Page numbers in italics refer to images.
abolitionism, 97, 99
Abraham, Book of. See also Egyptian papyri
translation of, 189–90, 196–97, 203n54
publication of, 192–95, 330, 340n27, 340n31
Phelps’s connection to, 194–95, 197
Phelps’s connection to doctrine of, 197–99
Adamic language, 400
Adam-ondi-Ahman (doctrine), 292n14
“Adam-ondi-Ahman” (hymn/
Adam-ondi-Ahman (place), 276–77, 295
Alger, Fanny, 263
almanacs, 68, 76, 454–57, 466–69, 479–80, 487n6
American Revolution, 1–2, 4, 57, 366n67
Andrews, Simeon, 189
anointings, 228–29, 230, 319
“Answer, The” (Smith), 333–35, 394–96
founding of, xxii
Phelps’s involvement in, xxiv, 18, 23–26
influence of, 21
development of, 22–23
and Ontario Phoenix, 26–28
purpose of, 27
Anti-Mormon Party, 309, 310, 376–78
in Kirtland, 253, 259–60, 262
in Far West, 274–75, 277–79
Danites and, 279–80
of Marsh and Hyde, 286–87
and Joseph Smith’s presidential campaign, 360
of William Law, 370–72
Apostles. See Twelve Apostles
“Appeal” (Phelps), 142
Arrow Rock, 52–53
Articles of Faith, 317
Atchison, David R., 116, 127–28, 140
Atiya, Aziz S., 195
Aull, Robert, 54
Austin, Emily, 91
Avard, Sampson, 277, 289
Babbitt, Almon, 307
Badlam, Alexander, 433
baptism for the dead, 404–5
“Baptism for the Dead” (Smith), 404–5
Barber, Andrew, 118
Bemis, James D., 16
Bennet, James Arlington, 348, 354
Bennett, James Gordon, 309, 411n7
Bennett, John C., 314
Benson, Ezra T., 459
Bent, Joseph Kilburn, 259, 311n14
Bent, Samuel, 259, 366n56
Benton, Thomas H., 130
Berhnisel, John, 342n44
Bernard, David, 26, 27
Bettisworth, David, 378
Beware of False Prophets, 98
Bible, 208
Big Elk, 432
Billings, Titus, 261, 265
Blackstone, Sir William, 347, 363n16
Bloomer, R. M., 24
Boggs, Lilburn W., 101, 119, 283, 285, 287
Book of Breathings, 195–96
Book of Commandments, 53, 56, 68, 80, 102, 104, 207–8. See also Doctrine and Covenants
Book of Mormon. See also gold plates
translation and publication of, xxii
and conversion of Phelps, 32, 36–37
Phelps on, 34
promotion of, 208
doctrine concerning, 407–8
Boston Bee, 336, 344n67
Boston Branch, 433
Brannan, Samuel, 420
Brewster, Caroline Williams, 429
Brewster, Lydia Caroline (Waterman’s wife), 429, 482–83
Brewster, Lydia (Sally’s sister), 179
Brewster, William, 429
Bruce, Eli, 33, 37n10
Bullock, Thomas, 430, 443, 450, 460n1
Burk, John M., 147, 157
Burton, Richard F., 473, 487n2, 490n67
Caldwell County, Missouri. See also Far West, Missouri
creation of, 246–50
militia in, 279, 287, 293n28
following Mormon Missouri War, 295
Calhoun, John C., 348, 350–51
Campbell, James, 127, 139
Camp of Israel. See Zion’s Camp
canal committee, 444–45
Canandaigua, New York, 8–9, 33–34, 37–38n15
Canandaigua Academy, 8–9
Carrington, Albert, 469, 472
Carroll County, Missouri, 248, 283
Carter, Simeon, 265
Carthage Jail, 380–81
Cass, Lewis, 131, 348–49, 350
Catherwood, Frederick, 407–8
celestial kingdom, 229
Chandler, Michael H., 187, 188–89, 200n6
and Phelps as father and husband, xvii, xxii–xxiv, 25, 91, 155–56, 184–85
raising, 91, 214–15
counsel for, 404
cholera, 140–41, 212–13
“Church History,” 317, 318
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The
growth of, xxiv–xxvi, 79–82
Phelps’s impact on, xxvi, 507–8
Phelps’s conversion to, 31–37
discord in, 45, 57–58, 65, 66–67, 87–89, 253, 259–60, 262, 274–75, 277–80, 286–87, 360, 370–72
third anniversary of founding of, 91–92, 94n24
financial crisis of, 241, 253
history of, 276, 292n10, 317, 321–22n9
depiction of, in newspapers, 309
and righteous living, 408–9
promotion of, 457–59
Civil War, 479–80, 490n71
Clark, John B., 287, 289
Clark, William, 46, 67–68
Clay, Henry, 349, 350, 375
Clay County, Missouri
Mormons flee to, 120
hardship in, 123
life in, 126
presidency and high council created in, 141
Phelps’s leadership in, 141–47
internal challenges in, 239
threats against Saints in, 243–46
Clayton, William, 338n11, 355
Cleminson, John, 280, 281, 287, 289
climatology, 14, 19n7, 435, 436, 444, 472–73, 488n36
Clinton County, Missouri, 242–43
Coe, Joseph, 40, 189
coin, translated by Phelps, 478
Collection of Sacred Hymns, A, 69, 161–63, 168–69n52, 169n55, 496, 497–501, 505n41
“Come to Me” (Phelps), 398
“Come to Me, Will Ye Come,” 501
consecration, 53, 64, 66, 67
Constitution of the State of Deseret, 444, 445, 460–61n11
Copeland, Solomon, 354
Corrill, John
assignment given to, 45
moves to Independence, 52
criticizes LDS Church leaders, 82
letters from, 87, 88, 90
and Olive Leaf revelation, 90
and expulsion of Saints, 104, 246–47
petitions for redress, 115, 116
and mob violence in Independence, 117
charged with false imprisonment, 118–19
reports on dealings with Missouri government, 132n9
to buy land in Jackson County, 241
returns to Missouri, 242
and creation of Far West, 248–49
as keeper of storehouse, 261
and excommunication of Phelps, 265
as peace negotiator, 287, 290
testifies at court of inquiry, 289
Corrill, Nancy, 64
Cortland County, New York, 4–7, 9, 17, 307–8
Cortland Repository, 18
Cortland Republican, 16–17
Council Bluffs, 431
Council of Fifty, 355–56, 365n53, 365–66n56, 366n57, 399, 422–24, 444–45
council of presidents, 152–53, 156–57
Cowdery, Elizabeth Ann Whitmer, 55, 121
Cowdery, Oliver
travels to Missouri, 39
assignment given to, 42–43
as assistant to Phelps, 55
marriage of, 55
and The Evening and the Morning Star, 56
arrives in Independence, 60n20
correspondence with, 90, 130, 156, 167n14, 177, 426–27, 439–40n66
and Olive Leaf revelation, 90
and mob violence in Independence, 103, 112–14
as printer, 120, 206
and Phelps’s “Appeal,” 142
as assistant president in council of presidents, 152–53
and Doctrine and Covenants, 155, 158–60
Phelps’s relationship with, 155
and “Grammar and Alphabet of the Egyptian Language,” 191–92
and LDS Church doctrine, 205
receives vision in Kirtland Temple, 234
apostasy of, 260, 262–63, 274–75
tribunal against, 263–66
removal of, from Far West, 277–79
Crary, John, 27
creeds, 205
Danites, 279–80, 286
dark skin, 217
“David’s Psalm 48” (Phelps), 476–77
Daviess County, Missouri
creation of, 248
persecution of Saints in, 248
decision to settle in, 262
exploration of, 276–77
and Mormon Missouri War, 283–84
following Mormon Missouri War, 295
Dayton, Ohio, 300–301
dead, baptism for, 404–5
“Dedication Hymn” (Phelps), 402
degrees of glory, vision of, 69, 85n26, 207, 333–35, 394–96
Deseret. See also Utah Territory
constitution of, 444, 445, 460–61n11
life of Phelps family in, 444, 459
Council of Fifty in, 444–45
and Southern Exploration Expedition, 445–46
university established in, 446–49
Phelps’s legal work in, 449–50
Phelps’s political service in, 450, 471–72
prospects for future in, 459–60
weather research in, 472–73
and exploration of Weber River, 475
Endowment House in, 478–79
Deseret Almanac, 454–57, 466–69, 479–80, 487n6
Deseret Alphabet, 448–49, 474
Deseret Horticultural Society, 474
Deseret News, 198–99, 450–53, 469–70, 472, 473
Deseret Theological Institute, 474
Deseret Typographical Association, 474, 489n43
“Despise Not Prophesyings” (Phelps), 307
De Witt, Missouri, 283
Dibble, Philo, 278, 498, 499
doctrine, interpretation of Nauvoo-era, 393
on vastness of eternity, 394–96
on Heavenly Mother, 397–98
on nature of God, 397–98
on kingdom of God, 398–99
on prophets and revelation, 399–400
on priesthood power, 401
on significance of temple and endowment, 401
on marriage, women, and families, 403–4
on baptism for the dead, 404–5
on Holy Ghost, 405
on spiritual gifts, 405–7
on truthfulness of Book of Mormon, 407–8
on signs of Second Coming, 408
on living righteously, 408–9
doctrine, Phelps’s efforts to promote, 205–6
as printer for LDS Church, 206–8
on Zion, 209
on gatherings of various groups, 210–11
on teachings of Bible rather than sectarians, 211
on Second Coming, 212–14
and instructions to families, 214–15
in Messenger and Advocate, 215–17
summary of, in Kirtland, 217
Doctrine and Covenants, 155, 157–61, 318–19, 385. See also Book of Commandments
doing good, xviii
Doniphan, Alexander W., 116, 247–48, 287, 288
Dover, New Jersey, 1–2, 3–4
Dunham, Jonathan, 374
Dunklin, Daniel, 114–16, 123–24, 126–27, 130–31, 136–37, 138, 144–45, 240, 245–46
Dunn, Elizabeth, 428, 440n86
Dunster, James Record, 459
“Earth, with Her Ten Thousand Flow’rs,” 494
Egan, Howard, 449–50
Egyptian Alphabet and Grammar, 190–92, 194–95, 197, 201n19
Egyptian papyri
obtained by Joseph Smith, 187–89
translation of, 189–90, 196–97, 203n54
work on, 190–92
and publication of Book of Abraham, 192–95
rediscovery of, 195–96, 203n51
Emmett, James, 422
Emmons, Sylvester, 371–72, 373
individuals chosen to receive, 139–40, 144
Phelps’s anticipation regarding, 178
preparation for, 182, 184, 225–26
unfolding of, 226–31
and washing of feet, 233–34
and redemption of Zion, 240
in Nauvoo, 319, 427–29
doctrine concerning, 401–2
Phelps’s involvement in, 428, 429, 455, 478–79, 490n66
Endowment House, 478–79
Enoch, 209
eternity, vastness of, 394–96
Evening and the Morning Star, The
Phelps as editor of, 55–56
printing begins on, 73–75
revelations published in, 75, 207, 218n14
content of, 75–76
and Phelps as spiritual adviser to Zion, 76–78
and LDS Church growth in Independence, 79–82
Joseph Smith’s counsel concerning, 89
and mob violence in Independence, 100–101
reconstitution of, 112–13, 120
subscriptions for, 206
used in missionary service, 206–7
excerpts from Book of Mormon published in, 208
writings on Zion in, 209
exodus. See westward migration
Fallis, Willis C., 301
false spirits, 406–7
and Phelps as father and husband, xvii, xxii–xxiv, 25, 91, 155–56, 184–85
instruction to, 214–15
doctrine concerning, 403–4
Far West, Missouri
creation of, 246–50
prosperity in, 253
rift between LDS Church leaders in, 255–58
temple groundbreaking in, 258–59
Marsh and Patten plot takeover in, 260–62
Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon move to, 266
apostasy in, 274–75
plan to expel dissenters in, 277–79
creation of Danites in, 279–80
and Mormon Missouri War, 283–84
following Mormon Missouri War, 295
Mormons driven from, 296–97
Phelps concludes business in, 297–300
Far West Temple, 249, 258–59, 276, 298
feasts, 183
feet, washing, 233–34
fife, 18, 20n29
Fillmore, Millard, 447, 462n47
First Vision, 156
“Fishing River Revelation,” 138–39
Ford, Thomas, 346, 347, 350, 379, 380
Fort Leavenworth, 146
Fort Osage, 46
Foster, Charles, 371
Foster, Robert, 371, 383
Freemasons and Freemasonry, 21–22, 375–76. See also Anti-Masonry
Frierson, John, 349
Gause, Jesse, 58, 61n46, 65, 69
general conference, 465, 480, 486–87n1, 493
“General Smith’s Views on the Power and Policy of the Government of the United States,” 351–52, 353, 354–55, 364n39, 365n52
Gilbert, Sidney
travels to Missouri, 40
assignment given to, 42, 43
revelation for, 46
moves to Independence, 52
opens business in Independence, 54
letter of, to Joseph Smith, 87
and mob violence in Independence, 101
and expulsion of Saints from Jackson County, 104
charged with false imprisonment, 118–19
petitions for redress, 123
death of, 140
Gillium, Cornelius, 140
Gleason, Sarah Betsina (Betsy), 434, 435, 442n120, 459, 484
“Glorious Things Are Sung of Zion,” 501
“Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken,” 494–95
nature of, 397–98
kingdom of, 398–99
“God Is Love,” 494
Gods, plurality of, 371, 397–98
“God Save Nauvoo” (Phelps), 410
gold plates, xxii, 31, 32. See also Book of Mormon
Goldsmith, Josiah, 2
good, doing, xviii
“Goodly City of Nauvoo, The” (Phelps), 320
Gorham, Nathaniel, 8
Gould, John, 113, 114, 123, 132n4
“Government of God, The” (Smith), 398–99
“Governments and Laws in General,” 160
“Go with Me” (Phelps), 333
“Grammar and Alphabet of the Egyptian Language,” 190–92, 194–95, 197, 201n19
grand council, 226–28
Granger, Francis, 27
Grant, Jedediah M., 450, 471
Greene, John P., 374, 383
Gregg, Thomas, 309
Grover, Thomas, 263, 265
Groves, Elisha, 246, 255, 265
Hale, Solomon Henry, 444
Hancock, Levi, 54, 278, 360
Hancock, Solomon, 140, 265
Harris, George W., 297
Harris, Martin, 21, 33, 34, 40, 43, 48n25, 63
Harrison, William Henry, 336
Heavenly Mother, 398
Hebrew language, 165
“He Died! The Great Redeemer Died,” 495
Hedlock, Reuben, 192, 194
Henry, Joseph, 472
Hewitt, John, 156–57
Higbee, Chauncey, 371
Higbee, Elias, 265
Higbee, Francis, 371, 374
Hills, Gustavas, 328
Hinkle, George M., 265, 267, 287, 288, 289, 290
History of the Church, 317, 321–22n9
History of Joseph Smith, 315–16, 322n10, 469–70, 507
“Ho, Ho, for the Temple’s Completed,” 402, 501
Holy Ghost, 405–7
“Home” (Phelps), 456–57
“Homer” (Phelps’s pseudonym), 452
Homer Township, New York, 4–7, 9, 307–8
“Hosanna” hymn. See “Spirit of God, The”
Howe, Eber D., 21, 33–34
Huntington, Oliver B., 433, 485, 491n108
Hyde, Orson
writes to brethren in Independence, 88
takes instructions to Independence, 113
petitions for redress, 114, 115
reports on mob violence in Independence, 123, 132n4
Phelps’s relationship with, 153
and Doctrine and Covenants, 158
apostasy of, 286–87
and Phelps’s return to the church, 301–2
and succession following martyrdom, 414
nickname given to, 420, 459
hymnbook. See Collection of Sacred Hymns, A; Hymns
hymns. See also Collection of Sacred Hymns, A; poetry and prose
as Phelps’s legacy, xvi, xviii, xxvi
Phelps’s love of singing, xxiii, 7, 81
about Sabbath, 45
printed in Star, 78–79
printed in Messenger and Advocate, 157
published in Deseret News, 198–99
on Enoch and Zion, 209
on Second Coming, 213–14, 227–28
for Kirtland Temple dedication, 221, 231–33
for grand council, 227–28
praising Joseph Smith, 384–85
for Nauvoo Temple dedication, 402, 424–25
for Seventies Hall dedication, 417–18
Phelps’s contributions to, 493
of Phelps in current LDS hymnal, 494–95
themes in early Restoration, 495
adapted from existing texts and tunes, 496–97, 505n39
of Phelps in original hymnal, 497–501
of Phelps in subsequent hymnals, 501
Hymns, 493, 494–95
“I Always Loved” (Phelps), 470
“I Am Not Old” (Phelps), 450–51
“If You Could Hie to Kolob” (Phelps), 198–99, 501
Illinois State Convention, 359–60
Illustrations of Freemasonry (Morgan), 22
Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan (Stephens), 331–32, 342n44, 408
Independence, Missouri
Phelps instructed to travel to, 39–40
voyage to, 40–41
sacred events in, 41–43
description of, 44–45
Joseph Smith company returns to Kirtland from, 45–47
Phelps family moves to, 52–53
John Whitmer and Oliver Cowdery arrive in, 54, 60n20
Phelps’s beginnings in, 54–55
mutual antagonism in, 58–59, 95–98
life in, 63–64, 90–91
Joseph Smith arrives in, 64–67
map of, 65
threats from original settlers in, 67–68, 69–70, 92
printing office in, 73–75, 100–103, 127
LDS Church growth in, 79–82
rivalry between Kirtland and, 82–84
and discord in LDS Church, 87–89
school in, 90–91, 111
violent outbreaks in, 98–102
aftermath of mob violence in, 102–4
expulsion from, 103–4, 111–21
First Presidency sends instructions regarding, 104–5, 111–12
responsibility for mob violence in, 105–6
revised plans for, 113–14
destruction of Mormon property in, 135–36
Joseph Smith on return to, 144
temple lot in, 221–22
Independence Day address, 281–83
“Indian Hunter,” 417, 438n20
Indian Removal Act (1830), 210, 219n31
in Revolutionary War, 4
Mormon views on, 41–42, 97, 145–46
gathering of, 209, 210–11, 219n31
Phelps’s teachings on, 215–17
Phelps reports on location of, 422
negotiations with, 432
Iroquois Indians, 4
Irvingites, 156–57, 167n24
Israel, gathering of, 211
Jackson, Andrew, 130–31, 155, 210
Jackson, Joseph H., 371–72, 373
Jackson, Sarah, 55
Jackson County, Missouri, 41–42. See also Independence, Missouri
Jacobs, Henry B., 434
jealousy, 255–57
“Jerusalem” (Phelps), 470–71
Jesus Christ, vision of, 234
Jews, gathering of, 211
Johnson, Benjamin F., 366n56
Johnson, Luke, 207
Johnson, Lyman, 274–75, 277–79
Johnson, Richard M., 349
Jonas, Abraham, 375–76
Jones, Mary Roberts, 459, 463n61
Joseph of Egypt, 189–90
“Joseph Smith,” 384–85, 501
“Joseph Smith’s Last Dream” (Phelps), 468
“Joy to the World,” 213–14
Keep, John, 5
Kimball, Heber C., 301, 420, 459
King, Austin A., 288–89
kingdom of God, 398–99
King Follett discourse, 361, 397–98
“King’s Jester,” 455, 466–67
Kirtland, Ohio
Phelps moves to, 35–36, 307
Joseph Smith company returns to, from Independence, 45–47
zeal in, 51–52
rivalry between Independence and, 82–84
epistle to brethren in, 90
Phelps prepares to leave for, 142
Phelps travels to, 151–52
map of, 152
LDS Church leadership structure in, 152–55
Phelps’s contributions in, 155–57, 165–66
blessings received by Phelps in, 163–64
School of the Elders in, 164–65
Phelps’s letters from, 171–84
apostasy in, 253, 259–60, 262
Marsh and Patten travel to, 258, 259
Kirtland Temple
revelation regarding, 88
endowment and, 139–40, 144
Phelps’s involvement with, 221
construction of, 222–23, 224–25
preparations for, 223
visions received in, 229–30, 234
dedication of, 231–33, 234
Knight, Joseph Jr., 54
Knight, Newel, 96, 116, 119
“Knowledge Is Power” (Smith), 400
Kolob, 198
Lake Light, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29n8
language, 400, 476–78
“Latter Day Saints” (Phelps), 317
Latter Day Saints’ Messenger and Advocate, 145–47, 154, 155, 157, 159, 162, 215–17
Law, Jane, 370, 388n15
Law, William, 370–72, 387, 388n15, 468
Law, Wilson, 370–72, 387, 388n15, 468
Lebolo, Antonio, 187
Lectures on Faith, 157–58
legal work, 347, 449–50
Lewis, Joshua, 41
Liberty Blues, 126–28
Liberty Jail, 289–90
Lightner, Mary, 132n19
Literary Firm, 53, 55, 68–70
Littlefield, Lyman O., 328
Loring, Asa, 14
Lucas, Samuel D., 127, 287–88
Lyman, Amasa, 385, 414, 459
Majors, Alexander, 95, 96, 100, 101, 119
Majors, Benjamin, 127
malaria, 181
Marks, William, 385
marriage, 156, 160, 179–81, 403–4, 467–68. See also plural marriage
Marsh, Thomas B.
Phelps’s relationship with, 33, 153, 166n10, 254
and distressed immigrants in Clay County, 246
background of, 254–55
and rift between LDS Church leaders in Far West, 255–58, 260–62, 269n17
travels to Kirtland, 258, 259
Joseph Smith’s relationship with, 259–60
and excommunication of Phelps, 263–68
and Mormon Missouri War, 286
apostasy of, 286–87
excommunication of, 297
Martin, Moses, 265
martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith
and Joseph Smith’s presidential campaign, 361–62
circumstances preceding, 369–70
and Nauvoo Expositor, 372–74, 377–78
and political opposition to Joseph Smith, 375
and animosity of Freemasons, 375–76
and Anti-Mormon Party, 376–78
arrest of Joseph Smith, 378
flight and arrest preceding, 379–80
events and aftermath of, 380–85
succession following, 385–87, 390–91n84
McCarty, Richard, 117, 118
McCoy, Isaac, 119
McLellin, William E.
arrives in Independence, 83–84
opens school, 90–91
and mob violence in Independence, 98, 102, 103
charged with false imprisonment, 118–19
petitions for redress, 123
Phelps’s relationship with, 153
missionary efforts of, 206–7
Meikeljohn, Mary Catherine, 483
Mercantile and Mechanical Association, 416
meteorology, 14, 19n7, 435, 436, 444, 472–73, 488n36
millennial fervor, 76, 146
Millennium, 398
Miller, Daniel, 14
Miller, David C., 22
Miller, John, 4, 5
Miller, Reuben, 432–33
missionary work
LDS Church growth through, xxiv–xxvi
of Phelps in Ohio, 51–52
and persecution in Jackson County, 95–96, 97
The Evening and the Morning Star used in, 206–7
and redemption of Zion, 241
of Phelps to East, 307–8
and Joseph Smith’s presidential campaign, 359
of James Phelps, 483
Missouri River, 45–46, 49n41
Morey, George, 263, 265
Morgan, William, 22–23, 25
Morgan Affair, 22–23, 25
Morley, Isaac
assignment given to, 45
moves to Independence, 52
and Olive Leaf revelation, 90
and mob violence in Independence, 100, 103, 107n21
charged with false imprisonment, 118–19
to buy land in Jackson County, 241
returns to Missouri, 242
and creation of Far West, 248–49
and excommunication of Phelps, 265
Mormon Missouri War (1838), 248, 281–91
Moroni, xxii
Mt. Nebo, 445–46
Murdock, John, 246–47, 256, 265
“My God, How Endless Is Your Love,” 497
Nauvoo, Illinois. See also doctrine, interpretation of Nauvoo-era; westward migration
Phelps family moves to, 310, 313–14
Phelps’s writing and printing projects in, 314–19
Phelps family developments in, 319–21
printing and editing positions in, 325–26
Phelps’s contributions to newspapers in, 333–37
attack on Joseph Smith’s authority in, 345–46
city council meetings in, 346–47, 362n9, 383
Masonic lodge in, 376
martial law declared in, 378–79
doctrine concerning glory of, 409–10
debts of, 413
manufacturing committees in, 416
educational efforts in, 416–17, 438n18
police force for, 423
persecution in, 424, 431
Nauvoo Charter, 314, 346, 373
Nauvoo Expositor, 370, 372–74, 375, 377–78
Nauvoo Manufacturing Association, 416
Nauvoo Neighbor, 333, 347, 378–79, 382–83, 384, 415–18, 423, 424, 426
Nauvoo Temple
significance of, 401–2
completion of, 402, 424–26
construction of, 417
operation of, 427–29
dedication of, 431
Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, 477
New Jerusalem temple, 221–22
“New-Year’s Hymn” (Phelps), 361–62
New York Herald, 309, 411n7
New York Yankee, or Tales of the First Settlers on the Tioughnioga, The (Phelps), 18
nicknames, given to LDS Church leaders, 419–20, 458–59
Northern Times, 155
notary public, 450, 471
“Now Let Us Rejoice” (Phelps), 228, 493
“Now We’ll Sing with One Accord” (Phelps), 165–66
“O Happy Souls Who Pray” (Phelps), 231–32
Olive Leaf revelation, 88, 89–90, 222
“O My Father,” 398
Ontario Phoenix, 16, 25–28, 35
Ontario Repository, 16
O’Reilly, Henry, 35
“O Thou, in Whose Presence My Soul Takes Delight,” 496–97, 505n402
“Our Father in the Heavens” (Phelps), 455–56
Owens, Samuel, 54
Page, John E., 301, 420
paper, for printing press, 55, 56–57, 65, 68, 70–71n5
papyri. See Egyptian papyri
“Paracletes” (Phelps), 198, 396
parent school, 447
Parrish, Warren, 192
Partridge, Edward
travels to Missouri, 40
assignment given to, 42, 43, 45
moves to Independence, 52
conferences called by, 54
and discord in LDS Church, 57–58, 66–67
land purchased by, 63
writes about persecution in Missouri, 71n20
letter of, to Joseph Smith, 88
and Olive Leaf revelation, 90
attacked by mob, 101
seeks redress from civil courts, 127, 133n43
to buy land in Jackson County, 241
returns to Missouri, 242
searches for land in Missouri, 242–43
and creation of Far West, 248–49
and rift between LDS Church leaders in Far West, 258
and excommunication of Phelps, 265
death of, 306–7
in History of Joseph Smith, 316
contributes to Sacred Hymns, 498
Partridge, Eliza, 126
Partridge, Emily, 52, 64, 68, 99
patriarchal blessing, of Phelps, xvii–xviii, 163
patriarchs, 420–21
Patten, David W.
Phelps’s relationship with, 153, 254
background of, 254
and rift between LDS Church leaders in Far West, 255–58
travels to Kirtland, 258, 259
plots takeover of LDS Church leadership in Missouri, 260–62
and excommunication of Phelps, 263–68
and Rigdon’s Independence Day address, 281–82
and Mormon Missouri War, 284, 286
Patten, Phoebe, 254, 255
Peck, Reed, 277, 280, 287, 289, 290
Percival, James, 17
persecution. See also martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith; persecution, redress for
mutual antagonism as cause of, 58–59, 95–98
and threats from original settlers in Independence, 67–68, 69–70, 92
Edward Partridge and, 71n20, 306
and plan to expel Saints from Jackson County, 92
and mob violence in Independence, 98–102, 116–19
and violent outbreaks in Independence, 98–102
and aftermath of mob attack in Independence, 102–4
and expulsion from Independence, 103–4, 111–21
conferral with Kirtland Saints regarding, 104–5
responsibility for, in Independence, 105–6
Zion’s Camp saved from mob violence, 138–39
Phelps’s treatise on, 142
and redemption of Zion, 240–42
in Clay County, 243–46
in Daviess and Carroll Counties, 248
and Anti-Mormon Party, 309, 310, 376–77
causes of, 345
in Nauvoo, 424, 431
persecution, redress for. See also presidential candidacy of Joseph Smith
Daniel Dunklin petitions for, 114–17
Joseph Smith’s counsel on, 123–26
through courts of law, 126–28, 133n43
and recruitment of Zion’s Camp, 128–30
Andrew Jackson petitions for, 130–32
discussion with government leaders on, 135–38
presidential candidates and, 350–51
appeal to states regarding, 358–60
Phelps, Anna, 5
Phelps, Benjamin, 4, 9
Phelps, Elijah, 4
Phelps, Eliza, 5, 7
Phelps, Ellen Cleary (“Nellie”), 459, 484
Phelps, Enon Gleason (W. W.’s son), 484
Phelps, Enon Wilson (W. W.’s brother), 5
Phelps, Enon (W. W.’s father), 3, 4–5, 9, 308
Phelps, Gleason Wines, 459, 484
Phelps, Henry Enon, 28, 107n21, 435, 443, 473, 483, 488n36
Phelps, James, 91, 100, 101, 483
Phelps, Jerusha, 18
Phelps, Joel, 2
Phelps, Jonathan, 5
Phelps, Joshua, 5, 308
Phelps, Lydia Caroline Brewster (Waterman’s wife), 429, 482–83
Phelps, Lydia (W. W.’s daughter), 151, 178, 183, 483
Phelps, Mary, 5, 28, 52
Phelps, Mehitabel Goldsmith (W. W.’s mother), 2–3, 5, 308
Phelps, Mehitabel (W. W.’s daughter), 17, 19n24, 176, 249, 301
Phelps, Oliver, 8
Phelps, Orin, 5
Phelps, Princetta, 249, 483
Phelps, Ruhamah, 4, 7
Phelps, Ruth, 5
Phelps, Sabrina, 17, 126, 132n19, 176, 178, 249, 259, 301, 311n14
Phelps, Sally Waterman, 15
Phelps’s relationship with, xxiii
spiritual inclinations of, xxiii, 31
marriage of, 15
and mob violence in Independence, 100, 101, 102, 107n21
letters between Phelps and, 155–56, 161, 162, 164–65, 171–84
illness of, 181
moves to St. Louis, 298
endowment of, 319
and Nauvoo Temple ordinances, 427–29
and William Smith, 430
and plural marriage, 434–35
crosses plains, 443, 460n1
life of, in Deseret, 459
death of, 486, 491n108
Phelps, Sarah, 18, 320–21
Phelps, Sarah Betsina Gleason (Betsy), 434, 435, 442n120, 459, 484
Phelps, William Waterman
birth of, 18
travels to Kirtland, 151–52
in Kirtland, 158, 173
articles written under name of, 309, 312n35, 312n37
plays joke on Phelps, 418
marriage of, 429
fate of, 459, 482–83
Phelps, William Wines, xvii, xxv, 509. See also hymns; poetry and prose
key themes pertaining to life of, xv–xvi
recognition and influence of, xv
writings and profession of, xvi
as father and husband, xvii, xxii–xxiv, 25, 91, 155–56, 184–85
patriarchal blessing of, xvii–xviii, 163
personality and eccentricity of, xvii–xviii, xxii, 273, 418, 476, 478, 508
revelation for, xxi, 36, 46
appearance of, xxiii
spiritual inclinations of, xxiii, 31–32
patriotism and political views of, xxiv, 24–25
prominence of, in LDS Church, xxiv
impact of, on LDS Church, xxvi, 507–8
ancestry and heritage of, 1–2
middle name of, 2–3
birth of, 3
education of, 3–4, 7–9, 474
and War of 1812, 13–14
first marriage of, 15
printing career of, 15–17
as editor and store owner, 17–18
converted to Mormonism, 31–37
incarceration of, 34–35
priesthood ordinations of, 36, 52
called to repentance, 43
employed by LDS Church, 53
as editor and publisher, 55–56
ordained as LDS Church printer, 70
as spiritual adviser to Zion, 76–78
and mutual antagonism in Jackson County, 96, 106
responsibility of, for mob violence, 105–6
reproved by Ohio LDS Church leaders, 130
blessings given to, 163–64
charges against, 253–58, 278
excommunications of, 263–68, 275, 297, 434–35
talent of, 273
as peace negotiator, 287–88, 290
unstable circumstances of, following Mormon Missouri War, 295–96
accepted back into LDS Church, 301–5
endowment of, 319
political essays of, 356–58, 363n18, 364n39
and plural marriage, 370, 428, 434–35, 459, 463n61
and martyrdom of Hyrum and Joseph Smith, 380, 381–85
and succession following martyrdom, 386–87
as toastmaster in Salt Lake City, 453–54
declining years of, 465–84
youth of, 470
death of, 484–86
falls into obscurity, 507–8
understanding first-generation Latter-day Saints through, 508
phonography, 448
Pitcher, Thomas, 119
Pixley, Benton, 95–96, 98
plural marriage
Joseph Smith and, 160, 168n45, 263
and dissension of William Law, 370–72
performed by William Smith, 420
practiced by Phelps, 428, 434–35, 459, 463n61
addressed in Phelps’s poetry, 451
poetry and prose. See also hymns
themes of, xxiii
about persecution in Missouri, 143–44
printed in Deseret News, 198–99, 450–52, 466–68
about Zion and Second Coming, 227–28
in honor of marriage to Sally, 299
composed for Times and Seasons, 313
about endowment, 319–20
for Joseph Smith, xvi–xvii, 320, 384–85, 501
printed in Nauvoo papers, 333–36
about eternity, 394–96
about kingdom of God, 398–99
about Nauvoo, 410
printed in Deseret Almanac, 455–56
in LDS newspapers, 470–71
translated, 476–77
about Civil War, 480
about death, 484–85
influence of Phelps’s, 508
political essays, 356–58, 363n18, 364n39
polygamy. See plural marriage
“Praise to the Man,” xvi–xvii, 320, 384–85, 501
Pratt, Orson, 153, 459
Pratt, Parley P.
travels to Missouri, 39
and mob violence in Independence, 117
sent to Ohio, 127
requests help from Ohio leaders, 129
Phelps’s relationship with, 153
charges brought against, 289
and martyrdom of Hyrum and Joseph Smith, 384
as doctrinal interpreter, 410n2
and succession following martyrdom, 414
nickname given to, 420, 459
unauthorized plural wives of, 434
and Southern Exploration Expedition, 445–46
contributes to Sacred Hymns, 498
prayer circles, 427
“Pray without Ceasing” (Phelps), 307
presidential candidacy of Joseph Smith, 337, 351–55, 356–61, 364n39, 366n67, 375, 399, 411–12n19
presidential candidates, 350–51
presidents, council of, 152–53, 156–57
press, freedom of, 15–16, 24–25
priesthood blessings, given to Phelps, 163–64
as Phelps’s profession, xvi, 15–17
as Phelps’s church calling, 42–43, 55–56
printing office (Independence), 54
printing office (Kirtland), 73–75, 100–103, 127
printing office (Nauvoo), 325, 343n58
printing press
for Independence, 45, 46, 54, 59–60n10
lost during mob violence, 127
taken to Nauvoo, 325
of Nauvoo Expositor, 374, 375, 377–78
purchased for westward migration, 431–33
prophets, 307, 399–400
pure language, 400
“Quorum of the Anointed,” 427, 478
Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. See Twelve Apostles
Ramage, Adam, 433
Ramage Press, 433
Ray County, Missouri, 242–43, 246–47
“Redeemer of Israel,” 78–79, 493, 496–97, 505n402
“Red Man, The” (Phelps), 216
Reese, Amos, 116
“Reformers,” 371–72, 377
Return, The, 338n3
Revelation Books 1 and 2, 158, 168n34
on consecration, 53, 66, 67
publication of, 53, 56, 67, 68, 75, 80, 207–8, 218n14
on reconciliation of LDS Church leaders, 66–67
on care and keeping of families, 69
on Kirtland Temple, 88
Olive Leaf, 88, 89–90, 222
on leaders in Ohio and Missouri, 90
on progress in Independence, 111–12
on redemption of Zion, 125–26
on redress for persecution, 129
received at Fishing River, 138
on afflictions in Independence, 139
on land purchases in Jackson County, 241
for Thomas B. Marsh, 259
on First Presidency and Twelve, 276
on Frederick G. Williams and Phelps, 281
on Times and Seasons, 326
doctrine concerning prophetic calling and, 399–400
and priesthood power, 401
on Sidney Rigdon, 437n6
on Civil War, 479–80, 490n71
Revolutionary War, 1–2, 4, 57, 366n67
Rich, Charles C., 459
Richards, Franklin D., 459
Richards, Willard
and History of Joseph Smith, 268, 315, 316
as scribe for Joseph Smith, 338n11
and martyrdom of Hyrum and Joseph Smith, 380, 381, 383, 384
nickname given to, 420, 459
and first wave of pioneer exodus, 430–31
and University of Deseret, 446–47
and Deseret News, 450, 469
Richmond, Missouri, 138
Rigdon, Sidney
conversion of, xxiv
and conversion of Phelps, 33
Phelps on, 34
travels to Missouri, 40
and discord in LDS Church, 57–58, 66–67
as counselor to Joseph Smith, 58, 65, 90
arrives in Independence, 64–65
sermons of, 69
and rivalry between Kirtland and Independence Saints, 82–83
letter of, to Independence Saints, 104–5
and redress for persecution, 129
and Doctrine and Covenants, 158–60
and LDS Church doctrine, 205–6
and washing of feet, 233
deals with problems in Far West, 260–62
moves to Far West, 266
and apostasy in Far West, 274–75
salt sermon of, 277–79, 292n18
and Danites, 280
Independence Day address of, 281–83
and Mormon Missouri War, 285, 288
charges brought against, 289
as vice-presidential candidate, 354
struggles with, following martyrdom, 385–86, 414–15, 437n2
excommunication of, 414
revelation for, 437n6
Riggs, Burr, 297
Robinson, Ebenezer, 262–63, 325, 338n3
Robinson, George W., 284, 288
Rockwell, Porter, 92
Rollins, Caroline, 102
Rollins Mary Elizabeth, 102
Ryland, John F., 118, 124, 127, 128, 137
Sabbath, 45
salt sermon, 277–79, 292n18
Satan, 146
schoolbooks, 417, 438n18
School of the Elders, 164–65
in Independence, 90–91, 111
in Far West, 249
in Salt Lake Valley, 444
Schrader, Harriet Henrietta, 484
Searle, Jesse, 14, 18
Second Coming, 53, 84, 212–14, 227–28, 408
secret constitution, 99, 118
“Sectarian Millennium, The” (Phelps), 313
sectarians, 211
seer stone, 196
Seixas, Joshua, 165
serpent, played by Phelps in endowment, 428, 429, 455, 478–79, 490n66
Seventies Hall, 417
Seventy, 153
Seward, William Henry, 27
Sharp, Thomas C., 309, 310, 339n17, 345–46, 349, 376–77, 378, 380
Shaw, Samuel Reed, 320–21
Silvers, Esquire, 118
“Sixth of April, The” (Phelps), 94n24
skin color, Phelps’s bias concerning, 217
slavery, 97, 99
Smith, Caroline Grant, 419, 420
Smith, Don Carlos, 306–7, 308, 325
Smith, Emma, 69, 161, 162, 169n56, 361, 419, 427
Smith, George A., 385, 450, 459
Smith, Hyrum, 88, 153, 289, 374, 376. See also martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith
Smith, Joseph Fielding, 332
Smith, Joseph, Jr.. See also doctrine, interpretation of Nauvoo-era; martyrdom of Joseph and Hyrum Smith
Phelps’s relationship with, xvi–xvii, xxi–xxii, 157, 274, 297–98, 345, 361–62
receives revelation concerning Phelps, xxi, 36
as founder of Mormonism, xxii
closest associates of, xxiv
and conversion of Phelps, 33
knowledge and personality of, 34
travels to Missouri, 39–47
and discord and apostasy in LDS Church, 57–58, 66–67, 87–89, 259–60, 274–75, 370–72
arrives in Independence, 64–67
leaves Independence, 69–70
on building up Zion, 82
and rivalry between Kirtland and Independence Saints, 82–83, 84
and Olive Leaf revelation, 88, 89–90, 222
counsel of, concerning Star, 89
letter of, to Independence Saints, 104–5
on expulsion order, 111–14
and redress for persecution, 123–26, 128–30
and Fishing River revelation, 138
and endowment, 139–40, 144, 225, 226–27, 229–30, 319
and cholera epidemic of Zion’s Camp, 140
creates Missouri presidency and high council, 141
Phelps provides text for sermon of, in Kirtland, 156
and plural marriage, 160, 168n45, 370–72
teachings of, on marriage, 160, 180
gives blessing to Phelps, 163–64
and School of the Elders, 164–65
writes to Sally Phelps, 174–75
and Book of Abraham, 187–90, 192–94
and “Grammar and Alphabet of the Egyptian Language,” 190–92, 195
and LDS Church doctrine, 205–6
acknowledged as prophet, seer, and revelator, 218n2
and Kirtland Temple, 223, 231
receives vision in Kirtland Temple, 229–30, 234
plans to move to Missouri, 230–31
and ordinance of washing of feet, 233–34
and redemption of Zion, 240, 241
Marsh and Patten’s disagreement with, 259–60
deals with problems in Far West, 260–62
Missouri leaders turn against, 262–63
moves to Far West, 266
and excommunication of Phelps and Whitmer, 267–68
and Adam-ondi-Ahman, 276
history of, 276, 315–16, 322n10, 469–70, 507
and vexatious lawsuits, 275, 281, 349
and Mormon Missouri War, 283, 284
Marsh and Hyde swear out affidavit against, 286–87
taken prisoner following Mormon Missouri War, 288
charges brought against, 289
imprisoned in Liberty Jail, 289–90
admits mistakes in Missouri, 291
escapes incarceration, 298
accepts Phelps back into LDS Church, 301–5
Phelps’s work with, in Nauvoo, 314
and Times and Seasons as church operation, 325–26
as nominal editor of Times and Seasons, 326–32, 338n10, 338n11
Phelps as ghostwriter for, 329, 332, 333, 336, 339–40n25, 341n39, 342n50, 349, 360–61, 363n18, 364n39, 398–99, 400, 404–5, 406–7, 508
doctrinal essays of, 332
and Nauvoo printing ventures, 333–35
presidential candidacy of, 337, 351–55, 356–61, 364n39, 366n67, 375, 399, 411–12n19
anti-Mormon press’s attack on, 345–46
and Nauvoo city council meetings, 346–47
promotion of, in press, 347–49
kidnapping threats against, 349–50
establishes Council of Fifty, 355–56, 365n53
and Nauvoo Expositor, 372–74
successor to, 385–87
in Deseret Almanac, 468
and prophecy concerning Civil War, 479, 480
and death of Phelps, 484
Smith, Joseph, Sr., 33, 37n10, 153, 163, 231, 366n67
Smith, Lucy, 419
Smith, Samuel, 33, 381
Smith, William, 328, 339n17, 418–22, 430, 438n24
Snow, Eliza R., 398, 498
Snow, Erastus, 459, 470
Snow, Lorenzo, 459
solemn assemblies, 90, 91, 158–60, 233–35
Solon First Baptist Church, 7
“Song of Zion, A” (Phelps), 319–20
Southern Exploration Expedition, 445–46
Southwick, Solomon, 26
“speckled bird” (epithet for Phelps), 169n60, 508
Spencer, Orson, 447, 448
“Spirit of God, The” (Phelps), 162, 221, 230, 232–33, 493
spirits, discernment of, 406–7
spiritual gifts, 405–7
Spring Hill, 276
Stenhouse, Fanny, 479
Stenhouse, T. B. H., 485
Stephens, John L., 331–32, 342n44, 407–8
stone, translated by Phelps, 478
Stout, Hosea, 462n33, 471
Stowell, Laura, 428, 440n86
Stowell, Mary Stephens Holmes, 440n86
Strang, James J., 433
Swain, Joseph, 496–97, 505n402
Taylor, John (General Authority)
and Doctrine and Covenants 135, 385
and Times and Seasons, 327, 342–43n54, 343n57
as author of editorials on Joseph Smith’s presidential candidacy, 365n45
and martyrdom of Hyrum and Joseph Smith, 380, 381, 383, 384
and succession following martyrdom, 414
responsibilities of, 415–16
nickname given to, 420, 459
writes editorial for Times and Seasons, 421
unauthorized plural wives of, 434
Phelps submits poem to, 470
Taylor, John (Independence resident), 102
Teman, use of term in Phelps’s hymns, 455, 463, 467
temples. See also Kirtland Temple; New Jerusalem temple
preparation for latter-day, 221–23
rules of conduct for, 227, 428
Far West Temple, 249, 258–59, 276, 298
doctrine concerning, 401–2
Nauvoo Temple, 401–2, 417, 424–29, 431
Thayre, Ezra, 33
Thompson, J. T. V., 145
Thompson, Robert B., 309, 325–26
Thompson, Smith, 27
Thorpe, Lydia Phelps, 151, 178, 183, 483
Thorpe, Theodore, 483
Tilton, James, 14
Times and Seasons
Phelps writes for, 306–10, 313
and History of Joseph Smith, 322n10
becomes LDS Church operation, 325–26
Joseph Smith as nominal editor of, 326–32, 338n10, 338n11
Book of Abraham published in, 330, 340n27, 340n31
Phelps’s achievements with, 330–32
doctrinal articles in, 332, 339–40n25, 341n39
Benjamin Winchester’s impact on content of, 339n20
printing office of, 343n58
Phelps as editor of, 415–18, 437n9
William Smith’s letter to, 420–21
discussed by Council of Fifty, 423
cessation of, 430
toasts, Phelps’s penchant for making, 453–54
“Tombs, The” (Phelps), 485
“To Mormon Wives” (Phelps), 467–68
topography, Phelps’s expertise on, 14, 19n7, 44, 145, 444–46
Towle, Nancy, 51
translation, Phelps’s professed gift of, 476–78, 489n52
“Traveller, A” (pseudonym of Phelps), 347–48, 356
Trumansburgh, New York, 24, 25
“Try the Spirits” (Smith), 332, 342n50, 406–7
Turnham, Joel, 137
Twelve Apostles
calling and ordaining of, 153–54
authority of, 254–55
revelation regarding, 276
depart on mission to Europe, 298–99
increasing stewardship of, 314
and succession following martyrdom, 385–86, 390–91n84
Phelps’s loyalty to, 413, 419–20
and excommunication of Sidney Rigdon, 414–15
nicknames given to, 419–20, 458–59
William Smith and, 420, 421–22
authorize purchase of printing equipment, 432
and excommunication of Phelps, 434
Tyler, John, 336, 351, 379
“Union, The” (Phelps), 453
United Firm, 56, 67, 68, 69, 129–30
Universal Scientific Society, 474
University of Deseret, 446–49
University of Utah, 447
Upper Missouri Advertiser, The, 73–75
Urim and Thummim, 196
Utah Territory, 447. See also Deseret
House of Representatives, 450, 471–72, 488n25, 488n26
“Vade Mecum [Go with Me]” (Phelps), 394
“Valley Journal” column, 451–52
Van Buren, Martin, 349, 351
Varney, Jeremiah, 483
Vermont, appeal to, 358, 366n67
vexatious lawsuits, 275, 281, 315, 349, 366n70
“Viator” (pseudonym of Phelps), 336, 344n67
“Vision, The” (D&C 76 revelation), 69, 85n26, 207, 333–35, 394–96
given to Phelps, 46
of degrees of glory, 69, 85n26, 207, 333–35, 394–96
received in Kirtland Temple, 229–30, 234
“Voice from the Prophet: ‘Come to Me,’ A” (Phelps), 417–18
Voice of Truth, Containing the Public Discourses, Portrait, and the Last Sermon of President Joseph Smith, 360–61, 363n18, 368n107
Ward, Artemus, 478–79
War of 1812, 13–14
Warrington, Benjamin, 374
Warsaw Junto, 309
Warsaw Signal, 310, 339n17, 345–46, 357, 377
“War! War!! and Rumors of War!!! (Phelps), 308–9
washing of feet, ordinance of, 233–34
washings and anointings, 228–29, 230
Washington, George, 1–2, 22
Washington Press, 59–60n10
Wasp, The, 328, 333, 339n17, 346
Wasson, Lorenzo D., 366n56
Waterman, David Basset, 15, 17
Waterman, Flavius, 17
Waterman, Jerusha Case, 15
Waterman, John, 300, 311n15
Waterman, Sherman, 17
Watt, George D., 448
Watts, Isaac, 497, 499
weather records and research, 14, 19n7, 435, 436, 444, 472–73, 488n36
Weber River, 475
Weed, Thurlow, 27
Wells, Robert, 123, 124, 128
Wentworth Letter, 317, 318, 322n20
Western Courier, 17–18
Western Standard, 472
Weston, Samuel, 100, 117, 118, 127
westward migration. See also Deseret
Council of Fifty discussions on, 422–24
preparations for, 426–27, 435
first wave of, 429–31
of Phelps family, 443, 460n1
Whig Party, 375, 377
Whitmer, Christian, 118
Whitmer, David
and mob violence in Independence, 118
as president of Missouri high council, 141, 146
and ordinance of washing of feet, 233
to solicit funds, 241
and apostasy in Kirtland, 260
nominated as branch president, 261
turns against Joseph Smith, 262
tribunal against, 263–66
excommunication of, 274–75
removal of, from Far West, 277–79
Whitmer, Elizabeth Ann, 55, 121
Whitmer, John
arrives in Independence, 54, 60n20
as assistant to Phelps, 55
marriage of, 55
and The Evening and the Morning Star, 56
and Olive Leaf revelation, 90
and mob violence in Independence, 100, 105
as assistant president of Missouri high council, 141
as editor of Messenger and Advocate, 155, 157
and Doctrine and Covenants, 158
as printer, 206
and ordinance of washing of feet, 233
goes to Missouri, 241
and creation of Far West, 247, 248–49
charges against, 253–58
and rift between LDS Church leaders in Far West, 256–58, 269n17
as assistant branch president, 261
excommunication of, 263–68
as LDS Church historian, 276, 292n10, 318
removal of, from Far West, 277–79
returns to Far West, 299
and Book of Moses manuscripts, 482
Whitney, Newel K., 66, 415
“Who Shall Be Our Next President?” (Phelps), 353
Wight, Lyman, 127, 129, 265, 276, 284, 288, 420
Williams, Frederick G.
travels to Missouri, 39
as counselor to Joseph Smith, 90
letter of, to Independence Saints, 104–5
invites Phelps to Kirtland, 120–21
and redress for persecution, 129
Phelps’s relationship with, 153
as editor of Northern Times, 155
and Doctrine and Covenants, 158
and Kirtland Temple dedication, 231
revelation concerning, 281
Williams, Levi, 377, 380
Williams, Princetta, 483
Williams, Thomas S., 483
Wilson, Moses, 118
Winchester, Benjamin, 328, 332, 339n20
Winds, Ruhamah, 3
Winds, William, 2–3
Winter Quarters, 431, 432, 434, 435. See also westward migration
“Wives” (Phelps), 403
and Phelps family relations, 176, 177–78, 179, 184–85
and endowments in Kirtland Temple, 225
doctrine concerning, 403–4
counsel for, 467–68
Wood, William T., 116
Woodruff, Wilford, 327, 329, 459, 486
Word of Wisdom, 167n18, 264, 265
W. W. Phelps & Co., 55–56, 73–75, 100–103, 113, 374
Young, Brigham
Phelps’s relationship with, 33
and Mormon flight to Illinois, 297
and succession following martyrdom, 385–86
prophetic mantle passes to, 386, 391n88
and excommunication of Sidney Rigdon, 414
and struggles with Sidney Rigdon, 414
nickname given to, 420, 459
and reconstituted Council of Fifty, 422
and “Western Mission,” 424, 426
and Nauvoo Temple ordinances, 428
and first wave of pioneer exodus, 430
and excommunication of Phelps, 434
and Southern Exploration Expedition, 445
as governor of Utah Territory, 447, 462n47
and Deseret Alphabet, 448
appoints Phelps as superintendent of weather observations, 473
comment on Phelps’s learning, 474
Phelps’s letters to, 481, 482, 487n6, 490n66
contradicts Phelps in general conference, 486–87n1
Zion. See also Independence, Missouri
revelation concerning Missouri as, 42
establishment of, 209
gathering spot for, 210
plans to redeem, 240–42
Zion’s Camp
legal groundwork for formation of, 124
recruitment of, 129–30, 135
purpose of, 135
arrives in Missouri, 136
Joel Turnham on, 137
denied government aid, 138
and Fishing River revelation, 138–39
holds peace conference, 139
outcome and aftermath of, 140
dispersal of, 140–41