
Adams, John, 59

Address by the Way of an Abridged Account and Journal of My Life from February 1844 up to April 1848, with an Appeal to the Latter-day Saints, An, 146–49

American Indians

and Book of Mormon, 119–20

and council under Brigham Young, 123–25

and council under Joseph Smith, 120–23

missionary work among, 120, 125–27, 156

Mormon exodus and alliance with, 155–57, 165n6, 166n25

Mormon interest in, 119–20, 127

animals, 159, 172, 174, 179n25

antiliberal tradition in American politics, 32–33, 39

autonomy, 107–9

Babbitt, Almon, 35

Bebee, George, 9

Bennet, James Arlington, 23–24

Bent, Samuel, 109–10, 162

Bettisworth, David, 86

Bicknell, John, 29n1

Birney, James G., 29n4

Black River Falls company, 120, 144–45

Boggs, Lilburn W., 15–16

breakaway republics, 57–58

British government, 170

Brodie, Fawn, 28n1

Brown, John, 58

Burr, Aaron, 57, 67n6

Bushman, Richard, 28n1

Cahoon, Reynolds, 48

California, as exodus destination, 158, 161–62, 171

Cannon, George Q., 65–66, 71n40, 92, 174–75

cattle, 159

church of God, 44–46, 48, 82–83, 108

Clay County, Missouri, 12–13

Clayton, William, vii–viii, 92, 94–95, 97, 99–100, 103n16

Cole, Barnet, 10

confidentiality, of Church records, ix, 92–94, 103n7

constitution (for Council of Fifty)

abandonment of, 55–57, 64–66, 83

content of, 47, 60–64, 170

and continuing revelation, 79–81

excitement over, 43–44

Islamic law and, 70n26

possible impact of, 66–67

Constitution of the United States, 47, 58–60, 62, 65, 83

constitutions, nature of, 50–52

continuing revelation, 80–81

Coolidge, Joseph W., 136

Copeland, Solomon, 24

Council of Fifty

American Indians and, 120–27

under Brigham Young, 111–17, 123–25

Brigham Young and Joseph Smith’s vision for, 105–6

Brigham Young versus Lyman Wight’s views on, 147–48

differing opinions on role of, 148–49

disillusionment of, with present governments, 33–36, 39

dissent and diversity in, 38–39

governance of, 38–39

under Joseph Smith, 106–9, 120–23

and Joseph Smith’s presidential campaign, 23–24

members of, 74, 185

and Nauvoo House, 133–36

organization of, 5–18, 55, 102n1, 168–69

public knowledge regarding, xii

purpose of, 55, 155, 164

reorganization of, 109–10

in Salt Lake Valley, 172

Council of Fifty records

availability of, viii–ix

confidentiality of, ix, 92–93, 103n7

humor in, 99–100

importance and preservation of, vii–viii, 94–95

information regarding Nauvoo in, 182–83

information regarding other records in, 100–101

insight into Brigham Young through, 106

publication of, ix–xii, 1, 73

quality of, 97–99

significance of, xiii, xv, 1, 73, 91–92

as solitary effort, 97

and systematization of record keeping, 95–96

topics treated in, xii, 153–54, 189

councils, function and purpose of, 74–76

Cutler, Alpheus, 148–49, 156

Dana, Lewis, 123–26

Debs, Eugene V., 29n4

Declaration of Independence, 61–62

democratic governance, problems of, 43–44, 52. See also theodemocracy; United States government

and kingdom versus church of God, 44–46

and nature of constitutions, 50–52

and separation of church and state, 46–49

De Witt, Missouri, 15

dissent and diversity, in Council of Fifty, 38–39

documentary editing, 91

Drew, Thomas S., 186

Dunham, Jonathan, 124–26

electors, 25–26

Emmett, James, 110, 122, 148

equal rights, 36, 39, 41n23, 77–78, 185–86

evolution, social, 50

evolution of government, 50–52

faith, exercising, 81–82

First Vision, 7

Foister, Fred R., 29n1

Frémont, John C., 159–61, 166n20, 170

Gallatin, Missouri, 13–16

Garrison, William Lloyd, 50–51

Gentiles, cessation of missionary work to, 115, 124–25


kingdom and church of, 44–46, 48, 82–83

sovereignty of, 64, 70n26

governments. See also British government; United States government

Brigham Young on, 108

Mormon views on, 61–62

Great Plains, The (Webb), 175

Great Salt Lake area

as exodus destination, 86–89, 116–17, 127, 154, 159–61, 171–72, 188–89

Mormon narrative of settling in, 174–75

perception versus realities of, 172–74

Grimké, Angelina, 47

Hawn’s Mill Massacre, 16

Haws, Peter, 132, 136, 149

health and well-being, 157

humor, in Council of Fifty records, 99–100

Hyde, Orson, 135–36, 158–59, 162

illiberalism, 32–33, 39

independence, 107–9

Indian council, 125–26

Indians. See American Indians

inflammatory speeches, 115–16

irrigation, 175

Islamic law, 70n26

Jackson County, Missouri, 7–12, 155–56

Jefferson, Thomas, 50, 57

Jeffs, Rulon, 35

Joseph Smith Papers Project, viii–ix, 92–93, 168

judging others, 83–84

Kimball, Heber C., 26, 134, 145

kingdom of God, 44–46, 48, 82–83, 108

King Follett discourse, 37

Lamanism, 156

Lamanites. See American Indians

land grant, 26–27

Lathrop, Asahel, 15


fluidity of, 50–51

and sovereignty of God, 70n26

Leonard, Abigail, 11

Leonard, Lyman, 11

Lincoln, Abraham, 51

livestock, 159

lost teachings of Church leaders, 73–74, 89–90

Brigham Young and John Taylor on continuing revelation, 80–81

Brigham Young on settling in Great Salt Lake area, 86–89

Hyrum Smith on fulfillment of prophecy and exercising faith, 81–82

John Taylor on persecution of Mormons, 84–86

Joseph Smith on function and purpose of councils, 74–76

Joseph Smith on judging others and avoiding sinful acts, 83–84

Joseph Smith on kingdom versus church of God, 82–83

Joseph Smith on religious tolerance and freedom, 77–79

Porter Rockwell on Joseph Smith’s murder, 84

Lott, Cornelius, 159

Lyman, Amasa, 48, 137

majority, tyranny of, 12, 38, 184

Massachusetts, religious freedom in, 46

Maududi, Sayyid Abul A‘la, 32, 40n3

McCarty, Richard, 9

Miller, George

assigned to Pineries, 142

contact with American Indians, 121–23

and council under Brigham Young, 113

and humor in council record, 99

and missionary work among American Indians, 156

and Nauvoo House, 132, 134–35, 137

and Wight’s rupture with Quorum of the Twelve, 146

minding your own business, 108–9

minority rights. See also persecution

protection of, 12, 39, 85–86, 184–87

theodemocracy and protection of, 32, 36

Minute Book 2, 96, 97

missionary work

among American Indians, 120, 125–27, 156

to Gentiles, 115, 124–25

Mormon exodus

and alliance with American Indians, 155–57, 165n6, 166n25

announcement of plans for, 161–63

as council priority, 114–17

council records and study of, 164

deciding on destination, 86–89, 127, 158–61, 169–72, 178n17, 187–89

general parameters of destination, 154–55, 157

Mormon representation of, 174–75

perception versus realities of Salt Lake Valley, 172–74

Mormon studies, 168

Mormon War, 13–16

Muslim law, 70n26

Nauvoo, Illinois

as council priority, 114–15

exodus from, 116–17

information regarding, in council records, 182–83

Mormon government of, 17

as sickly place, 157

as territory, 27

Nauvoo House, 131–32, 138

beginnings of, 132–33

Council of Fifty’s supervisory role in, 133–36

importance of completing construction on, 133–34

items placed in cornerstone of, 134, 139n7

Joseph Smith’s interest in, 136

stock and trustees of, 136–37

Nauvoo House Association, 132, 134–37

Nauvoo Temple, 116–17, 131–33, 137–38

New West historians, 175–76


protection of, from foreign invasion, 26

as settlement location, 115, 159, 168–70, 187

originalism, 50–51

pan-Indian council, 125–26

Parker, Theodore, 47

Partridge, Edward, 8, 11–12


of Mormons, 186–87

persecution justified under guise of, 8, 13


anger at US government over, 2–4, 184–86

appeals for protection and redress from, 11–12, 60

and composition of council constitution, 60

as council priority, 114–15

and creation of Council of Fifty, 16–17, 55–56

and flight to Illinois, 16–17

following First Vision, 7

in Jackson County, 7–11

John Taylor on, 84–86

and Joseph Smith’s presidential campaign, 21–22, 24, 26–28

and Mormon War and extermination order, 13–16

as motivation for westward migration, 86–87, 157

and protection of minority rights, 184–85

refuge from, in Clay County, 12–13

Phelps, William W., 33–34, 52, 55, 135

political parties, 59–60, 68–69n16

Polk, James K., 178n17

Pratt, Parley P., 51, 64, 161–62

presidential campaign of Joseph Smith, 17, 21–28, 31, 168

prophecy, fulfillment of, 81–82

prophetic authority, 51–52, 62

prophets, 108

protest candidates, 24–25, 29n4

Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, 113, 137, 146–48

record keeping, 91–92. See also Council of Fifty records

appropriate information in, 101

confidentiality in, 92–94, 103n7

importance of, 94–95

participation in, 96–97

quality of, 97–98

systematization of, 95–96

Relief Society, 115

religious freedom and tolerance. See also majority, tyranny of; minority rights

Joseph Smith on, 41n23, 77–79, 185–86

protection of, 184–86

and separation of church and state, 46

theodemocracy and protection of, 32, 36

Report of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the Year 1842, and to Oregon and North California in the Years 1843–’44 (Frémont), 159–61, 166n20, 170

republicanism, 108–9

Republic of Texas

formation of, 58

protection of, from foreign invasion, 26

as settlement location, 2, 114–15, 122, 187

Wight proposes settlement in, 142–45

Wight’s commission to, 145

and Wight’s rupture with Quorum of the Twelve, 146–48

republics, breakaway, 57–58


Brigham Young on, 107–8

continuing, 80–81

of Council of Fifty, 83

regarding Nauvoo House, 131–32

US Constitution in, 58–59

Richards, Willard, 24–25, 44–46, 55, 93, 95–96, 103n7, 103n16

Richards, William P., 99–100

Rigdon, Sidney, 24, 33–35, 110

Rockwell, Porter, 84

Rocky Mountains. See Great Salt Lake area; Mormon exodus

Salt Lake area. See Great Salt Lake area; Mormon exodus

scripture, US Constitution in, 58–60

separation of church and state, 46–49

separatism, 1–4

Shumway, Charles, 126

sinful acts, avoiding, 83–84

Smith, Alvin, 5–7

Smith, George A., 137

Smith, Hyrum, 81–82

Smith, Joseph, Jr.

and abandonment of constitution, 64–66, 83

American Indians and council under, 120–23

Brigham Young and council under, 106–9

and Brigham Young’s operation of council, 111

and creation of Council of Fifty, vii, 55–56

and destination of Mormon exodus, 171

and dispersion of prophetic authority into councils, 71n38

and drafting of constitution, 71n40, 74–76

on function and purpose of councils, 74–76

gives instruction regarding Church history, 101

imprisonment of, 16–17

on judging others and avoiding sinful acts, 83–84

on kingdom versus church of God, 82–83, 108

meets with Van Buren, 17

murder of, 84, 122–23

and Nauvoo House, 131, 133, 136

persecution of, following First Vision, 7

presidential campaign of, 17, 21–28, 31, 168

and proposal for LDS settlement in Texas, 142, 144–45

and protection of minority rights, 184–85

and record keeping, 95–96

on religious tolerance and freedom, 41n23, 77–79, 185–86

and role of Council of Fifty, 148

and rumors concerning Alvin Smith’s body, 5

on separation of spiritual and political spheres, 48

and theocracy, 35

and theodemocracy, 31–32, 36–38

vision of, for Council of Fifty, 105–6, 141, 149

Smith, Joseph, Sr., 5–7

Smith, Joseph F., 4

Snider, John, 132, 139n9

Snow, Erastus, 48, 158, 188–89

social evolution, 50


of God, 64, 70n26

Mormon views on, 61–62

speeches, inflammatory, 115–16

Spencer, Orson, 105

structural bias, 18

Taylor, John

on continuing revelation, 80–81

and destination of Mormon exodus, 171

disillusionment of, with present governments, 33

and exodus destination, 158

and Mormon constitution, 55, 64

and Nauvoo House, 134

on persecution of Mormons, 84–86

reconstitutes Council of Fifty, 4

“The Upper California,” 158

temporal needs, 138

territorial status, 27

Texas. See Republic of Texas

Thatcher, Moses, 71n40

theocracy, 35–37, 76

theodemocracy, 31–39, 48

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 184

tolerance, 77–79, 185–86

Turner, Frederick Jackson, 167–68, 175, 187

United States

breakaway republics from, 57–58

devotion to, 186–87

territories and states of, 57

United States government. See also democratic governance, problems of

collaboration with and separation from, 1–4

Mormon conflict with, 65

Mormon disillusionment with, xiii, 33–36, 39, 170–71, 181–82, 184–86

“Upper California, The” (Taylor), 158

Van Buren, Martin, 17, 69n17

Vox populi vox Dei (popular American maxim), 48–49

Webb, Walter, 175

West. See also Great Salt Lake area; Mormon exodus

in Council’s imagination, 187–89

as state of mind, 176–77

western history

and Council of Fifty formation, 168–69

and Mormon exodus, 169–72

and Mormon narrative of western settlement, 174–75

Mormons in, 167–68

perception versus realities of Salt Lake Valley, 172–74

themes in, 175–77

Western Mission, 125–27, 134, 153, 166n25

westward migration. See Mormon exodus

Whitney, Newel K., 134

Wicks, Robert S., 29n1

Wight, Lyman

contact with American Indians, 121–23

loyalty of, in doubt, 110

and Nauvoo House, 132, 139n9

persecution experienced by, 9–12

petitions for land grant, 26

proposes LDS settlement in Texas, 142–45

rupture with Quorum of the Twelve, 146–48

vision of, for Council of Fifty, 141, 149

Wisconsin Saints, 121–23

Woodworth, Lucien, 135–37

Young, Brigham

American Indians and Council under, 123–25

announces plan for exodus, 161–63

character of, 164

and construction of Nauvoo House, 133–34

on continuing revelation, 79–80

and Council of Fifty under Joseph Smith, 106–9

and exodus destination, 158, 171–72, 178n17, 188

inflammatory speeches of, 115–16

and Joseph Smith’s vision for council, 105–6, 141

loyalty of, to prophetic authority, 51–52

following murder of Joseph Smith, 109

and Nauvoo House stock, 136–37

operation of council under, 111–13

personality of, 109

priorities of council under, 113–17

reorganization of council under, 109–10

as separatist, 2–3

on settling in Great Salt Lake area, 86–89

supports theocracy, 35

vision of, for Salt Lake Valley, 127, 174

and Wight’s commission to Texas, 145

and Wight’s rupture with Quorum of the Twelve, 146–48

Young, Phineas, 126