Publication of Ethan Smith
Ethan Smith
Ethan Smith. View of the Hebrews: 1825 Second Edition(Provo, Utah: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1996) xxiii—xxvi.
1800 A Farewell Sermon, Delivered at Haverhill, New Hampshire, Sabbath, June 30, 1799. By Ethan Smith, A.B. Who Had Been Pastor of the Church of Christ in Said Town; But Was Now Dismissed for Want of Support. Peacham, Vt.: Farley & Goss, 27 pp.
“A Sermon Preached at Hopkinton, New-Hampshire, Lord’s Day, March 16,1800. By Ethan Smith, A.B. It Being the First Sabbath after His Installation in Said Place. Published By Desire,” in Isaac Smith, A Sermon Preached at the Instalment of the Rev. Ethan Smith, to the Pastoral Care of the Church and Congregation in Hopkinton, N. Hampshire, March 12th, 1800: . . . By Isaac Smith, A.M. Pastor of the Congregational Church in Gilmanton; To Which Are Annexed, the Charge, and Right-Hand of Fellowship, and the Discourse, Delivered by the Rev. Ethan Smith, the Next Sabbath after His Instalment, to the People in His Charge. Concord, N.H.: George Hough, 35-55.
1805 Two Sermons on One Subject: Delivered at November 4, 1804. Windsor, Vt.: Nahum Mower, 39 pp.
1809 A Sermon Delivered to Doctor Spring’s Society in Newburyport, Thanksgiving Evening, Nov. 30, 1809. Newburyport, N.H.: E. W. Allen, 23 pp.
1811 A Dissertation on the Prophecies Relative to Antichrist and the Last Times: Exhibiting the Rise, Character, and Overthrow of That Terrible Power: And a Treatise on the Seven Apocalyptic Vials. Charlestown, Mass.: Samuel T. Armstrong, 380 pp.
1812 Report of the Board of Trustees of the New-Hampshire Missionary Society, at the Annual Meeting of Said Society, in Holies, September 17, 1812. Concord, N.H.: George Hough, 15 pp.
1814 A Dissertation on the Prophecies Relative to Antichrist and the Last Times: Exhibiting the Rise, Character, and Overthrow of That Terrible Power: And a Treatise on the Seven Apocalyptic Vials. 2nd ed. Boston: S. T. Armstrong, 588 pp.
A Key to the Figurative Language Found in the Sacred Scriptures, In the Form of Questions and Answers. Exeter, N.H.: C. Norris, 106 pp.
Daughters of Zion Excelling: A Sermon Preached to the Ladies of the Cent Institution, in Hopkinton, New-Hampshire, August 18, 1814. Concord, N.H.: George Hough, 23 pp.
A Treatise on the Character of Jesus Christ: And on the Trinity in Unity of the Godhead, with Quotations from the Primitive Fathers. Boston: R. P. & C. Williams, 235 pp.
1815 Death of God’s Chosen, A Transition to Christ: Or, The Glories of Heaven. A Sermon Delivered in Dembarton at the Funeral of Mrs. Jemima Harris, Late Consort of Rev. Walter Harris, March 15,1815. Concord, N.H.: George Hough, 26 pp.
Memoirs of Mrs. Abigail Bailey: Who Had Been the Wife of Major Asa Bailey, Formerly of Landajf, (N.H.); Written by Herself; She Died in Bath, N.H. February, 11, 1815; To Which Are Added Sundry Original Biographical Sketches. Edited by Ethan Smith, A.M. Minister of the Gospel in Hopkinton, N.H. Boston: Samuel T. Armstrong, 275 pp.
1817 Episcopacy Examined, or, The Evident Official Parity of All the Ambassadors of Christ: A Sermon Delivered [in] Hopkinton, New-Hampshire, Lord’s Day, Dec. 22, 1816. Concord, N.H.: George Hough, 45 pp.
1819 Ministers of Christ, Made Instruments of Man’s Salvation: A Sermon Delivered at Tinmouth, Vermont, At the Installation of Rev. Stephen Martindale to the Pastoral Charge of the Church of Christ in That Place, January 7, 1819. Rutland, Vt.: Fay & Burt, 26 pp.
The Blessing of Abraham Come on the Gentiles: A Sermon Delivered at Bolton, N. Y., August 3, 1818. Ballston Spa, N.Y.: James Comstock, 34 pp.
1823 View of the Hebrews: Exhibiting the Destruction of Jerusalem; The Certain Restoration of Judah and Israel; The Present State of Judah and Israel; And an Address of the Prophet Isaiah Relative to Their Restoration. Poultney, Vt.: Smith & Shute, 187 pp.
1824 View of the Trinity: A Treatise on the Character of Jesus Christ, and on the Trinity in Unity of the Godhead, with Quotations from the Primitive Fathers. 2nd ed. Poultney, Vt.: Smith & Shute, 202 pp.
The Blessing of Abraham Come on the Gentiles. A Lecture on Infant Baptism; Delivered at Bolton, (N.Y.) August 3, 1818. Published at the Request of the Hearers. 2nd ed. Poultney, Vt.: Smith and Shute, 95 pp.
1825 View of the Hebrews; or The Tribes of Israel in America. Exhibiting the Destruction of Jerusalem; The Certain Restoration of Judah and Israel; The Present State of Judah and Israel; An Address of the Prophet Isaiah to the United States Relative to Their Restoration. 2nd ed., improved and enlarged. Poultney, Vt.: Smith and Shute, 285 pp.
What is Done Away; And What Remaineth: A Sermon Delivered at the Ordination of Rev. Harvey Smith, over the Church and Congregation in Weybridge, Vt. March 9, 1825. [Poultney, Vt.]: Smith and Shute, 24 pp.
1833 Key to the Revelation: In Thirty-Six Lectures, Taking the Whole Book in Course. New York: J. & J. Harper, 401 pp.
1837 Key to the Revelation. In Thirty-Eight Lectures, Taking the Whole Book in Course. 2nd ed. Boston: Whipple & Damrell, 382 pp.
1839 Prophetic Catechism: To Lead to the Study of the Prophetic Scriptures, in Questions and Answers. Boston: Crocker & Brewster, 46 pp.