Chad H Webb was born in Rexburg, Idaho, on December 18, 1964, to Larry George Webb and Paige Webb. He grew up in southeastern Idaho, and married Kristi Ann Bronson in the Logan Utah Temple on August 4, 1990. They live in Layton, Utah, and have six children.
Brother Webb graduated from Brigham Young University with a bachelor’s degree in Spanish and a master’s degree in educational leadership and foundations. He taught released-time seminary in Salt Lake City and institute in Virginia and Utah. He coordinated institute programs in Washington, D.C. and supervised training and selection of seminary teachers. He has served as an administrator of Seminaries and Institutes of Religion since 2008.
Brother Webb was released as Layton Utah Valley View Stake president shortly before his call. He served as a full-time missionary in Veracruz, Mexico. Previous callings include bishop, high councilor and elders quorum president.