Rebecca A. Lundwall

Rebecca A. Lundwall

Rebecca A. Lundwall earned her master’s and PhD degrees in cognitive neuroscience from Rice University (2011, 2013). Before that she earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in pre-physical therapy (1987) and guidance and counseling (1990) from Brigham Young University. She joined the faculty at Brigham Young University in 2013 and established the Cognitive Development Lab. Her research focuses on understanding genetic and environmental influences on the development of infants, children, adolescents, and young adults. She has worked on research projects at Brigham Young University, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Rice University, the University of Houston-Clear Lake, the Houston VA Medical Center (HCQCUS), and the University of Houston. Most of her current research focuses on autism with a goal to help children and adults realize their divine identify, and she believes the Book of Mormon helps with this endeavor.

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