Allen E. Bergin had set himself on an academically challenging course of engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and liberal arts at Reed College when he happened to visit a friend in Provo who had transferred to BYU. That visit changed everything. Dr. Bergin received a BA from BYU in psychology in 1956 and an MA in 1957. He completed his PhD at Stanford in 1960, followed by a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Wisconsin Psychiatric Institute and a distinguished career at Columbia University and BYU. Dr. Bergin has been a sounding voice in integrating moral and spiritual themes into professional psychology research, theory, practice, and education, where his international reputation has affected the profession for good. He has been heavily involved in community service and interfaith activities. Dr. Bergin and his wife, Marian—a psychotherapist and clinical social worker—are the parents of nine children and thirteen grandchildren.