Eric D. Huntsman received a BA in classical Greek and Latin from Brigham Young University and an MA and PhD in ancient history from the University of Pennsylvania. In 2003, after teaching for nine years in classics and ancient history at BYU, he transferred to Religious Education, becoming a full professor of ancient scripture in 2015. He taught at the BYU Jerusalem Center from 2011 to 2012 and then directed the Ancient Near Eastern Studies program from 2012 to 2020. He began a two-year appointment as the academic director of the BYU Jerusalem Center in April 2022. He is the author of God So Loved the World: The Final Days of the Savior’s Life, Good Tidings of Great Joy: An Advent Celebration of the Savior’s Birth, The Miracles of Jesus, Worship: Adding Depth to Your Devotion, and Becoming the Beloved Disciple: Coming unto Christ through the Gospel of John.