Gospel Topic: God the Father
- A Discussion of Lecture 5: The Supreme Power over All Things: The Doctrine of the Godhead in the Lectures on Faith (2,837 views)
- A Discussion of Lectures 3 and 4: The Imperative and Unchanging Nature of God (1,623 views)
- “All Their Creeds Were an Abomination”: A Brief Look at Creeds as Part of the Apostasy (10,076 views)
- Book of Mormon "Trinitarianism" and the Nature of Jesus Christ: Old and New World Contexts (437 views)
- Comprehending the Character of God: A Key to Successful Relationships (5,364 views)
- Doctrinal Insights from Joseph Smith’s First Vision (2,022 views)
- "Encircling Astronomy and the Egyptians: An Approach to Abraham 3" (2,347 views)
- God (524 views)
- God’s Love for Mankind (1,390 views)
- God’s Manifestations: The Authoring and Finishing of Our Faith (5,767 views)
- Imago Dei: Man in the Image of God (3,525 views)
- Joseph Smith’s Multiple Visions of the Father and the Son (83 views)
- Lecture 3 (2,694 views)
- Our Identity and Our Destiny (770 views)
- Relational Grace: The Reciprocal and Binding Covenant of Charis (1,006 views)
- The Doctrine of God the Father in the Book of Mormon (6,471 views)
- The Love of God (2,163 views)
- The Ministry of the Father and the Son (3,796 views)
- The Need for Historicity: Why Banishing God from History Removes Historical Obligation (532 views)
- The Omniscience of God (4,476 views)
- The Premortal Godhood of Christ: A Restoration Perspective (9,823 views)
- "The Role of Christ as the Father in the Atonement" (1,257 views)
- "To Them Gave He Power to Become" (24,534 views)
from My Redeemer Lives!
- Usage of the Title Elohim (14,308 views)
- Why Is Abba in the New Testament? (4,260 views)