Appendix B
List of the Popes in the Catholic Tradition
A. Burt Horsley, Appendixes and Bibliography, in Peter and the Popes (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1989), 137–52.
1. Peter, d. 64–67.
2. Linus, 67–76?
3. Anacletus, 77–78.
4. Clement I, 88–97.
5. Evaristus, 97–105.
6. Alexander I, 105–15.
7. Sixtus I, 115–25?
8. Telesphorus, 125–36.
9. Hyginus, 136–40?
10. Pius I, 140–55?
11. Anicetus, 155–66?
12. Soter, 166–75?
13. Eleutherus, 175–89?
14. Victor I, 189–99?
15. Zephyrinus 199–217.
16. Calixtus I, 217–22.
—. Hippolytus, 217–35 (anti-pope).
17. Urban I, 222–30.
18. Pontian, 230–35.
19. Anterus, 235–36.
20. Fabian, 236–50.
21. Cornelius, 251–53.
—. Novatian, 251 (anti-pope).
22. Lucius, 253–54.
23. Stephen I, 254–57.
24. Sixtus II, 257–58.
25. Dionysius, 260–68.
26. Felix I, 269–74.
27. Eutychian, 275–83.
28. Caius, 283–96.
29. Marcellius, 296–304.
—. Vacancy, 3 yrs., 7 mos.
30. Marcellus I, 308–9.
31. Eusebius, 309–10?
32. Miltiades, 311–14.
33. Sylvester I, 314–35.
34. Marcus, 336.
35. Julius I, 337–52.
36. Liberius, 352–66.
—. Felix II, 355–65. (anti-pope).
37. Damasus I, 366–84.
—. Ursinus, 366–67. (anti-pope).
38. Siricius, 384–99.
39. Anastasius I, 399–401.
40. Innocent I, 401–17.
41. Zosimus, 417–18.
42. Boniface I, 418–22.
—. Eulalius, 418–19. (anti-pope).
43. Celestine, 422–32.
44. Sixtus III, 432–40.
45. Leo I, 440–61.
46. Hilarius, 461–68.
47. Simplicius, 468–83.
48. Felix III (II), 483–92.
49. Gelasius I, 492–96.
50. Anastasius II, 496–98.
51. Symmachus, 498–514.
—. Lawrence, 498–505? (anti-pope).
52. Hormisdas, 514–23.
53. John I, 523–26.
54. Felix IV (III), 526–30.
55. Boniface II, 530–32.
—. Dioscurus, 530. (anti-pope).
56. John II, 533–35.
57. Agapetus I, 535–36.
58. Silverius, 536–37.
59. Vigilius, 537–55.
60. Pelagius I, 556–61.
61. John III, 561–74.
62. Benedict I, 575–79.
63. Pelagius II, 579–90.
64. Gregory I, 590–604.
65. Sabinianus, 604–6.
66. Boniface III, 607.
67. Boniface IV, 608–15.
68. Adeodatus I, 615–18.
69. Boniface V, 619–25.
70. Honorius I, 625–38.
71. Severinus, 640.
72. John IV, 640–42.
73. Theodore I. 642–49.
74. Martin I, 649–53.
75. Eugene I, 655–57.
76. Vitalian, 657–72.
77. Adeodatus II, 672–76.
78. Donus, 676–78.
79. Agathon, 678–81.
80. Leo II, 682–83.
81. Benedict II, 684–85.
82. John V, 685–86.
83. Conon, 686–87.
—. Theodore, 687. (anti-pope).
—. Paschal, 687. (anti-pope).
84. Sergius I, 687–701.
85. John VI, 701–5.
86. John VII, 705–7.
87. Sisinnius, 70–20 days.
88. Constantine, 708–15.
89. Gregory II, 715–31.
90. Gregory III, 731–41.
91. Zacharias, 741–52.
92. Stephen II, 752–3 days.
—. (never consecrated).
93. Stephen III (II), 752–57.
94. Paul I, 757–67.
—. Constantine II, 767–69.
—. (anti-pope).
—. Philip, 768. (anti-pope).
95. Stephen IV (III), 768–72.
96. Adrian I, 772–95.
97. Leo III, 795–816.
98. Stephen V (IV), 816–17.
99. Paschal I, 817–24.
100. Eugene II, 824–27.
101. Valentine, 827–1 mo.
102. Gregory IV, 827–44.
103. Sergius II, 844–47.
—. John, 844. (anti-pope).
104. Leo IV, 847–55.
105. Benedict III, 855–58.
—. Anastasius, 855. (anti-pope).
106. Nicholas I, 858–67.
107. Adrian II, 867–72.
108. John VIII, 872–82.
109. Marinus I, 882–84.
110. Adrian III, 884–85.
111. Stephen VI (V), 885–91.
112. Formosus, 891–96.
113. Boniface VI, 896–15 days.
114. Stephen VII (VI), 896–97.
115. Romanus, 897.
116. Theodore II, 897–20 days.
117. John IX, 898–900.
118. Benedict IV, 900–903.
119. Leo V, 903–2 mos.
—. Christopher, 903–04. (anti-pope).
120. Sergius III, 904–11.
121. Anastasius III, 911–13.
122. Lando, 913–14.
123. John X, 914–28.
124. Leo VI, 928.
125. Stephen VIII (VII), 928–31.
126. John XI, 931–35.
127. Leo VII, 936–39.
128. Stephen IX (VIII), 939–42.
129. Marinus II, 942–46.
130. Agapetus II, 946–55.
131. John XII, 955–64.
132. Leo VIII, 963–64.
(Overlap period).
133. Benedict V, 964–1 mo.
134. John XIII, 965–72.
135. Benedict VI, 973–74.
136. Benedict VII, 974–83.
—. Boniface VII, 974–84. (anti-pope).
137. John XIV, 983–84.
138. John XV, 985–96.
139. Gregory V, 996–99.
—. John XVI, 997–98. (anti-pope).
140. Sylvester II, 999–1003.
141. John XVII, 1003–4 mos.
142. John XVIII, 1004–9.
143. Sergius IV, 1009–12.
144. Benedict VIII, 1012–24.
—. Gregory, 1012. (anti-pope).
145. John XIX, 1024–32.
146. Benedict IX, 1032–44 (fled).
147. Sylvester III, 1045–1 mo
—. Benedict IX, 1045 (returned).
148. Gregory VI, 1045–46.
149. Clement II, 1046–47.
—. Benedict IX, 1047–48.
—. (returned after 2nd abdication).
150. Damasus II, 1048–23 days.
151. Leo IX, 1049–54.
152. Victor II, 1055–57.
153. Stephen X (IX), 1057–58.
—. Benedict X, 1058–59. (anti-pope).
154. Nicholas II, 1059–61.
155. Alexander II, 1061–73.
—. Honorius II, 1061–72. (antipope)
156. Gregory VII, 1073–85.
—. Clement III, 1080–1100. (anti-pope).
157. Victor III, 1086–87.
158. Urban II, 1088–99.
159. Paschal II, 1099–1118. (anti-pope).
—. Theodoric, 1100. (anti-pope).
—. Albert, 1102. (anti-pope).
—. Sylvester IV, 1105–11. (anti-pope).
160. Gelasius II, 1118–19.
—. Gregory VIII, 1118–21. (anti-pope).
161. Calixtus II, 1119–24.
162. Honorius II, 1124–30.
—. Celestine II, 1124. (anti-pope).
163. Innocent II, 1130–43.
—. Anacletus II, 1130–43. (anti-pope)
—. Victor IV, 1138. (anti-pope).
164. Clestine II, 1143–44.
165. Lucius II, 1144–45.
166. Eugene III, 1145–53.
167. Anastasius IV, 1153–54.
168. Adrian IV, 1154–59.
169. Alexander II, 1159–81.
—. Victor IV, 1159–64. (anti-pope).
—. Paschal III, 1164–68 (anti-pope).
—. Calixtus III, 1168–78. (anti-pope).
—. Innocent III, 1179–80. (anti-pope).
170. Lucius III, 1181–85.
171. Urban III, 1185–87.
172. Gregory VIII, 1187–2mos.
173. Clement III, 1187–91.
174. Celestine III, 1191–98.
175. Innocent III, 1198–1216.
176. Honorius III, 1216–27.
177. Gregory IX, 1227–41.
178. Celestine IV, 1241–17 days.
179. Innocent IV, 1243–54.
180. Alexander IV, 1254–61.
181. Urban IV, 1261–64.
182. Clement IV, 1265–68.
—. Vacancy, 2 yrs., 9 mos.
183. Gregory X, 1271–76.
184. Innocent V, 1276.
185. Adrian V, 1276–1 mo.
186. John XXI, 1276–77.
—. (There was no John XX).
187. Nicholas III, 1277–80.
188. Martin IV, 1281–85.
189. Honorius IV, 1285–87.
190. Nicholas IV, 1288–92.
—. Vacancy, 2 yrs., 3 mos.
191. Celestine V, 1294–5 mos.
192. Boniface VIII, 1294–1303.
193. Benedict XI, 1303–4.
194. Clement V, 1305–14.
(Avignon Papacy).
—. Vacancy, 2 yrs., 3 mos.
195. John XXII, 1316–34.
(Avignon Papacy).
—. Nicholas V, 1328–30. (anti-pope).
196. Benedict XII, 1334–42.
(Avignon Papacy).
197. Clement VI, 1342–52.
(Avignon Papacy).
198. Innocent VI, 1352–62.
(Avignon Papacy).
199. Urban V, 1362–70.
(Avignon Papacy).
200. Gregory XI, 1370–78.
(Avignon Papacy).
201. Urban VI, 1378–89.
(Pope back in Rome.)
—. Clement VII, 1378–94.
(anti-pope in Avignon).
202. Boniface IX, 1389–1404.
—. Benedict XIII, 1394–1417.
(anti-pope in Avignon).
203. Innocent VII, 1404–6.
204. Gregory XII, 1406–15.
—. Alexander V, 1409–10.
(anti-pope in Pisa).
—. John XXIII, 1410–15.
(anti-pope in Pisa).
205. Martin V, 1417–31.
206. Eugene IV, 1431–47.
—. Felix V, 1439–49.
(Last of the anti-popes).
207. Nicholas V, 1447–55.
208. Calixtus III, 1455–58.
209. Pius II, 1458–64.
210. Paul II, 1464–71.
211. Sixtus IV, 1471–84.
212. Innocent VIII, 1484–92.
213. Alexander VI, 1492–1503.
214. Pius III, 1503–26 days.
215. Julius II, 1503–13.
216. Leo X, 1513–21.
217. Adrian VI, 1522–23.
218. Clement VII, 1523–34.
219. Paul III, 1534–49.
220. Julius III, 1550–55.
221. Marcellus II, 1555–22 days.
222. Paul IV, 1555–59.
223. Pius IV, 1559–65.
224. Pius V, 1565–72.
225. Gregory III, 1572–85.
226. Sixtus V, 1585–90.
227. Urban VII, 1590–13 days.
228. Gregory XIV, 1590–91.
229. Innocent IX, 1591–2 mos.
230. Clement VIII, 1592–1605.
231. Leo XI, 1605–27 days.
232. Paul V, 1605–21.
233. Gregory XV, 1621–23.
234. Urban VIII, 1623–44.
235. Innocent X, 1644–55.
236. Alexander VII, 1655–67.
237. Clement IX, 1667–69.
238. Clement X, 1670–76.
239. Innocent XI, 1676–89.
240. Alexander VII, 1689–91.
241. Innocent XII, 1691–1700.
242. Clement XI, 1700–21.
243. Innocent XIII, 1721–24.
244. Benedict XIII, 1724–30.
245. Clement XII, 1730–40.
246. Benedict XIV, 1740–58.
247. Clement XIII, 1758–69.
248. Clement XIV, 1769–74.
249. Pius VI, 1775–99.
250. Pius VII, 1800–23.
251. Leo XII, 1823–29.
252. Pius VIII, 1829–30.
253. Gregory XVI, 1831–46.
254. Pius IX, 1846–78.
255. Leo XIII, 1878–1903.
256. Pius X, 1903–14.
257. Benedict XV, 1914–22.
258. Pius XI, 1922–39.
259. Pius XII, 1939–58.
260. John XXIII, 1958–63.
261. Paul VI, 1963–78.
262. John Paul I, 1978.
263. John Paul II, 1978–.
If John XX could be accounted for, there would be 264 popes.