Gospel Topic: Baptism for the Dead
- Baptism for the Dead (1,649 views)
- “For Their Salvation Is Necessary and Essential to Our Salvation”: Joseph Smith and the Practice of Baptism and Confirmation for the Dead (3,383 views)
- “A Voice of Gladness for the Living and the Dead” (D&C 128:19) (1,449 views)
- “I Mean to Be Baptized for Scores More”: Baptisms for the Dead among the Latter-day Saints, 1846–67 (1,638 views)
- Jane Neyman and the First Baptism for the Dead (186 views)
- The Soteriological Problem of Evil (2,498 views)
- Wondering at His Words: Peter’s Influence on the Knowledge of Salvation for the Dead (1,472 views)
- Visions of Christ in the Spirit World and the Dead Redeemed (2,146 views)
- Preaching to the spirits in prison (1,803 views)
- Redemption for the Dead (D&C 2) (3,961 views)
- “Line upon Line”: Joseph Smith’s Growing Understanding of the Eternal Family (6,787 views)
- The Redemption of the Dead: A Latter-day Saint Perspective on the Fate of the Unevangelized (635 views)
- Purposes and Functions of The Temple (4,088 views)
- A Tale of Two Temples (1,391 views)
- Expanding Heaven and Contracting Hell: Joseph Smith’s 1836 Vision of the Celestial Kingdom (49 views)