doctrine of a Covenant People (6,881 views)
- Khirbet Beit Lei and the Book of Mormon: An Archaeologist’s Evaluation (6,872 views)
- Getting “Nearer to God”: A History of Joseph Smith’s Statement (6,688 views)
- The Prophet Nephi (6,687 views)
- “The Most Correct Book”: Joseph Smith’s Appraisal (6,669 views)
- The Concept of Hell (6,654 views)
- The Sermon on the Mount and Third Nephi (6,642 views)
- Evaluating the Book of Mormon Witnesses (6,537 views)
- What Nephi’s Vision Teaches about the Bible and the Book of Mormon (6,508 views)
- The Plates of Ether and the Covenant of the Book of Mormon (6,486 views)
- Jesus the Savior in 3 Nephi (6,480 views)
- Using the Book of Mormon to Meet Today's Challenges (6,472 views)
- Christopher Columbus: Man of Destiny (6,447 views)
- The Atonement of Jesus Christ—“Glad Tidings of Great Joy” (6,388 views)
- The King James Bible and the Book of Mormon (6,368 views)
- Visualizing the People, Places, and Plates of the Book of Mormon (6,221 views)
- The Liahona Triad (6,090 views)
- “All Are Alike unto God”: Equality and Charity in the Book of Mormon (6,052 views)