Religious Studies Center Books

As the last custodian of a record spanning over two millennia, Moroni invited modern readers to do what he himself had done: reflect on God’s mercy “from the creation of Adam even down until the time that ye shall receive these things” (Moroni 10:3). That mercy is evident not only in the profound teachings contained in the Book of Mormon but also in the miraculous journey of the record itself—a sacred text that was meticulously preserved and passed down through generations by prophetic guardians.

Authentic explores the provenance of this ancient book of scripture: how it was safeguarded against destruction, delivered by an angel, and ultimately translated and published in our time. Examining the text’s history reveals an unbroken chain of inspired recordkeepers who intentionally structured the text for future investigation.

The Book of Mormon is a rare book whose creation and transmission seem designed to withstand the test of time, a remarkable record of ancient provenance made possible only by divine providence.

This book is designed to supplement the 2025 Doctrine and Covenants Come, Follow Me Church curriculum year. The Doctrine and Covenants beautifully illustrates that the Lord Jesus Christ lives and speaks today. By integrating both spiritual and secular understanding and insights, this volume explores how the Doctrine and Covenants teaches doctrine, principles, laws, prophecies, typologies, and gospel applications.

Joseph Smith did not simply proclaim he had a different understanding of Christian religion; central to his teachings were the numerous angelic visitations through which important keys and teachings were delivered. Joseph also had incredible visions of the future, the Resurrection, and the Final Judgment. Some of Joseph’s many visitations and visions would eventually be canonized as Doctrine and Covenants 13, 76, and 137. This book focuses on these miraculous visitations and revelatory visions, their implications for Latter-day Saint doctrine, and their potential application to modern Saints and the broader world.

The history of The Church of the Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Pacific and Asia includes a vast array of stories and experiences spread across a diverse spectrum of peoples and cultures. However, this history is often focused or told from the perspective or voices of the first missionary elders, branch presidents, bishops, district or stake presidents, and mission and temple presidents. The other half of this important latter-day history includes mothers, wives, daughters, and sisters. The experiences of the first sister missionaries, Relief Society or Primary presidents, companions to the mission presidents, temple matrons, and other female leaders are essential to provide a more complete picture of this great work of faith and sacrifice among the people in the Pacific and Asia.

The essays in this volume explore the historical context and doctrinal teachings from a selection of the canonized revelations and official declarations. Contributors explore the testimony of the witnesses to the Book of Mormon, the revelations given to Emma Smith, Hiram Page, and Thomas B. Marsh; the law of common consent, sacramental covenants, consecration, establishing Zion, the degrees of glory in the afterlife, the priesthood power of women, the visitation of Elijah in the Kirtland Temple, the sacred location of Adam-ondi-Ahman, baptism for the dead, Satan’s reality, the beginnings of plural marriage, the doctrine of redemption of the dead, and the Manifesto, which led to the end of plural marriage.

The Good, the Bad, and the Heavenly is a faith-affirming exploration of Lehi’s teaching that “opposition in all things” structures the world and enables our salvation. A single uniform state can’t compute, can’t deliver the goods of salvation—life, happiness, meaning, intelligence. We need a compound-in-one state in which we are challenged, stretched, and sometimes puzzled. Given its soul-stretching complexity, mortality is not a world in which there is a right answer to every ideological or intellectual question. It is rather a living laboratory for the development of kindness, forgiveness, empathy, and charity. To this end Grandy takes a fresh look at fundamental gospel principles, particularly faith, repentance, and charity—teachings that are admirably adapted to the intrinsically uncertain world we live in. They are the very essence of Christian life.

Joseph Wilford Booth, one of the first Latter-day Saint missionaries in the Ottoman Empire, served for seventeen years between 1898 and 1928 in what is today Turkey, Israel/Palestine, Lebanon, and Syria. This collection of topically arranged, annotated, and contextualized excerpts from Booth’s journals provides insights about the early Latter-day Saint presence in the Middle East, including the everyday lives of the missionaries, local Church members, and larger populations in the region. Booth’s journals address the broader social, political, and cultural issues of a volatile period in the Middle East as he witnessed the end of the Ottoman Empire and the destructive effects of World War I on the region as a whole, but especially on the Ottoman Armenian population.

Katharine Smith Salisbury was the longest-surviving member of the Joseph Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith family. Her biography records a life of challenges, including overcoming religious prejudice and ostracism. Three of Katharine’s children died in infancy. The Salisburys were driven from Ohio and Missouri. Her husband only sporadically provided for the family, was outside the faith for a time, and died at forty-four. After the deaths of Joseph and Hyrum, Katharine remained in Hancock County, Illinois, where the family continued to experience untold hardships due to her connection to the church’s founder. Through all these challenges, Katharine remained loyal to her brother Joseph Smith Jr., vouching for his prophetic appointment. She successfully perpetuated her faith in these early Restoration events to her expanding posterity before her death in 1900.

This book collects Joseph Smith’s uncanonized revelations, offering a new edition of these texts and update to past work. While most of the texts featured in this volume are accessible in The Joseph Smith Papers, both online and in print, average readers will probably find it difficult to sift through all twenty-seven volumes of the papers to locate these items. This book aims to remove that barrier to help facilitate access to these fascinating revelations.

Although the ancient scriptural record known as the Book of Mormon contains profound doctrinal and theological content, it is foremost a history. Thus, it is not surprising that it has the earmarks of ancient rather than modern works of history. Yet few studies analyze the Book of Mormon as a legitimate work of ancient history. The author describes the sacral worldview that informed much of ancient writing, surveys four millennia of historical writings to show how the sacral worldview differs from modern historiography, and discusses many underlying historical themes found in the writings of Israelite and Greco-Roman historians that also figure in the composition of the Book of Mormon. That scripture’s sobering theological message is shown to emerge from the historical accounts that inform it.

In his letter to the Corinthians, the apostle Paul bore witness of Jesus Christ, giving the saints at Corinth a list of eyewitnesses who had seen and interacted with the risen Savior and repeating the phrase “he was seen.” Those who experienced Christ after his Resurrection include Mary Magdalene, other women, Peter, James, Stephen, Paul, other apostles, and more than five hundred brethren. In the latter days, witnesses of the living Christ continue to bear testimony of him. This volume points to many reasons to fortify our faith in the Son of God, to deepen our discipleship, and to believe in the Lord’s Resurrection and the Restoration of the gospel. These essays encourage all to spiritually see and experience the risen Christ, affirming Paul’s declaration that “he was seen.”

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has declared the church’s political neutrality while urging individual church members to participate in the political process, become informed about the issues, and choose candidates who demonstrate integrity and compassion. Some wonder if faith and politics can coexist harmoniously. This book features twenty-five interviews with active Latter-day Saint politicians who have served or currently serve in offices at the local, state, and national levels in several countries. They also represent a broad array of political parties and ideologies.

Jacob, the Book of Mormon prophet, is often overshadowed by his brother Nephi and his father, Lehi. But upon further examination, we discover a prophet with an exceptional story and an intriguing contribution. Jacob was among the first in his family to be born outside of Jerusalem, allowing him to bring unique doctrinal questions and perspectives to light. We find a leader who was extremely worried about the welfare and harmony of his people, perhaps because of the continuous conflict he experienced within his own family. We find a man who was open about experiencing “great anxiety,” making him a scriptural figure that many of us can relate to.

A closer look at the writings of Jacob shows that while his story seems short, his doctrinal contribution to the Book of Mormon and to Latter-day Saint understanding is significant. This volume from BYU’s Book of Mormon Academy explores Jacob’s life, teachings, and importance. Twelve Book of Mormon scholars analyze his writings and his life, revealing connections between Jacob and Old Testament prophets, the doctrinal implications of Jacob’s teachings throughout the Book of Mormon, and some of the lessons we can take from Jacob’s life.

This volume provides an in-depth look at this great prophet, giving us a greater appreciation for this man who worked throughout his life “with faith and great anxiety” to bring others to Christ.

Hidden from the world for centuries, the words of ancient Book of Mormon prophets whisper from the dust their witness of Jesus Christ. These prophets were individuals with distinctive speaking patterns that are unique in vocabulary, style, and thematic emphasis.

The fruit of more than a decade of research, this book compares the linguistic fingerprints of many major speakers in the Book of Mormon, from Nephi and Mormon to Jacob and Jesus Christ. It also shows voices speaking in harmony as later prophets use powerful phrases from their predecessors. Each chapter ends with thoughtful discussion of how identifying a speaker’s distinctive voice can spark greater understanding and application of his message.

These voices highlight the textual richness and complexity of the Book of Mormon, providing meaningful evidence that Joseph Smith did not write it. More importantly, they shed new light on Book of Mormon prophets’ distinctive testimonies of Jesus Christ.

This volume is an anthology of essays written by Book of Mormon scholars and educators that encourages readers to take a fresh look at Book of Mormon teachings, stories, and people. It contains a wealth of knowledge, insights, and concepts that will enrich one’s understanding and appreciation of the ancient record. An appendix of quotations by leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints highlights numerous specific blessings and promises associated with reading and studying the Book of Mormon.

This volume represents some of the more compelling articles on the Book of Mormon that have appeared in Religious Studies Center publications. Each has advanced the field of Book of Mormon studies in unique and innovative ways and has provided insights into the doctrine, history, and message of the Book of Mormon.

The book of Isaiah is an exceptional, one-of-a-kind scripture—both in its presentation and in its message about the Savior Jesus Christ and his Atonement. Moreover, the book of Isaiah is significant because it presents the direct words of Jesus Christ (Jehovah) throughout its pages, totaling more than 200 quotations. Truly, Isaiah is an extraordinary work!

This volume is designed specifically to help members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints the Church better comprehend and appreciate how Isaiah’s writings can be understood to testify of Jesus Christ, his restored gospel, his mortal ministry, his Second Coming, his millennial reign, and the Restoration of the gospel.

At the beginning of the Book of Mormon, Nephi writes, “The fulness of mine intent is that I may persuade men to come unto the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, and be saved” (1 Nephi 6:4; emphasis added). He later writes, “I glory in my Jesus, for he hath redeemed my soul from hell” (2 Nephi 33:6). The pinnacle of the Book of Mormon occurred in 3 Nephi when Jesus Christ personally ministered to the Nephites and Lamanites. Clearly the central purpose of those writing on the plates was to invite and persuade each of us to come unto Jesus Christ, helping us understand his redeeming role.

In 1842 Joseph Smith published a sketch of “Church History” that included two core ideals: “We claim the privilege of worshipping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience” and “We believe . . . in obeying, honoring and sustaining the law.” These statements occasionally stand in ten­sion with one another as Church members seek to ensure free exercise of religion while upholding the law. The history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints amply illustrates the challenge its members have faced to freely exercise their deeply held religious convictions when those convictions were con­demned by law. This volume offers historical and global perspectives on how the Latter-day Saints’ understanding of religious freedom has been forged through the crucible of their experience.

In April 1832, as Brigham Young sat wet after his baptism and ordination to the office of elder in the newly restored Church of Christ, a fire began to blaze within him. “I wanted to thunder and roar out the Gospel to the nations,” he recalled. “I had to go out and preach, lest my bones should consume within me.”

The same impulse that spurred him to preach far and wide for years prompted him to begin a journal to preserve a record of those labors. This first volume of The Brigham Young Journals presents Young’s pre-Utah journals, which include three written in his own hand (1832–45) and his Nauvoo office journal kept by clerks (1844–46). Despite some substantial gaps, both records afford unique glimpses into Young’s life and ministry as well as matters of moment—both triumphant and turbulent—in early Church history.

This first volume, produced under the imprimatur of BYU Press, comes from a research team of editors of The Joseph Smith Papers. It features frequent editorial overviews, minimal use of transcription symbols, extensive annotation, detailed physical descriptions of each journal, and photographs. Reference material includes maps, a chronology, and trip itineraries. The verbatim transcriptions reproduced herein show Brigham Young to be a tireless missionary, devoted family man, and able Church leader in the making.

This book is a comprehensive examination of religious scrupulosity, with a focus on treatment. In part 1, the author describes basics about anxiety, OCD, and scrupulosity and how each is related and interconnected. Part 2 explores scrupulosity on a deeper level, including what researchers have learned about scrupulosity. In part 3, McClendon discusses treatment considerations and presents a gold-standard, evidence-based approach to treatment. The interventions described can serve as a stand-alone self-help treatment for scrupulosity or as an adjunct to working with a mental health professional.

These are supplements to the physical hardbound book with the same title.

Since the mid-nineteenth century, only a modicum of attention has been given to the amazing success of the Latter-day Saint missionary effort in Wales. This book provides valuable historical context and publication information about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Principality of Wales during the 1840s and 1850s—the Church’s beginnings, its growth, and its progress amid the constant opposition and allegations from other religious persons and organizations that felt threatened by the doctrine and proselytizing of Latter-day Saint missionaries.

Since the mid-nineteenth century, only a modicum of attention has been given to the amazing success of the Latter-day Saint missionary effort in Wales. This book provides valuable historical context and publication information about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Principality of Wales during the 1840s and 1850s—the Church’s beginnings, its growth, and its progress amid the constant opposition and allegations from other religious persons and organizations that felt threatened by the doctrine and proselytizing of Latter-day Saint missionaries.

This volume shares the story of Utah’s temples, now numbering twenty-eight. Organized chronologically, this gorgeously illustrated book begins with the iconic pioneer-era temples and elaborates on each era of Utah temple building since, including temple remodels and renovations, tabernacles renovated into temples, and new temple designs that maximize efficiency and accommodate patrons in less-populated areas. The stories of the miracles behind these temples show the hand of God in the lives of the Saints and the faith and efforts that have built so many temples in the tops of the mountains in Utah.

While much attention has been given to the ill-fated Martin and Willie handcart companies, few books have examined other handcart companies traveling to the Utah Territory. This volume follows the members of one handcart company by sail, rail, and trail all the way from their New York port to their destination in Salt Lake City. Primary sources from diaries and journals help to tell a compelling shared story, providing readers with a multifaceted perspective of lived religion on the Mormon Trail and strengthening faith through the story of this company’s pushing and pulling to Zion.

How does a person live the commandment to keep the Sabbath day holy in a world that is vastly different from the commandment’s original context with Moses on Mount Sinai? Chapters in this volume explore the Sabbath throughout time, examining the Old Testament and the New Testament; the post–New Testament Christian Church during the second through the fourth centuries; the rabbinic teachings; and modern efforts to keep the Sabbath relevant, including the Restoration and other Christian and Jewish efforts.

This is the first comprehensive history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Guam and Micronesia. Just as currents mingle while they make their way across the Pacific, powerful waves of colonial and Christian culture have intermingled with indigenous culture in Micronesia. European, Asian, and American nations have variously claimed or colonized the islands of Micronesia, exerting influence in politics, education, and the economy, treating the islands as strategic bases or resources. The indigenous people have reacted to each wave of colonial influence and adapted, intermingling cultures. After Japan’s bombings of Hawai‘i, Guam, and Wake Island, Latter-day Saint military personnel arrived in Micronesia. Waves of missionaries began teaching the military personnel and islanders, leading to creation of the Micronesia Guam Mission and the Marshall Islands Majuro Mission, which includes Kiribati. Some of these Pacific battlefields have become peaceful temple grounds.