accessibility, xi, 11–12
adaptability, 107–12
agency, 70–72, 74, 79n31
Avery, Isaac, 10n11
Avery, Thomas Lenoir, 10n11
baseball, 75
beach, 108–9
boar, 109–10
breadwinner role, 2, 5–7
busyness, x, 12, 62, 63, 83. See also time famine
cabbage, 97
Caesar (boar), 109–10
balancing family and, 16–17, 84–85
of fathers, 31n19
camping, 86
car accident, 60n30
cards, 71
carriage, Lawrence removed from, 73, 75
children. See also discipline; relationships, building
being tuned in to, 48–49, 95
connecting with, 93–94
David O. McKay as father figure to, 26–29, 34n56, 57–58
entitlements of, 45n12, 105n5
importance of, 89–90n10
James E. Faust on raising, 78n2
nurturing, 47–48
pride in development of, 103–4, 106n30
respect of, for parents, 58n2
value of, 33n55
dinner, 46n35
Christmas shopping, 75–76
Church trips, 13–14, 20–21, 23, 84–85. See also world tour
colonial father, 1–2
commitment, 11–13
of David O. McKay to youth, 26–29
to family, 19–21
in marriage, 13–15
consecration, 81–82, 87
cow, 110
creativity, 35–44
death, 49–51
dining area, 37
discipline, 61–64
balanced between mother and father, 75–78
and building relationships, 108–9
and communicating expectations, 68–69
doctrine of, 64–66
and freedom within limits, 74
and repeating commands, 72–74
teaching agency through, 70–72
teaching obedience through, 69–70
through father, 1–2
through parental example, 66–68
distractions, 83
divorce, 9n5, 10n16
Dry Hollow Farm
David Lawrence leaves, 54–55
teaching responsibility on, 109–10
trips to, 85–86
work on, 40–42, 87
of Aaron W. Tracy, 26–27
discipline as, 65–66
through example, 67–69
through father, 1–2
through letters, 55–56
emulation. See example(s)
entertainment, 38–39, 110–11
of Jesus Christ, xiii, 113, 114
lack of fathering, xii–xiv
serving as, 66–69, 80n37, 96–97
communicating, 68–69
for McKay children, 71–72, 80n37, 114
David O. McKay desires to be with, 21–24, 33n49, 33n52, 88
David O. McKay’s commitment to, 19–21
David O. McKay’s concern for, 48–49
Great Depression’s effect on, 6
importance of, 62–63
as priority, 11–13, 15–18, 114–15
World War II’s effect on, 7–8
farm. See Dry Hollow Farm
in 1700s, 1–2
in 1800s, 2–3
in 1900s, 3–5
from 1900 to 1930s, 5–7
from 1930s to 1950s, 7–9
fathering crisis, ix–x
dearth of role models, xiii–xiv
father irrelevance, x–xi
time famine, xi–xii
fatherlessness, ix–x, 5–6, 8, 10n20
calling of, 31n19
child custody given to, 9n5
irrelevance of, x–xi
role models for, xiii–xiv
spiritually or emotionally absent, xv n8, 3
flagpole, at top of Mount Ogden, 24–26
flash floods, 53–54
flexibility, 107–12
floods, 53–54
freedom, within limits, 74, 79n31
fun, 38–39, 110–11
gathering place, 37
generativity, 27
grandchildren, 39, 42–44, 46n35, 73–74
Great Depression, 6
Hafen, Bruce C., 61–62
Hafen, Marie, 61–62
happiness, 70, 97
Heavenly Father, 47
Holy Ghost, sensitivity to, 101–3
creating, for grandchildren, 42–44, 46n35
environment of, 36–37, 38, 44n5, 45n11
importance of, 35
love in, 35, 53
as priority, 114–15
teaching gospel in, 67–69, 103
teaching obedience in, 66, 70, 74, 77
homesickness, 20, 23, 33n49, 51–53, 95–96, 99–101
humor, 97–98
individualism, 4
industrialization, 2–3
integrity, 27–28
Jesus Christ
as fathering role model, xiii
following example of, 113, 114
Personal Priesthood Interview with, 28–29
letters, counsel for children in, 55–56
lettuce, 97
limits, freedom within, 74, 79n31
Literary Digest, 77
of and for children, 4–5, 53–55, 57–58, 60n26, 68, 93–94, 104
between David O. and Emma Ray McKay, 13–14
discipline and, 64, 65
in home, 35, 53
shown through material goods, xi
shown through time, 83–84, 104
lying, 70
magazine subscriptions, 77
during 1700s and 1800s, 10n7
commitment in, 13–15
and disciplining children, 76–77
as priority, 28
masculinity, redefinition of, 3–4, 5–6
matches, 70
materialism, xi
Maxwell, Neal A., 43–44
McKay, David Lawrence
accompanies father on Church trips, 84–85
cancels Christmas shopping, 75–76
correspondence with, 55–56, 59–60n25, 99
David O. McKay follows prompting regarding, 102
David O. McKay spends time with, in France, 103–4
gets permission for magazine subscription, 77
illness of, 49
joke at expense of, 97
love for, 53–55
removed from surrey, 73, 75
stories told to, 38
taught responsibility on farm, 109–10
violin for, 40
watches ocean, 108–9
McKay, David O.
ability of, to handle many things at once, 34n64
ancestors and descendants of, vi–vii
busy schedule of, 17–18
as father figure to all children, 26–29, 34n56, 57–58
as fathering role model, xiii–xiv
Llewelyn visits, in hospital, 60n30
marriage of, 13–15
self-discipline of, 68
McKay, Edward (Ned), 41, 70, 95
McKay, Emma Rae (daughter), 40, 71, 95
McKay, Emma Ray (wife)
and balancing family, 16
correspondence with, 96, 98–99
and disciplining children, 75, 76–77
encourages setting example, 80n37
marriage of, 13–16
responsibilities of, 18–19
self-discipline of, 68
McKay, Llewelyn
accompanies father on Church trips, 84, 85
arrives late, 73
correspondence with, 99
places flagpole on Mount Ogden, 24–26
playing cards of, 71
poem for, 99–101
receives severe reprimand, 75
visits father in hospital, 60n30
McKay, Lou Jean, 18, 38, 40, 52–53, 98
McKay, Robert (Bobby), 4–5, 41
McKay, Royle, 49–51, 59n16
portrayal of fathers in, xiii
time spent consuming, 11–12
memories, making, 38–39
monkeys, 74
Mount Ogden, placing flagpole at top of, 24–26
movies, 110–11
music, 40
neglect, paternal, 3
nurturing fathers, 47–58
Oaks, Dallin H., 43–44
obedience, 64, 69–70
ocean, 108–9
one-on-one relationships, 98–99
one-on-one time, 81–82
overscheduling, 12, 62, 63
Packer, Boyd K., 24
paternal neglect, 3
Personal Priesthood Interview, 28–29
piano, 73–74
playing cards, 71
plays, 38
poetry, 39–40, 99–101
praise, 75–76
children as, 33n55, 81–82
family as, 11–13, 15–18, 114–15
of fathers, 28–29
promises, keeping, 27–28
Puritan father, 1–2
quality time, 82
reading, 38
recreation, 38, 110–11
relationships, building, 93–94
adaptability in, 110–11
and foregoing chastisement, 108–9
one-on-one, 98–99
and spiritual connectedness, 101–3
through example, 96–97
through humor, 97–98
through poetry, 99–101
relaxation, 37
repetition, 72–74
responsibility, teaching, 75, 109–10
role models. See example(s)
Sabbath, 71
sacrifice, 81–82, 88–89
salvation, work as element of, 90n26
self-control, 74
sickness, 49–51, 95
sixth sense, 95
sleigh riding, 38–39
spiritual connectedness, 101–3
stake conference assignments, 84–85
Sunday School, 71
surrey, Lawrence removed from, 73, 75
portrayal of fathers on, xiii
time spent watching, 11
theater, 38
for children, 81–86, 88–89
discipline and, 63
love shown through, 83–84, 104
prioritizing, for family, 12–13, 17–18, 81–82
time famine, xi–xii, xvi n14, xvi n18
Tracy, Aaron W., 26–27
urbanization, 2–3
vacations, xvi n14, 81–82, 111
video games, 12
violin, 40
window, broken, 75
changing role of, 3
role of colonial, 2
David O. McKay as example of, 87
as element of salvation, 90n26
and father irrelevance, x–xi
opportunities for, 40–42
and time famine, xi–xii, xvi n18
world tour, 22–23, 33n49, 33n52, 51–53, 95–96
World War II, 7–8
Youth’s Companion, 77