Ronald D. Dennis is a professor emeritus of Portuguese and Welsh at Brigham Young University. During his three decades at BYU, Professor Dennis amassed an extensive collection of biographies, journals, and pictures of the early Welsh Latter-day Saints. These are now being digitized and uploaded to the Internet at welshmormonhistory.org.
Dennis's publications include The Call of Zion: The Story of the First Welsh Mormon Emigration; Defending the Faith: Early Welsh Missionary Publications; Welsh Mormon Writings from 1844 to 1862: A Historical Bibliography; Prophet of the Jubilee, a facsimile translation of the periodical Prophwyd y Jubili; and the Zion's Trumpet series, facsimile translations of Udgorn Seion. He has also written and privately published Indefatigable Veteran: History and Biography of Abel Evans, a Welsh Mormon Elder.