Adams, Barnabas L., 193, 340, 348, 375
Adams, George J., 11, 375
adobe, 319, 321, 323
adoption, law of, xxxi–xxxiv, 90n67, 171n105, 327
alcohol, 41n31, 123, 171
Alger, Fanny, xvii
Allen, James, ix, 66, 105, 375–76
Allen, Rufus, 24, 194, 376
Ames, Ira V., 146, 376
Anderson, William, 118, 376
Andrus (Andrews), Milo, 145, 160, 162, 376
Angell, Truman O., 193, 293, 376
antelope, 211, 215, 218, 232, 250, 267, 353
apostasy: of early Saints, viii; of George Miller, 125–26
artillery, 32–33
Ash Hollow, 237, 357–58
Atchison Co., Missouri, 59–60
Atwood, Millen, 193, 338, 376
Babbitt, Almon W., 118, 124–25, 376–77
Backenstos, Jacob B., 37, 49, 377
Badger, Rodney, 195, 289, 314, 377
baptisms for the dead, xxxii
Barkman, Charles, 216
Barney, Lewis, 194, 208, 377
Barnham (Barnum), Charles, 194, 358, 377
Bartholomew, Noah Willis, 79, 377
Battle of Nauvoo (1846), 116, 117–18
Beach, Rufus, 11, 76, 77, 122, 377
Bealy, Dr., 18, 377
Beaman, Louisa, xvii
Bear River, 295, 297, 301, 338
bear(s), 268, 301, 348
Beaubien, Charles H., 178, 377
Beaver Creek, 201, 370
Bennett, John C., viii
Benson, Ezra T.: tent of, 41; to assist William Huntington, 44; on Mount Pisgah, 47n37; returns from eastern country, 140; placement of, in vanguard company, 193; prays for Brigham Young, 301; fixes wagon wheel, 306; surveys area around Echo Canyon, 306; brings news from Big Camp, 337; attacked by bear, 348; Horace gets tobacco from, 367; glossary entry for, 377
Bent, Samuel, 37–38, 101, 377–78
Bernhisel, John M., 177, 378
“Big Camp,” 160n99, 270, 271, 337, 341–44
Big Canyon Creek, 334
Big Elk, Chief, 107, 108n76
Big Head, Chief, 145
Big Mountain, 302n166, 307
Big Salt Spring, 317
Big Sandy River, 286, 341
Big Timber Creek, 349, 352
Billings, George Pierce: arrives from last camp, 33–34; as counselor to Heber C. Kimball, 79; goes to Ponca village, 117; returns to Winter Quarters, 131, 149; drives cattle, 133, 151, 152, 153, 155, 161; items from country brought by, 153–55; to go with vanguard company, 187; placement of, in vanguard company, 194; accident involving oxen of, 327; takes excursion to Great Salt Lake, 335; searches for Judson Persons, 349; glossary entry for, 378
Billings, Sister (Diantha Morley), 114, 378
Billings, Titus, 115, 378
Bird, Charles, 107, 378
bishops, 142n94
Black, Miss (Martha [Patsy] Brown), 100, 378
Black Hills, 262, 263
“black-leg,” xxix, 183, 219
Black’s Fork, 291–93, 340–41
Bloxham, Lucy Amelia, xxiii
Bluff Ruins, 240–41, 356
Boggs, Francis, 194, 299, 378
Boggs, Lilburn W., viii, xiii, 18n18
Bonaparte, Iowa, 8
Bordeaux, James, 256, 259, 261, 351, 378
Bordeaux, Marie, 259n143, 261
Boss, David, 100, 379
Boynton, John F., 76, 379
Brady’s Island, 362
Brannan, Samuel: letter from, 66; meets up with vanguard company, 287–88; travels with vanguard company, 292; goes back with Thomas Williams, 295; reports on Mormon Battalion, 314; goes to Utah Lake, 321; transmits letter for Twelve, 323; leaves for California, 324; glossary entry for, 379
brass band, xxviii, 4–6, 7, 8, 10, 14
Bridger, James (“Jim”) Felix, 285–86, 293, 379
Brimhall, John, 355, 358, 379
Brockman, Thomas Patterson, 118, 379
Brown, George Washington, 193, 379
Brown, John: placement of, in vanguard company, 195; accidentally shoots horse, 208; shoots wolf, 209; brings advice from traders, 216; leads Saints along Platte River, 237n130; leads second group to Salt Lake Valley, 255n139; scouts road, 299; exploration report of, 313–14; returns to Salt Lake Valley, 327; goes on exploring expedition, 330; as company captain, 340; as superintendent of hunting expedition, 364; glossary entry for, 379–80. See also Mississippi company
Brown, Martha (Patsy) (Miss Black), 100, 378
Brown, Nathaniel Thomas, 176, 194, 197, 209, 380
Brown, Peletiah, 109n77
Brown, Thomas, 220, 221, 222, 228, 229, 261, 294, 295
Brown Crow, Elisabeth, 261, 379
Buchanan, John, 291, 327, 352, 353, 355, 358, 367, 380
Buchanan’s Blunder, 88
Buel, Prescindia Lathrop Huntington, 225–26, 380
buffalo: hunting, 207, 211–12, 214, 217, 218, 229, 231, 356, 361–62; problems caused by, 220–21; migration of, 223, 366n201; hostile, 346, 359–60
Buffalo Creek, 216, 363
Bullock, Thomas, 191, 193, 244n132, 252n137, 273–74, 328, 348, 380
Burdick, Thomas, 33, 380
Burgess, Harrison, 81, 100, 160, 162, 380
Burke, Charles, 195, 299, 380
Burnham, Jacob D., 193, 280, 299, 380
Burns, Thomas R., 16, 18, 380
Burroughs, 264, 380
Busby, Joseph, 108, 381
Butler, John Lowe, 16, 381
Butterfly Creek, 76, 77, 78
Byard (Baird), Robert, 187, 194, 311, 313, 317, 381
Cache Cave, 297, 337
Cache Valley, 282, 327
Cahoon, Andrew, 37, 89, 123, 381
Cahoon, D. (Daniel) Styles, 89, 381
Cahoon, Father (Reynolds), xii, 381
Cahoon, William, 6, 30, 381
Cain, 11, 381
California, overland emigration to, 257
Calkins, Luman Hopkins, 365, 369, 381
Camp, James Greer, 339, 381
Camp Creek, 358
Canfield, Cyrus Culver, 105, 381
cannon, 203, 216–17, 219
Canyon Creek (on trail), 306–7, 336
Canyon Creek (Salt Lake Valley), 334
Cardinal, Mr., 140n93
Carrell, William Thomas, 339, 382
Carrington, Albert, 193, 266, 296, 299, 330, 382
Carrollton, Illinois, xiii
Carter, Mrs. (Lydia Kenyon), 131, 382
Carter, Simeon Dagget, 131, 382
Carter, William, 194, 339, 382
Case, James: goes ahead, 191, 192; placement of, in vanguard company, 194; as company captain, 195; and route of vanguard company, 200n118; vanguard company catches up with, 303; broken wagon wheel of, 306; glossary entry for, 382
Castle Bluffs, 238
Castle Creek, 237, 357
cattle: watching, 75, 79, 80, 90, 92; suffering from foot rot, 85; wintering, 87n64; search for, 125, 126–27, 128, 131; killed by Indians, 128; driving, 128–30, 132, 133–34, 138, 145–46, 152
Chamberlain, Solomon, 194, 298, 301, 363, 364, 382
Chariton River, 13–14
Charles, Barkman, 216, 377
Cheffelan, 200
Cherokee, 69
Chesney, James Albert, 261, 299, 382
Chessley, Alexander P., 195, 267–68, 299, 327, 382
Chimney Rock, 239–40, 244, 245–46, 354, 355
china dolls, xvii
Church Council, 91–92
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, opposition to, vii–viii. See also persecution
City Creek, 334
Clark, George Sheffer, 340, 383
Clark, Hiram, 79, 383
Clayton, Diantha Farr, 25, 388
Clayton, James, 178, 383
Clayton, William, 329; “Come, Come, Ye Saints,” xxviii, 25n23; on dishonest dealings with Indians, xxx; parody composed by, 4; camps with Saints, 9, 10; birth of child of, 25; returns to Winter Quarters, 135, 328; finds his horse with Omahas, 136; walks around Winter Quarters, 139; builds house, 141; drives sheep, 141; goes after wood, 146–47; goes to rush bottoms, 152; wagon of, 182; surrenders Church property to Newel K. Whitney, 183; catches up with vanguard company, 192; placement of, in vanguard company, 194; calculates distance traveled, 221, 222; and debate regarding roadometer, 232n127; The Latter-day Saints’ Emigrants’ Guide, 234, 235n128; places guidepost, 237–38; on Salt Lake Valley, 310n169; on Indian fight, 317–18; makes new roadometer, 320–21, 322; goes to Salt Lake, 327; letter from, 359, 360; glossary entry for, 383. See also “Come, Come, Ye Saints”
Clothier, Jack, 109n77
Cloward, Thomas P., 187, 194, 313, 383
coal, 266, 281, 299
Cochran, 9, 57
Cold Springs, 78–79n56, 92n68, 274
Collins, Robert, 100, 383
Colorado tick fever, 297, 298
Coltrin, Zebedee, 105, 106, 193, 383
“Come, Come, Ye Saints,” xxviii, 25n23
Commerce, Illinois, xiii
consecration, 37n29, 158n97
Cooke, Philip St. George, 255n140
Coolidge, Joseph Wellington, 74, 80, 383
Corbett, Thomas, 182, 183, 187, 383
Council Bluffs, Iowa, 55, 56–66, 74, 104, 144
Council House, xxviii, 111, 143, 156, 157–61, 167–69, 173–74, 176, 182–83
counterfeit money, 57
Covert, William Spencer, 134, 383
Crab Creek, 239, 357
crackers, 31–32, 39
Craig, James, 193, 383
Craig, John, 296, 384
Cravath, Mary, xxiii, xxxiii
crickets, 310, 319
Crooked Creek, 42
Crosby, Oscar, 195, 214n121, 255n139, 299, 384
Crosby, William, 254–55n139
Crow, Benjamin Brown, 261, 299, 326, 384
Crow, Elizabeth Jane, 261, 384
Crow, Harriet Brunt, 261, 384
Crow, Ira (Isa) Vinda Exene, 261, 384
Crow, Ira Minda Almarene, 261, 384
Crow, John McHenry, 261, 299, 358, 384
Crow, Robert, 255, 260–61, 264, 271, 299, 384
Crow, Walter Hamilton, 261, 299, 384
Crow, William Parker, 261, 313, 385
Crow Indians, 255
Crow Therlkill, Matilda Jane, 261, 326, 384
Cummings, James Willard, 54–55, 385
Curtis, Lyman, 195, 298, 299, 385
Cushing, Hosea: helps Horace Whitney, 24; brings back corn, 29; drives for Bro. Coolidge, 80; works in hayfield, 122, 123; goes up to big herd, 125; builds house, 127, 128; returns to Winter Quarters, 127, 136; helps with cattle, 130; brings bricks, 151; to go with vanguard company, 187; placement of, in vanguard company, 194; accident involving oxen of, 327; takes excursion to Great Salt Lake, 335; glossary entry for, 385
Cutler (Kimball Fletcher), Clarissa Crissy, 168, 385
Cutler, Alpheus, 85, 105, 116, 135, 160, 162, 385
Cutler, Edwin, 12, 34, 91, 385
Cutler, Emily Trask, 168, 385
Cutler, William Lathrop, 30, 76, 117, 122, 385
Cutler’s Park, 91–92
Dacota(h) / Dakota Sioux, 243–44
Dalton, Charles, 30, 385
Dana, Louis, 93, 99, 385–86
Davenport, James, 194, 224, 273
Davenport, John: trades for provisions, 34; reaches camp, 40; sent to help trading expedition, 59–60; arrives in Cutler’s Park, 103; helps Edward Hunter, 105; livestock of, 110; searches for lost cattle, 122, 128; works in hayfield, 122, 123; goes up to big herd, 125; returns to Winter Quarters, 131, 134; builds house, 135, 137, 141; cuts wood, 140; goes to Missouri for work, 146; glossary entry for, 386
Davis, Amos, 256
Davis, Daniel: sent to help trading expedition, 59–60; baptism of, 124; errands and labor of, 137, 139, 140, 141; as member of Heber C. Kimball’s family, 190; glossary entry for, 386
Davis, David, 153–55, 386
Decker, Charles, 25, 137, 167, 386
Decker, Isaac Perry, 195, 386
Deer Creek, 266, 347–48
Devil’s Gate, 277, 346
Dewey, Benjamin Franklin, 194, 303, 309, 386
Dixon, John, 193, 339, 386
dog(s), 112, 211, 239, 245
Donnell, Robert Washington, 148, 153, 386
Donner-Reed party, 55n43, 282
Donovan, Alexander, 255n140
Douglas, Ralph, 336, 339, 386
dream, of Heber C. Kimball, 336
dress making, 58
Driggs, Sterling, 193, 386
Dry Sandy Creek, 284, 342
Duncan, George, 353
Dunham, Albert Warren, 80
Dunham, Jonathan, 80, 386
Durfee, Father, 20, 29, 30
Dykes, William, 52, 193, 386
Eagles, 94
eagle(s), 239, 295
Eames, Ellis, xxviii, 177, 178, 197, 386–87
Earl, James Calvin, 339, 387
Earl, Sylvester H., 193
Earl, Wilbur Joseph, 365, 387
Eastman, Ozro French, 194, 325, 339, 387
Echo Canyon, 299–301, 302
Edwards, William Holliday, 44, 45, 387
Egan, Howard: as company captain, 6, 340, 353; disagreement between Pack and, 52; as trading agent, 60; reports on Mormon Battalion, 139; errands and labor of, 140, 141, 146–47, 306, 320; moves into house, 142; goes to country, 157, 167; items from country brought by, 163–66, 175–76; to go with vanguard company, 187; placement of, in vanguard company, 194; and debate regarding roadometer, 232n127; scouts road, 302; searches for lost horse, 309, 346; journal of, 315; and settlement of Salt Lake Valley, 315–16; returns to Winter Quarters, 328; takes excursion to Great Salt Lake, 335; glossary entry for, 387
Egbert, Joseph, 193, 299, 339
Eldridge, Father, 110, 111, 112
Eldridge, Horace S., 85, 91, 108, 109n77, 270, 387
Eldridge, Ira, 147, 387
Eldridge, John, 194, 299, 387
Elkhorn River, 79, 186, 371
Ellsworth, Edmund, 152, 193, 273, 387
emigrants: vanguard company intersects with, 262–63, 264, 267–68, 278, 279; ferried over North Platte, 271–74; at North Fork ferry, 291
“Emigration Camp,” 160n99, 270, 271, 337, 341–44
Emmett, James, 45, 82n60, 126n88, 387–88
Empy (Empey), William, 193, 215, 273, 388
Ensign, Horace Datus (Dayton), 194, 339, 342, 388
“Epistle of the Twelve to the Battalion & Saints in California,” 323
Everett, Addison, 28, 151, 193, 195, 388
extermination order, viii, xiii, 18n18
Fairbanks, Nathaniel, 194, 241, 245, 256, 299, 388
Farmington, Iowa, 6, 7
Farr, Aaron Freeman, 29, 194, 289, 291, 388
Farr, Diantha, 25, 388
Farr, Winslow, 128, 160, 162, 206, 388
fast and prayer meeting, 252, 253. See also prayer circles and meetings
feast, 344
fence, surrounding Salt Lake City, 331–32, 333, 334
Fielding, Amos, 50, 388
Finch, Sister, 248, 388
fire, 130, 156–57
Fitzgerald, Perry, 24, 194, 388
Flake, Green, 195, 214n121, 255n139, 299, 388–89
Fleming, Mr., 100, 389
flute, 76
foot rot, 85
Forsgren, John, 71, 100, 389
Forsgren, Mary Ann Hunt, 190, 389
Forsythe, Henry, 133, 146, 389
Fort Atkinson, 104n74
Fort Bridger, 290, 291, 292, 293–94, 340
Fort Hall, 335n189
Fort John, 257, 258–59. See also Fort Laramie
Fort Laramie, 254–56, 259n142, 260, 350–52. See also Fort John
Fort Leavenworth, 83n62
Fort Platte, 257, 258–59
Fort Union Trading Post, 359n199
fossils, 238, 239
Fowler, John Sherman, 193, 389
Fox, Samuel Bradford, 193, 320, 389
“Fox Divide,” 13
Frank, Horace Monroe, 194, 389
Frazier, Jacob: illness of, 44–45; errands and labor of, 122, 128, 136, 140, 141; goes up to big herd, 125; returns to Winter Quarters, 136; drives cattle, 161; as member of Heber C. Kimball’s family, 190; glossary entry for, 389
Freedom, Gabriel, 264, 389
Freeman, John, 137, 193, 299, 389
Frink, Monroe, 315, 346, 357
Frost, Burr, 194, 264, 330, 389
Fuller, Elijah Knapp, 103, 389
Fullmer, John S., 118, 389–90
Garden Grove, Iowa, ix, xxvi, 9, 27, 31–32, 35, 37, 39
General Brooks, 85, 110
general conference(s), 189n113, 331–35
Gibbons, Andrew, 195, 275, 294, 390
Gifford, William, 339, 390
Gleason, John, 195, 299, 311, 327, 390
Glines, Eric: placement of, in vanguard company, 194; hunts, 229, 231, 232; waits for family, 274; brings news from North Platte, 281; sent to help next company of pioneers, 289; glossary entry for, 390
Glines, James, Harvey, 365, 390
Glines, Sarah Elizabeth, 115, 390
Goddard, Stephen: placement of, in vanguard company, 193; as company captain, 195, 340; vanguard company catches up with, 303; returns to Winter Quarters, 328; and house construction, 330; leaves Amasa Lyman’s company, 363; arrives with Winter Quarters horsemen, 365; glossary entry for, 390
Golden, Christine, 6, 390
Goodale (Goodell), Timothy, 293–94, 323, 390–91
Goodyear, Miles, 295, 296, 327, 391
Goodyear Ranch, 296n162
Gould, John, 317, 391
Gould, Samuel, 317, 391
Gove, Flora Ann Woodworth Smith, 105–6, 391
grammar, 112
Grand Island, 210, 365, 368
Grand Island, Nebraska, ix, 74
Grand River, 24, 25, 28, 30, 34
Granger, Carlos, 163
Granger, Lafayette, 343, 391
Granger, Sabra, 99, 191, 391
Grant, David, 194, 299, 338, 391
Grant, George, 135, 138, 367
Grant, George Davis, 365, 366, 391–92
Grant, George Roberts: returns to Winter Quarters, 135, 338; searches for cattle, 138; placement of, in vanguard company, 193; catches eagle, 239; horse of, 346, 354; hunts, 355–57; arrives with provisions, 365; searches Horace’s wagon, 367; glossary entry for, 392
Grant, Jedediah M.: camp responsibilities of, 17; trades made by, 36; speaks at meeting, 38, 91; reaches camp, 40; tent of, blown away, 41; meets with Omaha Indians, 107; searches for new ferrying place, 108; continues on to Salt Lake Valley, 345; glossary entry for, 392
Great Salt Lake, 309–10n168, 314, 315, 326, 327, 335
Green, Harvey, 127, 392
Green, John Hyrum, 37, 92, 392
Green, John Young, 193, 392
Greene, Nancy Zervia, 74, 392
Green River, 287, 288–89, 341
Griffin, Albert Bailey, 101, 392
Grosclaude, Justin, 140n93
Grouard, Benjamin Franklin, 48, 392
group salvation, xxxi–xxxii
Grover, Thomas, 108, 193, 195, 258, 267, 273, 392
guideposts, 222, 232, 237–38, 242, 306–7, 357, 360
Gully (Gulley), Samuel, 139, 392
Hale, Jonathan, 108, 392
Ham’s Fork, 292, 341
Hancock, Joseph: placement of, in vanguard company, 195; missing from camp, 212; returns to camp, 214; hunts, 222, 267, 314–15; trades with Indians, 322; glossary entry for, 393
Hancock, Solomon, 42, 43, 393
Hanks, Knowlton F., 48, 393
Hanks, Sidney Alvarus, 193, 393
Hansen, Peter, 60, 61, 189, 190, 342, 393
Hanson, Hans C.: plays music, 4; camps on Locust Creek, 23; heads for Platte country, 60; breaks wagon tongue, 67; injury of, 69; outfitted with wagon and team, 79; returns to Winter Quarters, 131; builds house, 135; placement of, in vanguard company, 195; alters pantaloons, 294; scouts road, 299; glossary entry for, 393
Harding, John J., 76, 77, 393
Harley, Edwin, 87, 393
Harley, John Harris, 87
Harmon, Appleton M.: placement of, in vanguard company, 194; as company captain, 195; calculates distance traveled, 223, 228, 231; ferries emigrants over North Platte, 273, 274; vanguard company meets, 351; glossary entry for, 393
Harper, Charles Alfred, 194, 340, 353, 393
Harris, George W., 108, 352, 394
Harris, Mary Ellen, 58, 394
Harris, Moses “Black,” 282–83, 285, 352
Hatch, Abram, 35, 394
Hawes, Peter, 137
Hawn’s Mill, 114n80
Haws (Hawes), Peter, 17, 137, 394
Haywood, Joseph L., 33, 394
health, letter of exhortation concerning care of, 102
Heber, 74
Hedlock, Reuben, 80n58
Helen, K., 31
Herriman, Henry, 160, 162, 394
Herring, George, 45, 394
Herring, Joseph, 69, 394
Heywood, Joseph L., 33, 118
Higbee, Isaac, 160, 162, 394
Higbee, John Somers: joins camp, 85–86; as superintendent of ferryage, 114, 258, 273; and preparations for spring travel, 167; placement of, in vanguard company, 194; as company captain, 195; hunts and fishes, 198, 229, 254; discovers human skull, 209; trades with Indians, 244, 264; glossary entry for, 394
Higbee, Sister, 69
Higgins, Nelson, 319, 331, 394–95
Hill, Archibald Newell, 270, 395
Holden, Edward, 336, 339, 342, 345
Holden, Edward (Edwin), 395
Holden, Elijah Edward, 395
Holman, John G., 44, 193, 362, 395
Holman, Joshua S., 134, 279, 395
Honey War, 19n19
Horne, Joseph, 79, 395
horse(s): versus oxen, 21–22n21; bitten by rattlesnakes, 30–31, 35–36; lost, 100, 207–8, 209, 346; killed by accidental gun discharge, 208, 279; for drawing cannon, 219; stolen, 293–94, 344–45, 349–50, 351–52
Horseshoe Creek, 264, 350
Houston, Mary, 86, 395
Houtz, Jacob, 113, 117, 395
Hovey, John D., 137
Hovey, Joseph, 113, 127, 136, 395
Hovey, Sister (Martha Ann Webster), 113, 395
Howd, Simeon Fuller, 193, 395
Hubbard, Charles Wesley, 62, 396
Hunter, Edward, 105, 396
Huntington, Dimick Baker, 331, 396
Huntington, William, 44, 105, 396
Huntington, William Dresser, 365, 396
Huntly, A. L., 339, 396
hurricane, 20–21
Hutchinson, Jacob Flynn, 43, 76, 396
Hyde, Marinda Nancy Johnson, 146, 396
Hyde, Orson: arrives in Council Bluffs, 60; horses of, stolen, 70; called to England, 71, 80, 189n114; gives fife to Horace, 76; gives Newel K. Whitney outfitting supplies, 82; leaves for England, 85; glossary entry for, 396
Hyde, Sister, 176
Independence Rock, 275–77, 346
Indian burial mound, 87, 89
Indian Creek, 9
Indian Removal Act (1830), 69n49
Indian(s): in Horace Whitney’s journal, xxix–xxxi; Omaha, xxx, 107–8, 136, 145, 147; Pawnee, xxx, 81–82, 101, 199–201, 203n119; signs of, 29, 50–51; helps Saints, 30; Pottawatomie, 44, 49, 51, 52, 65, 67; near Council Bluffs, 57; warned against pioneers, 57; Helen Mar Whitney spends time with chief’s daughter, 65; message brought by, 65, 67; Sioux, 65, 67, 145n96, 169, 203, 207, 228, 243–44, 357; Cherokee, 69; Ponca, 74n53, 81–82, 101; Otoe, 83, 86, 107–8; trade with, 83, 243–44, 261, 264, 314, 319, 322, 355, 356; escape from attack by, 101, 208–9; extend invitation to George Miller, 101; land arrangement with, 103–4; meeting with Omahas and Otoes, 107–8; kill cattle, 127; defense against, at Winter Quarters, 128; dishonest dealings with, 135; Iowa, 145; problems caused by, 169; vanguard company meets, 199–201; as threat, 203; try to sneak into vanguard company’s camp, 207; deserted encampment of, 228; rob Fort Laramie, 255; burial practices of, 256; near Fort Bridger, 293; Snake, 293, 318n175, 341; come into Salt Lake settlement, 314; Ute, 314, 318–19n175; met by Twelve, 315; quarrel between, 317–18; food of, 318–19; Shoshone, 318n175; horses stolen by, 344–45, 349–50, 351–52; visit vanguard camp, 357
intelligence, 173
Iowa: crossing, xxv–xxvi, 26–27, 39; settlement of, 2n1; border dispute between Missouri and, 19n19
Iowa Indians, 145
irrigation, 311
Ivory, Matthew Hayes, 195, 396
Jackman, Levi, 195, 299, 330, 397
Jacobs, Henry Chariton, 14, 397
Jacobs, Norton, 115, 194, 195, 285n157, 397
“Jewish Maid,” 77
Johnson, Artemas, 194, 303, 397
Johnson, Jesse Walker, 339, 397
Johnson, Luke S.: received into Church, 11; arrives in Winter Quarters, 146; stays in Winter Quarters, 147, 176; joins vanguard company, 182, 351, 352; returns to Winter Quarters, 185; placement of, in vanguard company, 193; as company captain, 195, 353; hunting successes of, 218; kills buffalo, 229; treats rattlesnake bite, 242; ferries emigrants over North Platte, 273; goes back to Fort Laramie, 353; as superintendent of hunting expedition, 364; glossary entry for, 397
Johnson, Philo, 187, 194, 397
Junction Bluff Fork, 360
Kane, Thomas L.: and Mormon Battalion, ix–x, 64n48, 69–70, 76, 77; and exaggerations regarding Mormons, 4n4; as friend to Mormons, 66, 69–70, 88–89, 99; sketches of, 68, 84; leaves for Grand Island, 83; discovers mound, 87; returns from Grand Island, 87; Helen Mar Whitney on, 88–89; illness of, 92, 93, 99; gifts from, 195–96; glossary entry for, 397
Kay, John, xxx, 8, 77, 135, 139, 177–78, 397–98
Kearny, Stephen W., 64n48
Kellogg, Father Ezekiel, 353, 363, 365, 367, 398
Kelsey, Stephen, 194, 299, 398
Kendall, Levi N., 194, 299, 398
Keosauqua, Iowa, 9n10
Kimball, Brigham Willard, 32, 168, 226, 398
Kimball, Charley, 190
Kimball, D. D., 148, 149
Kimball, Heber Chase, 169; conversion and Church service of, xiii–xvi; and plural marriage, xviii–xix, xxi, 6n6; children of, xix; and law of adoption, xxxiv; on Salt Lake Valley, xxxv; returns to Winter Quarters, xxxvi, 329; goes to Sugar Creek, 2; organizes Sugar Creek camp, 3; leaves Sugar Creek, 6; pays for oxen, 9; reorganizes companies, 17; exhorts observance of camp duties, 20; counsel of, 25, 28–29, 109–10, 170–71, 172–73; passes Medicine Creek, 27, 28; meets with council, 28; writes letters, 29–30, 100; dines with Lorenzo Young, 36; chastises Saints at Mount Pisgah, 47–48; picks strawberries, 53; appoints bridge builders, 55; recruits Mormon Battalion, 65–66; seeks winter location, 74, 75, 78; trades horse for oxen and cattle, 79; borrows from Van Wagoner, 80; and relocation of camp, 86; discovers mound, 87; holds meetings, 90–91, 187–89, 311–13; discusses Church affairs, 100; letter of exhortation from, 101, 102–3; searches for new ferrying place, 108; livestock of, 110, 124n86, 130–31; seeks settlement location, 111; surveys ground and lays out Winter Quarters city plot, 111; speaks at meetings and conferences, 112, 151, 268, 322, 331–32, 333, 334; builds house, 128, 135; dance in home of, 151; handcart company of, 156, 157–58, 159–60, 161–63, 178; blesses children, 168; meeting of family of, 170–73; blesses family, 184; leaves Winter Quarters, 190; placement of, in vanguard company, 194; as company captain, 195; guards company, 201; hunts, 211, 366; Horace Whitney walks and talks with, 224–25, 246, 284, 328–29; kills wolves, 238; anticipates arrival in Salt Lake Valley, 266; goes ahead, 282; prays for Brigham Young, 301–2; fixes wagon wheel, 306; surveys area around Echo Canyon, 306; rebaptisms performed by, 322; and council of Twelve, 323; and settlement of Salt Lake Valley, 325; land allotment of, 325n184; house for, 330; dream of, 336; letters to, 338; attacked by bear, 348; smokes with Indians, 349–50; plans for outfitting family of, 361; glossary entry for, 398
Kimball, Heber P., 18, 187, 398
Kimball, Hiram, 177, 398
Kimball, Lucy Walker Smith, 398–99, 413
Kimball, Presendia, 36, 213, 247
Kimball, Sarah Melissa Granger, 2, 399
Kimball, Sarah Peek Noon, xviii, xix, 6n6, 187, 399
Kimball, Solomon Farnham, 166, 399
Kimball, Vilate Murray: conversion and Church service of, xiii–xvi; and plural marriage, xviii–xix, xxi, 6n6; dines with Lorenzo Young, 36; receives gift from Joseph Toronto, 63; illness of, 145; gives birth to Solomon, 166; attends prayer circle, 187, 188; service rendered by, 212–13; Heber C. Kimball on, 224; ailing baby of, 246–47; glossary entry for, 399
Kimball, William H., 136, 137, 187, 190, 191, 365, 366, 399
Kimball’s Spring, 350
King, William: errands and labor of, 24, 29, 43, 93, 103, 122, 127, 128, 135; heads for Platte country, 60; puts out fire, 130; returns to Winter Quarters, 134; goes to Lathrop’s camp, 166; to go with vanguard company, 187; placement of, in vanguard company, 194; searches for lost horse, 346; searches for Judson Persons, 349; glossary entry for, 399
Kingsbury, Joseph C., 2, 3, 4, 19, 36, 43, 399
Kingsbury, Sarah Ann. See Whitney, Sarah Ann
Kirtland, Ohio, Horace Kimball Whitney’s life in, xii–xiii
Kirtland Safety Society Anti-Banking Company, xiii
Kirtland Temple, xiii, xviii
Klineman (Kleinman), Conrad, 194, 339, 399–400
Lamb, Edwin Ruthven, 328, 400
Langley, George Washington, 365, 400
Laramie Peak, 262
Larson, Thurston, 343, 400
Lathrop, Asahel, 87n64, 123–24, 146, 400
Latter-day Saints’ Emigrants’ Guide, The (Clayton), 234, 235n128
Laughlin, David Sanders, 338, 400
law of adoption, xxxi–xxxiv, 90n67, 171n105, 327
law of consecration, 37n29, 158n97
Lawrence, Sarah A., 74, 225, 248, 400
Lay, Hark, 195, 214n121, 255n139, 299, 400
Le Clerc’s daughter, 61–62
Lee, John D., 50, 400
Lewis, Tarleton, 193, 195, 204, 264, 332, 334, 400–401
liberty and light of gospel, 268
liberty poles, 371n203
Little, Archibald, 261, 274, 401
Little, Edwin, 12–13, 401
Little, Jesse C., 64n48, 69, 192, 197, 321, 324, 327, 352, 401
Little Sandy River, 284, 285, 286, 342
Locust Creek, 23–25
Looking Glass Creek, 201, 370
Losee, Abraham, 130, 401
Lost Fork Bridge, 52
Lott, Cornelius Peter, 3, 4, 85, 152, 401
Loup Band of Pawnees, 199–201
Loup Fork of Platte River, 199, 201–2, 203–6, 368–69
Luce, John Grant, 338, 401
Lutz, Albert, 153, 401
Lyman, Amasa M.: goes up with Whitneys’ company, 21; surveys road ahead, 42–43; surveys ground and lays out Winter Quarters city plot, 111; placement of, in vanguard company, 193; hunts, 221, 229; goes to Pueblo, 257; at North Fork ferry, 291; reports on Mormon Battalion, 314; speaks at meeting, 330–31; letter from, 359, 360, 361; vanguard company catches up with, 363; glossary entry for, 401
Mann, Dr., 114, 401
Manottawa stream, 52
Marble, Samuel, 193, 285, 401–2
Markham, Stephen: announces Kimball baby’s birth, 9, 10; as company captain, 17, 340; accompanies company to Grand River, 25; travels ahead, 29, 299; comes back to assist, 30; arrives in Cutler’s Park, 104; livestock of, 131, 208; as guard captain, 191, 192, 195, 196, 201; placement of, in vanguard company, 194; counsel of, 235; trades with Indians, 244, 355; searches for stolen horses, 344, 345; glossary entry for, 402
Markham, Warren, 59, 60, 99, 402
Marshall, P. T., 339, 402
Martin, Edward, 78, 402
Martindale, William, 365, 402
Matlock, William E., 94, 402
Matthews, Joseph: as company captain, 195, 340; placement of, in vanguard company, 195; kills prairie dog, 199; escapes Indian attack, 208–9; kills buffalo, 228; scouts road, 299; brings news from Salt Lake Valley, 309; exploration report of, 313–14; returns to Salt Lake Valley, 327; and house construction, 330; searches out camp site, 361; glossary entry for, 402
Mayson, Silas, 107, 402
McBride, Reuben, 33, 402
McCord, James, 148, 402
McCrary, William, 183, 185, 402–3
McIntyre, William, 334, 403
Medicine Creek, 27–28
Meeks, William, 8n9, 365, 403
Mexican-American War (1846–48), 45, 60, 64–66. See also Mormon Battalion
Mill Creek, 334
Miller, George, 75; company overtakes, 7; as scout, 16n17; passes Whitneys’ tent, 17; reorganizes companies, 17; holds council, 18; camps on Shoal Creek, 19; leaves Locust Creek camp, 25; goes peddling, 34; builds bridge, 53; crosses Nishnabotna River, 54; route favored by, 82n60; Indians extend invitation to, 101; letter to, 116; apostasy of, 125–26; house for, 160, 163; returns from Ponca village, 174; glossary entry for, 403
Mills, George, 195, 294, 342, 403
Mineral Tar spring, 296, 338
missionary station, 201–3, 370
missionary work, in Pacific Islands, 48, 63
Mississippi company, 62, 214n121, 237n130, 254–55n139, 291
Mississippi River, 3, 4
Missouri: persecution in, viii, xiii, 18n18; Kimballs move to, xvi; government purchase of Indian lands in, xxx; border dispute between Iowa and, 19n19; Mormon settlements in, 150
Missouri River, 55, 56, 57, 67–69
Mitchell, Robert Byington, 63, 403
Moon, R. C., 34, 403
More, Thomas, 85, 403
Morley, Diantha (Sister Billings), 114, 378
Morley, Isaac, 100, 108, 114, 403
Mormon Battalion, ix–x; volunteers raised for, 64–66, 69–71, 74; departure of, 76–78; payment for, 101; reports on, 139, 174–75, 314; sick detachment of, 255; settlers go back to meet, 315; arrives in Salt Lake Valley, 316; and settlement of Salt Lake Valley, 317, 319
Mormon exodus, viii–xi, xxiii, xxiv–xxxvi
Mormon Rebellion, 88
Mormon Tabernacle Camp, 91
Mosquito Creek, 55–56, 64, 65
mounds, 87, 89
mountaineers, 264, 265, 329, 358
mountain fever, 297, 298
Mount Pisgah, Iowa, ix, xxvi, 43–50, 65–66
Mount Pleasant, 31
Muddy Fork, 295, 340
Murray, Carlos, 187, 194, 317, 343, 403
Murray, Helen Janet Jeanette, 190, 403
Murray, William Ellis, 127, 135, 335, 403
Myers, Lewis B.: joins vanguard company, 260; travels with Robert Crow, 261; hunts, 264, 274, 311, 313; finds eagle, 295; scouts road, 299; meets Mormon Battalion, 315; explores Utah Lake, 320; returns to Salt Lake Valley, 327; returns from Fort Bridger, 336; glossary entry for, 403–4
Myers, Samuel, 64, 135, 404
Nauvoo, Illinois: Mormon settlement in, viii–ix, xvi–xvii; letter carrying news from, 11; exodus from, 42n33, 44n34, 59; conditions in, 44; articles of capitulation of, 116, 118; mob attack on, 116, 117–18, 124–25, 127
Nauvoo Legion, 115
Nauvoo poor camps, 117, 118–19
Nauvoo Temple, xx, 118, 124, 127
Nave, Abram, 148, 404
Newman, Elijah, 194, 299, 404
“New Purchase,” 13
Nickerson, Levi, 366, 404
Nishnabotna River, 53–54
Nobles, Joseph, 147, 344, 404
Noon, Sarah Peak. See Kimball, Sarah Peek Noon
Norris, David, 118, 404
North Buffalo Fork, 266, 348
North Platte River, 257–58, 259, 271–74, 281, 291, 347, 352
Norton, John Wesley, 195, 250, 264, 275, 404
Nowlin, Jabez Townsend, 404
Nowlin, Robert Thomas, 339
Oakley, James, 291, 404
Ogden, Peter Skeene, 306n167
Ogden’s Fork, 306–8, 336
Omaha Indians, xxx, 107–8, 136, 145, 147
orderliness, 58
Oregon, overland emigration to, 257
Oregon Trail, 42
Otoe Indians, 83, 86, 107–8
Owen, Seeley, 193
oxen: disagreement regarding, 9; versus horses, 21–22n21; driving, 22; for Whitneys, 29; death of, 103; accident involving, 327
Pacific Islands, 48, 63
Pack, John R.: camp responsibilities of, 17; disagreement between Egan and, 52; death of child of, 105; and preparations for spring travel, 156; role of, in handcart company, 160, 162; placement of, in vanguard company, 194; as company captain, 195, 274; as major of guard, 196; crosses Loup Fork, 204–5; brings news from Salt Lake Valley, 309; glossary entry for, 404–5
Pack, Julia, 249
Pack, Ruth, 48, 249, 405
Packard, Noah, 42, 405
Page, John E., 11, 405
Paradise, 52
Park, William Asbury, 339, 405
Parks, William, 357, 405
Parnum, Charles, 339, 405
Parrish, Warren, 220, 405
parties, 60, 61–62, 76–77, 174, 176, 178
Partridge, Eliza, xvii
Partridge, Emily, xvii
Patience Creek, 208
Patten, Dr. John, 106, 405
Pawnee Indians, xxx, 81–82, 101, 199–201, 203n119
Pawnee village, 204, 205–6, 369
persecution: of early Saints, vii–viii, xiii; cheerfulness in face of, 14–16; in Missouri, 18n18; at hands of US government, 45–47; in Nauvoo, 116, 117–18, 124–25, 127
Persons (Pierson), Judson, A., 349, 405
Pettijohn, Isaac, 20n20
Pettit, Edwin, 184, 405
Phelps, William Waterman, 49, 406
Phelps, William Wines, 11, 138, 406
Pickett, William, 124–25, 406
Pierce, Eli Harvey, 193, 406
Pierce, Robert, 74
Pierson, Eliza Ann, xxviii–xxix, 126, 406
Pitkin, Abigail, xviii, 111, 406
Pitkin, Laura, xviii, 111, 225, 248, 406
Pitt, William, 4–6, 7, 14–16, 406
Platte River, 191, 198–201, 221, 227–28, 355–56, 361–63. See also Loup Fork of Platte River; North Platte River; South Fork of Platte River
Plum Creek, 202
plural marriage, xvii–xviii, xxiii–xxiv, xxxii, 6n6, 106, 168, 182
Point, 60, 61–62, 141, 155, 178
Polk, James K., ix, 45n36, 92, 406
Pomeroy, Francis M., 194, 221, 257, 273, 274, 406–7
Ponca Indians, 74n53, 81–82, 101
Ponca village, 113–14, 117
Pond, Abigail, xxix, 142
Pond, Francis M., 407
Pond, Harriet, 142, 407
Pond, Laura Jane, 142, 407
Pond, Stillman: death of family members of, xxix; trades livestock, 16, 17, 18; breaks harness, 22; reports on Grand River, 30; arrives in Winter Quarters, 128; carries provisions for vanguard company, 270; glossary entry for, 407
Pottawatomie Indians, 44, 49, 51, 52, 65, 67
Pottawattamie County, high council organized at, 89n66
Potter, Gardner Godfrey, 105, 366, 407
Potts, Jacob Harrison, 43, 407
Powell, David, 195, 299, 407
Prairie Creek, 368
Pratt, Addison, 48, 407
Pratt, Orson, 220; passes Whitneys’ tent, 17; expedition estimates of, 34; recruits Mormon Battalion, 70; speaks at meeting and conferences, 105, 112, 123, 268, 326, 333; meets with Omaha Indians, 107; searches for new ferrying place, 108; seeks settlement location, 111; surveys ground and lays out Winter Quarters city plot, 111; and preparations for spring travel, 158; placement of, in vanguard company, 193; crosses Loup Fork, 205; calculates distance to Chimney Rock, 245–46; participates in prayer circle, 253n138; dismisses prayer meeting, 263; goes ahead, 282; scouts road, 299, 302; leaves directions for vanguard company, 306–7; and council of Twelve, 323; land allotment of, 325n184; glossary entry for, 407
Pratt, Parley P., 188; passes Whitneys’ tent, 17; holds council, 18; goes up with Whitneys’ company, 21; falls behind company, 22; starts off from Garden Grove, 38; called to England, 71, 80, 189n114; gives gold to Newel K. Whitney, 82; leaves for England, 85; arrives from England, 189; vanguard company meets camp of, 342; chastised by Brigham Young, 342n193; glossary entry for, 408
prayer circles and meetings, 187–89, 225–27, 253n138, 263. See also fast and prayer meeting
priesthood blessing(s), 11–12, 30–31
Pueblo, 254–55
Pulsipher, Zerah, 128, 408
Putnam County, Missouri, 24
Rappleye, Ammon Tunis, 193, 268, 329, 408
Rashaw, 355–56, 408
Rattlesnake Creek, 235
rattlesnakes, 25–27, 30, 35–36, 238, 241, 310
Raw-Hide Creek, 353
rebaptism, 322
record-keeping, xxxi
Red Butte Creek, 334
Redden Cave, 297, 337
Redding, Jackson (“Return Jackson Redden”): searches for new ferrying place, 108; chosen to drive cattle, 110; returns from Pawnee village, 125; searches for lost livestock, 126, 128, 296; returns to Winter Quarters, 136, 328; attends party, 178; hunts, 185, 218; to go with vanguard company, 187; goes ahead, 191, 192; placement of, in vanguard company, 194; arrives from Winter Quarters, 197; scouts road, 299; trades with Indians, 314; gets timber, 320; arrives with Winter Quarters horsemen, 365; glossary entry for, 408
Reeves, Dr., 99, 100, 408
Reshaw (Rashaw), 355–56, 408
Rhodes, George: errands and labor of, 122, 137, 146–47, 151; returns to Winter Quarters, 136; goes to country, 157, 167; returns from country, 163; as member of Heber C. Kimball’s family, 190; glossary entry for, 408
Rich, Charles C., 44, 408
Richard, Jean Baptiste, 355–56, 408
Richards, Joseph William, 175, 408
Richards, Phineas, 100, 108, 409
Richards, Willard: tent of, 25, 41; seeks winter location, 78; discusses Church affairs, 100; surveys ground and lays out Winter Quarters city plot, 111; reads articles of capitulation of Nauvoo, 116, 118; octagon of, 187–88n112; leaves Winter Quarters, 190; placement of, in vanguard company, 193; prays for Brigham Young, 301; and council of Twelve, 323; returns to Winter Quarters, 328; attacked by bear, 348; glossary entry for, 409
Richardson, Ebenezer Clawson, 169, 409
Richard’s / Richardson’s Point, 10, 11
Richmond, Benjamin Boyce, 338, 409
Riter, Levi, 160, 162, 163, 409
roadometer, 228, 231, 232, 235n128, 320–21, 322
Rockwell, Horace, 36, 40, 49, 409
Rockwell, Merit, 152, 153, 178, 179, 409
Rockwell, Orrin Porter: stops at Bonaparte, 8; goes to Nauvoo, 12, 17, 19; returns from Nauvoo, 17, 18; travels ahead, 29; reports on Grand River, 30; arrest of, 37, 38, 49; liberation of, 94; takes down horse, 100; searches for new ferrying place, 108; goes to Mt. Pisgah, 110, 111; searches for livestock, 138, 222, 296; walks around Winter Quarters, 139; goes after produce, 141; goes to rush bottoms, 152; returns to Winter Quarters, 152; returns from Ponca village, 174; to go with vanguard company, 182, 187; placement of, in vanguard company, 194; arrives from Winter Quarters, 197; escapes Indian attack, 208; finds spyglass, 220; hunts, 221, 229, 230, 232, 263–64, 274; trades with Indians, 261; scouts road, 299; glossary entry for, 409
Rockwood, Albert Perry, 230; seeks settlement location, 111; as company captain, 192, 340; placement of, in vanguard company, 193; on stopping teams, 235; distributes provisions, 269; illness of, 298; returns to Winter Quarters, 328; called to preside, 332; glossary entry for, 409
Rocky Mountain spotted fever, 297, 298
Rogers, Noah, 18, 48, 410
Rolfe, Benjamin, 194, 274
Rooker, Joseph, 194, 285, 410
Roundy, Shadrach: brings mail, 33; role of, in handcart company, 160; as company captain, 195; placement of, in vanguard company, 195; as major of guard, 196; scouts road, 299; returns to Winter Quarters, 328, 329; glossary entry for, 410
Rowe, Nicholas Caratat Conderset, 339, 410
Rowe, William, 339, 357, 410
Russell, Daniel, 160, 163, 166, 167, 410
Russell, Mehitable, 161, 410
Russell, Samuel, 91, 110, 113, 410
Rust, William Walker, 339, 410
Sabbath, 20n20, 290, 312
sacrament, 20
saleratus, 277n150, 346
salt, 326, 327
Salt Lake City: fence surrounding, 331–32, 333, 334; name of, 332; map of, 333
Salt Lake Temple, 316, 325
Salt Lake Valley: vanguard company’s arrival in, x–xi, xxix–xxxv, 309–11; Whitneys’ life in, xxiii; settlement of, xxxv, 311–13, 315–16, 323–24, 325; Jim Bridger on, 285; John Craig on, 296; view of, 308; land allotments in, 312n172, 313, 325n184, 330; location and altitude of, 329; concerns regarding, discussed at general conference, 331–34; vanguard company’s descriptions of, 345
salvation, xxxi–xxxii
Sanders, Ellen, 192, 195, 330, 335, 410
Sanders, Harriet, 80, 190, 410
Sargeant, Abel M., 336, 410
Sarpy (Sarpee), Peter A., 110, 111, 114, 115, 410–11
Sarpy, Gregoire B., 110n78
Satan, 247–49
Schofield (Scofield), Joseph Smith, 193, 314, 338, 340, 411
School of the Elders, 112n79
School of the Prophets, 112n79
Scott, John, 32, 38, 151, 162, 411
Scott’s Bluff, 250, 252, 353, 354
scurvy, xxix, 183, 219
sealing, 327. See also adoption, law of
Second Coming, 171–72
Sessions, Peregrine, 177, 342, 411
Shaddon, John Winchester, 19, 411
Sharp, Albert, 336, 339, 411
Sharp, Thomas C., 118n83
Shaw, John, 364, 411
sheep, 141–42, 146
Shefflin, Mary Ann, 32, 34, 53, 145, 187, 411
Shell Creek, 198, 370
Sherwood, Henry G., 55, 193, 303, 330, 331, 411
Shoal Creek, 18–21
Shoshone Indians, 318n175
Shumway, Andrew Purley, 193, 339, 411
Shumway, Charles, 193, 195, 200, 202, 298, 339, 411
Shupe Andrew Jackson, 298, 412
Shurtliff, Luman, 66, 113, 412
“Silver Greys,” 167, 169
Sioux Indians, 65, 67, 145n96, 169, 203, 207, 228, 243–44, 357
Sisketuk, 199, 200
Skunk Creek, 222
Sloan, James, 161, 412
Smith, Charles C., 287–88, 412
Smith, Emma, xviii, 182n108
Smith, George, 148, 153, 412
Smith, George Albert: passes Whitneys’ tent, 17; holds council, 18; goes up with Whitneys’ company, 21; surveys road ahead, 42–43; recruits Mormon Battalion, 70; surveys ground and lays out Winter Quarters city plot, 111; placement of, in vanguard company, 193; goes ahead, 282; sees gum coming from rocks, 299; prays for Brigham Young, 301; glossary entry for, 412
Smith, Hyrum, xviii, 412
Smith, John, 11–12, 105, 125, 332, 412
Smith, Joseph: opposition to, viii; and Whitney family, xii; breaks Helen Whitney’s doll, xvii; and plural marriage, xvii–xviii, xix–xxi, xxiii–xxiv, 106, 168; succession following death of, 11n14; as lieutenant general of Nauvoo Legion, 115n81; on Satan, 248; glossary entry for, 412–13
Smith, Joseph F., 168n103
Smith, Joseph III, 168
Smith, “Little John,” 130, 192, 413
Smith, Lucy Walker. See Kimball, Lucy Walker Smith
Smith, Mary Fielding, 50, 130, 413
Smith, Sylvester, 220, 413
Smith, William M., 11, 413
Smithies, James: errands and labor of, 34, 122, 123, 125, 126, 127, 128, 135, 136, 137, 139, 151; goes to other camp, 76; as member of Heber C. Kimball’s family, 190; glossary entry for, 413
Smoot, Abraham O., 342, 413–14
Smoot, William Cockran Adkinson, 194, 339, 414
Snake Indians, 293, 318n175, 341
Snow, Eliza R., xvi, 212, 344n194
Snow, Erastus, 193, 219–20, 222, 241–42, 340, 414
Snow, William, 108, 414
Society Islands, 63
South Fork of Platte River, 361–63
South Pass, 281
special conference, 331–35
Spencer, Daniel, 29, 30, 54, 122, 341–42, 414
Spencer, Orson, viii
Spring Creek, 360
Squires, William, 315, 320, 324, 414
Standing Elk, 107
Stephens (Stevens), Roswell, 139, 414
Sterrett, William Gibson, 137, 414
Stevens, Roswell, 193, 219, 224, 257, 314
Stewart, Benjamin Franklin, 137, 194, 273, 414–15
Stewart, James, 299, 415
Stewart, James Wesley, 194, 339, 415
Stiles, Cahoon D. (Daniel), 381
Stillman, Dexter, 339, 362, 415
Stockton, Robert Field, 352, 353, 356, 415
Stout, Hosea, 30, 109n77, 367, 415
Strang, James J., 11n14, 80n58
strawberries, 53, 57, 60–61
Stringtown, Iowa, 12
Sugar Creek, 2–7, 5, 42
Summe, Gilbard, 195, 299, 415
Swan, Frances Jesse, 213–14, 225, 415
Sweetwater River, 275, 276, 277, 278, 281, 312, 344, 345–46
Sykes, Elizabeth, xxii, 415
Table Rock, 281
Taft, Seth, 194, 195, 299, 415
Tahiti, 48
Tanner, Thomas, 114, 193, 196–97, 340, 353, 415–16
Taylor, David, 18, 416
Taylor, John: counsel of, 28; travels ahead, 30; on Nauvoo, 44; arrives in Council Bluffs, 60; called to England, 71, 80, 189n114; insults Newel K. Whitney, 82; leaves for England, 85; vanguard company meets camp of, 344; glossary entry for, 416
Taylor, Norman, 195, 299, 352, 416
temple lot, 316, 325
temple ordinances, 187–88n112
Terrill, Joel Judkins, 339, 416
Terrill, William, 336, 339, 416
Therlkill, George Washington, 261, 299, 326, 416
Therlkill, James William, 261, 416
Therlkill, Matilda Jane, 261, 326, 384
Therlkill, Milton Howard, 261, 326, 416
Thibbets, Alva. See Tippets, Alvah
Thomas, Hayward, 338, 416–17
Thomas, Robert T., 194, 299, 417
Thornton, Horace, 194, 417
Thornton, Samuel Stratton, 299, 417
Thorpe, Marcus Ball, 193, 299, 417
Tippets, Alvah, 40, 52, 160, 416, 417
Tippets, John Harvey, 174–75, 194, 257, 416, 417
Tithing Office, xxi, xxii
tobacco, 367
Tootle, Milton, 153, 154, 417
Toronto, Joseph, 63, 417
trading expedition, 59–60, 67
trees, falling, 112, 140
Truitt, Samuel, 296n161
Tubbs, William, 321, 417
Tubuai, 48
Turley, Brother, 45
Twin Peaks, 330
“Twins of the Black Hills,” 273
Upper Platte River, 268–69
Utah, overland emigration to, 257
Utah Lake, 320, 321
Utah War, 88
Ute Indians, 314, 318–19n175
Vance, William, 20n20, 193
Van Cott, John, 109, 110, 418
Van Wagoner, Halmagh John, 80, 418
vision, given to Frances Swan Kimball, 213–14
Wadsworth, Abiah, 60, 418
Walker, Henson, 194, 267, 286, 418
Walker, Joseph R., 358–59, 418
Walker, William, 29, 30, 40, 291, 418
Wallace, George Benjamin, 141, 160, 162, 418
Warm Springs, 262, 350
Warrell (Worrell), Franklin A., 37, 418
Washburn, Abraham, 182, 418
watch, parable of, 170–71
Weatherby, Jacob, 20, 60, 113, 125, 136, 146, 418
Webers Fork, 301, 337
Webster, Martha Ann (Sister Hovey), 113, 395
Weiler, Jacob, 193, 418–19
Weldon Creek, Iowa, 31, 32–33
well, 151
Wells, Daniel (“Squire”) Hanmer, 117, 122, 419
Wells, Emmeline Blanche Woodward Harris, 3–4n3, 43, 138, 212, 213, 366, 419–20
Weston, Isaac M. / Newton, 339, 357, 419
Wheeler, John, 194, 301, 419
whipping, 109–10, 112
Whipple, Edson, 187, 194, 257, 312, 334, 419
whirlwind, 322
whiskey, 123, 171
Whiting, Chauncey, 60, 419
Whitney, Ann Maria, 32, 419
Whitney, Clark Lyman, 12, 43–44, 77, 192, 247–48, 419
Whitney, Don Carlos, 86, 89, 192, 419
Whitney, Elizabeth Ann (Smith): and plural marriage, xix–xxi; healing of, 11–12; dines with Lorenzo Young, 36; illness of, 38, 43, 45, 86, 169; picks strawberries, 53; birthday of, 149; gives birth, 167; attends prayer circle, 187; letter from, 366; glossary entry for, 419
Whitney, Emmeline Blanche Woodward Harris. See Wells, Emmeline Blanche Woodward Harris
Whitney, Francis, 34, 420
Whitney, Francis M. Pond, 407
Whitney, Helen Mar (Kimball), xix; on travel stories, vii; as child of Restoration, xi; life and personality of, xiii–xxiv, xv; on plural marriage, xix–xxi; marriage of, xxi–xxii; journals of, xxiv–xxv; home of, xxxiii, 33; motivations of, for writing, 58–59; illness of, 159, 161, 163, 166, 176, 185, 219; harrowing experience of, at Winter Quarters, 190–91; Horace Whitney’s letter to, 216n122; gives birth, 219, 337–38; healing of, 227; sends parcel to Horace Whitney, 365, 366; glossary entry for, 398
Whitney, Horace Kimball, xiv; as child of Restoration, xi; life and personality of, xii–xiii; marriage of, xxi–xxii; on plural marriage, xxi, xxii; life of, in Salt Lake Valley, xxii; journals of, xxiv–xxv; on crossing Iowa, xxvi; on life in Winter Quarters, xxvii–xxix; on Indians, xxix–xxx; home of wives of, xxxiii; and law of adoption, xxxiv; on reaching Salt Lake Valley, xxxv; returns to Winter Quarters, xxxvi; procures wagon and oxen, 21; sale of house of, 33; provisions of, 40–41; illness of, 60; as flutist, 76; as unofficial secretary to Twelve, 100n71; placement of, in vanguard company, 194; wagon of, searched, 367–68
Whitney, John Kimball, 420
Whitney, Newel K.: and Joseph Smith, xii; store of, xvii; and plural marriage, xix–xxi; and law of adoption, xxxiv; makes exchange for cow, 17, 18; recovers cattle, 19, 69; camps at Medicine Creek, 28; dines with Lorenzo Young, 36; delayed, 40, 41, 43, 50, 51; picks strawberries, 53; disagreement between Clark Whitney and, 77; good fortune of, 82; insulted by John Taylor, 82; illness of, 86; speaks at family meeting, 91; livestock of, 103, 110; plans travel to Saint Louis, 109, 110; counsel of, 171–72; attends prayer circle, 187; catches up with vanguard company, 192; on women’s spiritual experiences, 226–27; letter from, 269–71, 337; prepares to return to Winter Quarters, 335; glossary entry for, 420
Whitney, Orson F., Church service of, xxiii
Whitney, Orson K.: helps Horace Whitney, 24; arrives from last camp, 33–34; attends prayer circle, 187; prepares to leave Winter Quarters, 187; leaves Winter Quarters, 190; letter to, 192; placement of, in vanguard company, 194; guards company, 201, 264, 289; rearranges wagon, 204; called to farming operations, 313; procures wood, 314; meets Mormon Battalion, 315; activities of, in Salt Lake Valley, 320; as company captain, 340; glossary entry for, 420
Whitney, Samuel, 33, 420
Whitney, Sarah Ann: and plural marriage, xix–xxi; illness of, 8–9, 11, 13; room of, 135; home of, 146, 147; attends prayer circle, 187; Heber C. Kimball on, 224; ailing baby of, 246–47; glossary entry for, 399, 420
Wight, Lyman, 44, 420
Williams, Thomas Stephen, 43, 44, 291, 293, 294, 323, 327, 335, 420
Willis, William Wesley, 319, 321, 327, 367, 420
Willow Springs, 275
Wilson, George Deliverance, 339, 340, 353, 421
Wilson, John P., 339, 421
Wiltbank, Spencer Watson, 125, 421
Winchester, Stephen, 36, 67, 100, 112, 135, 421
Winter Quarters, Nebraska: settlement of, x; Horace and Helen’s writings on, xxvi–xxix; law of adoption and social order of, xxxiii–xxxiv, 90n67; return to, xxxvi, 335, 338–40; pea-vines region north of, 87n64; Thomas L. Kane’s treatment at, 88–89, 99; high council organized at, 89, 91–92; ground survey and city plot of, 111; rules for, 112; city lots of, 114–15, 116; defense of, 115–16; houses in, 142–45; plan of, 143; preparations to leave, 156, 157–58, 159–60, 161–63, 178, 182–87; temple ordinances at, 187–88n112; general conference held in, 189n113; Helen Mar Whitney’s harrowing experiences at, 190–91; spiritual experiences of women at, 212–14, 225–27; wagons sent back to, 328; vanguard company meets horsemen from, 364–65; provisions for vanguard company gathered at, 365–66; vanguard company arrives back at, 371–72
Wolf Creek, 358
Wolsey, Thomas Ezra: brings news and advice, 174–75, 216, 365; placement of, in vanguard company, 193; appointed to build rafts, 205; as hunting captain, 207, 208; goes to Pueblo, 257; hunts, 337, 356, 362; glossary entry for, 421
wolves, 37, 224, 238
women, spiritual experiences of, 212–14, 225–27, 246–49
Wood Creek, 368
Woodruff, Wilford: returns to Nauvoo, 29; recruits Mormon Battalion, 66; searches for new ferrying place, 108; surveys ground and lays out Winter Quarters city plot, 111; injured by falling tree, 128; placement of, in vanguard company, 193; as company captain, 195; crosses Loup Fork, 205; on visit with Sioux, 244n132; illness of, 298; prays for Brigham Young, 301; on Salt Lake Valley, 310n169; exploring expedition of, 315; speaks at meeting, 322; and council of Twelve, 323; land allotment of, 325n184; glossary entry for, 421
Woodward, George, 194, 289, 421
Woodworth, Lucien, 99, 137, 421
Woolley, Edwin Dilworth, 108, 109, 110, 139, 141, 422
“Word and Will of the Lord, The,” 158–59, 220n123, 252n137, 319, 342n193
Word of Wisdom, 41n31
Wordsworth, William Shin, 193, 422
Wright, Alexander, 108, 422
Yearsly, David, 17, 30, 34, 43–44, 47, 422
Yellowstone, 359n199
Yerba Bueno, 288
Yokum, William, 74–75, 422
Young, Brigham, 15; as Joseph Smith’s successor, viii; leads Saints out of Nauvoo, viii–ix; leads pioneer company to Salt Lake Valley, x–xi; Helen Mar Whitney’s memories of, xvi; and crossing Iowa, xxv–xxvi; and Indian relations, xxx, 104n75; and law of adoption, xxxiii; and settlement of Salt Lake Valley, xxxv, 315–16, 319; returns to Winter Quarters, xxxvi, 329, 331; goes to Sugar Creek, 2; organizes Sugar Creek camp, 3; leaves Sugar Creek, 6; reorganizes companies, 17; camps on Shoal Creek, 18–19; counsel of, 24, 64, 78–79, 197, 202–3, 215–16, 234, 235, 242, 350, 351–52; plan of, 24n22; camps at Medicine Creek, 28; eats crackers and milk, 31–32; dines with Lorenzo Young, 36; passes Whitneys, 41; surveys road ahead, 42–43; chastisement of, 47, 48n38, 251–52, 253n138, 342n193; camps ahead, 52–53; picks strawberries, 53; crosses Nishnabotna River, 54; on dishonest pioneers, 57; recruits Mormon Battalion, 65–66; seeks winter location, 74, 75, 78; route favored by, 82n60; on Thomas L. Kane, 88; speaks at meetings and conferences, 91, 105, 112, 146, 268, 327–28, 331, 332–33, 334; discusses Church affairs, 100; seeks settlement location, 111; surveys ground and lays out Winter Quarters city plot, 111; and defense of Winter Quarters, 115; livestock of, 124n86; house of, 137; handcart company of, 156; and preparations for spring travel, 158–59; leaves Winter Quarters, 190; placement of, in vanguard company, 193; distributes food among Pawnees, 200; guards company, 201; spyglass of, 218, 220; reproves Erastus Snow, 219–20; catches wolf, 238; dismisses prayer meeting, 263; gives counsel to ferrying brethren, 273–74; sends men to assist next company of pioneers, 289–90; mediates disagreement, 294; illness of, 297, 298, 299, 301–2, 310; on Salt Lake Valley, 310n169; as secular authority, 312n172; exploring expedition of, 315; addresses Mormon Battalion, 316; and council of Twelve, 323–24; arrives in Salt Lake Valley, 324n181; land allotment of, 325n184; as company captain, 340, 353; gives instructions to Big Camp, 341, 342–43; attacked by bear, 348; glossary entry for, 422
Young, Clarissa Clara Decker, 103, 195, 422
Young, Harriet Page Wheeler Decker, 53, 195, 422
Young, Joseph, 109, 111, 422–23
Young, Lorenzo: falls behind company, 22; travels ahead, 29; family meeting with, 36; gives information concerning Brigham Young, 52–53; placement of, in vanguard company, 193; surveys area around Echo Canyon, 306; wagon of, overturned, 309; and council of Twelve, 323; speaks at conference, 334; glossary entry for, 423
Young, Lorenzo Sobiski (Sobieski), 195, 423
Young, Mary Ann Shefflin, 32, 34, 53, 145
Young, Persis Goodall, 225–26, 227, 423
Young, Phineas, 111, 193, 195, 289
Young, Vilate, 167, 423
Young, Zina D. Huntington, 14, 212, 423