As with any book, many people’s assistance in large and small measure is necessary to put together the final product. First, we would like to thank those who contributed information about their missionary ancestors. We appreciate the time and commitment that was given to verify dates, send stories and pictures, and enhance the information in any way.
We would like to thank Karen Todd for her initial work on the project. We also thank Levi Adam and Anka Schjerven Haslam who spent many hours with original parish registers found in the Family History Library searching out and verifying names, birth dates, and places. Barbara J. Owen spent many hours researching individuals with little or no initial information, and miraculously she found all of them! We appreciate her skills and diligence. We are grateful to Christina J. Smith, who has been an invaluable research assistant.
Our thanks also go to dedicated staff members and missionaries who work at the International Reference Desks in the Family History Library for their knowledge and patience in trying to decipher records and help find impossible places: Liv H. Anderson, Gerda H. Bals, Barbara S. Bell, Margarita N. Choquette, Ralph L. Erickson, Larry O. Jensen, Baerbel Johnson, Wolfgang D. Lebedies, Marit H. Lucy, Geoffrey F. Morris, Ulla-Britt Morris, Sonja R. Nishomoto, Sylvie Pysnak, Ruth G. Schirmacher, Roy A. Spjut, Heidi G. Sugden, and Marion Wolfert.
Without records, no identification is possible. Our deep thanks also to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, whose financial support of the Genealogical Society of Utah allows dedicated men and women to gather, film, catalog, and make available in various forms the records of our ancestors.