Fall 2016 Review Magazine

Enter to Learn
Message From the Deans' Office
Dana M. Pike, Associate Dean
As indicated in scripture, entering is an essential part of progress. There are many references to people entering things. Noah and his family entered the ark (Genesis 7:13). Moses entered into the tabernacle and received revelation from Jehovah (Exodus 33:9). Joshua and the Israelites entered into the land of Canaan. More importantly, however, we read of the Israelites entering into a covenant with the Lord (Deuteronomy 29:12; Ezekiel 16:8). Likewise, Jesus entered ships, houses, towns, and cities during his ministry (e.g., Matthew 7:21; 8:5). But of greater significance, he encouraged his followers to “Enter ye in at the strait gate . . . which leadeth unto life” (Matthew 7:13–14), while warning that various sins hinder us from entering into the kingdom of heaven (e.g., Matthew 5:20; 7:21; 23:13). Jesus clearly instructed those who desired to enter heaven to “learn of me” (Matthew 11:29).
Brigham Young University unofficially employs the motto “Enter to Learn; Go Forth to Serve” to succinctly state a major purpose of the university (many other institutions use this slogan as well). As a part of Religious Education, BYU’s Religious Studies Center invites all people to enter and to learn about the scriptures, Church history, and Jesus’s gospel through its conferences and publications. Furthermore, through the wonder of the only twenty-five-year-old Internet, people around the world can enter the Religious Studies Center’s website to learn (rsc.byu.edu). We are confident that the RSC’s numerous publications, most of which are freely available on its website, provide quality resources to assist latter-day Saints in fulfilling the Lord’s injunctions to “study my word” (D&C 11:22), to “seek learning, even by study and also by faith” (D&C 88:118), and more specifically, to “learn of me” (D&C 19:23; 32:1; 58:1).
We invite you to enter the RSC website (rsc.byu.edu) to learn. And please help us share this great resource with others.
Dana M. Pike
Associate Dean