The Development of Temple Worship

Just recently, prophets have made notable changes to temple practices of the Church. This, however, is not a new phenomenon. In this powerful episode, Professor Richard Bennett discusses his decades of research on how temple practices of the Church have divinely developed, the pivotal people and events that precipitated these events, and why temple work has always been and will be at the very soul of the Restoration.
Temples Rising (Deseret Book, 2019).
“Wilford Woodruff and the Rise of Temple Consciousness among the Latter-day Saints, 1877-84,” (in Banner of the Gospel: Wilford Woodruff, Religious Studies Center/Deseret Book, 2010).
“'I Mean to be Baptized for Scores more': Baptisms for the Dead among the Latter-day Saints, 1846–67,” (in An Eye of Faith: Essays in Honor of Richard O. Cowan, Religious Studies Center, 2015).