Page numbers in italics refer to images.
Aardema, Albert J., 79
Abplanalp, Joseph, 131
Allen, Carolyn, 156
American Sign Language (ASL), 172
Anderson, Diane Pawlowski, 244, 245
Anderson, Edward O.
and building approvals, 36, 38
designs bureaus of investigation, 112
and groundbreaking, 41
and interest in Los Angeles temple construction, 121
and interior finishings, 102, 103–4
and open house, 127, 140
and placement of angel Moroni, 99
and search for temple site, 23
and temple construction, 55–56, 60–61
and temple design, 31–35
Anderson, Henning, 181
Anderson, Katie, 260, 261
Anderson, Leighton, 244–46
Anderson, Phyllis, 249
Anderson, Robert, 249
Anderson, Scott, 260–61
Andrus, Darlene, 189, 344
Andrus, Richard M., 185, 344
angel Moroni, 87–102, 181, 204–5
angels, choir of, 261–62
Aupiu, Savea, 171
Austin, Lloyd L., 134
feels Spirit, 250–51
sealed to family, 268
baptismal font, 93–94, 107, 125–26
baptism(s) for the dead, 4, 168, 254, 265, 268
baptistry, 106, 185, 253–55
Barlow, E. Garrett, 130, 167
Barron, Priscilla G., 267
beacon, Los Angeles Temple as, 224–27
Beckman, Thornton, 145
Beitler, Harry, 57
Bennion, Adam S., 84, 151–52
Benson, Ezra Taft, 150, 151, 224
Beverly Hills Ward, 111
bishops, calling of, 269–70
Blair, Cassie, 234–35
board of temple architects, 22–23
Bode, Dastur F. A., 135
Bolster, James, 138
Book of Mormon, 3
Borjas, Fany, 265
Bowring, Benjamin L., 142, 148, 166, 167, 168, 338
Bowring, Leone Rampton, 166, 338
Bowron, Fletcher, 36, 41, 42
Bradley, Tom, 220
branch genealogy libraries, 200–201
Brannan, Samuel, 5, 6
Brimhall, Avis, 172, 344
Brimhall, Grant R., 172, 344
Broadhead, Dakon, 64
Brooklyn, 5
Brooks, Maurice, 96
Brown, Cicely Adams, 147
Buccarelli, Alberto, 251–52
Buchanan, James, 7
Buehner, Carl W., 71–72
Bunker, Bryan L., 112
bureaus of information, 112–13, 122–25, 199, 202–7
Burnham, Willard P., 132
Burton, Harold W., 56, 57, 111, 112, 169
Butler, Virge, 61, 70
Caldwell, R. E., 56
Church growth in Southern, 29
establishment of Church in, 5–7
post-war migration to, 13
California Intermountain Investment Company, 15
California Mission, 8
California Mission home, 112
Callister, Douglas, 241
Cambodian, ordinances given in, 259–60
Campbell, Clarence R., 278
Campbell, Erika, 167
Cannon, Georgius Y., 23
Cannon, Russell, 131
Cannon, W. Tenney, 131
Caswell, Donald F., 134
chandeliers, 183–84
Chase, James T., 256–57
Child, Stanley, 97
Christensen, Barge, 188
Christensen, Todd, 210
Christmas, 217–20
Christus, 201–2, 203, 205, 214–15
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, The
beginnings of, 3–5
established in California, 5–7
growth of, in Southern California, 29
reopens California Mission, 8
threefold mission of, 197
civil rights, 214
Clark, Betty, 247–48
Clark, J. Reuben Jr., 19
and groundbreaking, 42, 295–96
and laying of cornerstone, 83, 84, 309–12
and temple dedication, 142, 149, 330–33
Colt, Marianne, 224–26
Commemoration Day, 188–89
computers, and record-keeping, 181
Conlee, Marianne Colt, 224–26
Conlee, Robert, 224–26
Contreras, Brother and Sister, 237–39
contents of, 314–15
dedicatory prayer for, 316–18
laying of, 76–87, 306–16
Cowan, Dawn Houghton, 229–30
Cowan, Richard, 72, 227–30, 231
Cowley, Matthew, 87, 96–97
Culver, Harry, 15
Cushing, Rod, 270–71
Cushing, Verity, 270–71
Davis, H. Frederick, 82–83, 147
dead, salvation for, 4, 149–50, 168, 252–53, 258. See also baptism(s) for the dead
deaf temple patrons, 172
DeMill, Cecil B., 132–33
Derbyshire, Joseph, 166
Devereaux, Ruth I., 137–38
Dibble, Edwin S., 44
Dickson, Jan, 240
divine assistance, 251–65
of Bobbi Toro, 257–58
of Fany Borjas, 265
Driggs, Karleton, 147
droughts, 199
Drysdale, Dick, 70
Dunn, Stanley, 121
as consideration in temple design, 35, 66
Northridge Earthquake (1994), 181–82, 274
San Francisco Earthquake (1909), 8–9
Edmundson, Jim, 264
Edmundson, Mary E. Thacker, 264
Edmundson, Thomas M., 264
Elijah, 4
employment, peace during search for, 272
endowment, 168–71, 184
endowment sessions, 172–73, 175
Escobar, Alba, 270
Escobar, George, 270
Eternal Family, The, 208–9, 225
Evans, Edmond P., 114
Evans, Mae, 339
Evans, Myrthus W., 248–49, 268, 339
Evans, Richard L., 129, 152
family, LDS focus on, 208–10
family history, 165, 200–201
Family History Center, 200–201
Fee, Don, 252
Fetzer, John, 23
fibromyalgia, 240
for endowment, 169–70
presenting Los Angeles Temple, 198
flat tire, fireman helps fix, 251–52
Flegal, Lily, 131
Fort Moor Pioneer Memorial, 7
Freeman, Lee, 102
Friberg, Arnold, 96, 132
fund-raising, 43–50, 143–44, 301–4
Gabasa, Ego A., 174, 238, 239
Garns, Paul, 228–29
Genealogical Society of Utah, 200
genealogy, 165, 200–201
General Conference reports, 301–5
Gibby, Joseph, 104, 105, 106
Gonzales, Celia, 264–65
governmental approvals, 35–38, 55
granite panels, 70–72
Grant, Heber J., 19
and California Saints, 13–14
and construction of temple, 24
and search for temple site, 15, 16, 18
and securing temple site, 21
and temple dedication, 147
Grate, David, 251–52
“Great Churches of the Golden West,” 139–40
Greenwald, Myron, 133
Grigware, Edward, 104–5, 106, 125–26, 127, 136
Grossman, Joni, 277–78
groundbreaking, 38–43
Gudmundson, Austin, 130
Haifa Art Museum and Technological Institute, 198
Halowell, R. E., 132
Hansen, Florence P., 210–12
Hansen, Ramm, 23–24
Harbrecht, Ewan, 154
Harlan, Laura H., 131
Hatch, Dorothy, 343
Hatch, Paul R., 343
Hawkins, Kristin, 267–68
Haws, Christopher, 249–50
Haws, Linda, 249–50
Hendrickson, Katie, 200
Hensley, Harold K., 121
Hernández, Gladys, 269
“High on the Mountain Top,” 262
Hill, Darlene, 151
Hinckley, Gordon B., 141, 146, 169–70, 255–56
Hodges, Ken, 202
Holland, Jeffrey R., 240–41
Holy Ghost, 278–79
Home Gardens Ward, 16
“Hosanna Anthem,” 155
Hosanna Shout, 154–55
Houghton, Dawn, 229–30
housing, 176–77
Howells, David P., 16, 18, 22, 147
Huff, Kay, 345
Huff, R. Randall, 345
Hunsaker, Faun, 44
Hunter, Howard W.
and fund-raising, 45–46
and groundbreaking, 38
and laying of cornerstone, 84
and open house, 126, 139–40
performs baptisms for the dead, 168
sealing of family of, 246–47
and temple dedication, 140–41
Hunter, Richard, 168
Idaho Falls Temple, 22–23
Isaacson, Thorpe B., 152
Iverson, Paul E., 55, 56
Ivins, Antoine R., 151
Jackson, Harold, 57, 59, 111
Jackson, Henry Harold, 167
Jackson, William, 57, 59, 111
Jackson Brothers Construction Company, 59, 111
Jacobsen, Soren N., 56, 68–70, 72, 74, 76, 79, 80
Japanese television segments, 209–10
Jesus Christ
physical description of, 106
visits temples, 248–49
Johnson, Edward, 275–76
Johnson, Laraine, 22
Johnson, Monica, 275–76
Johnson, Vicki, 232–33
Johnson, Wallace W., 44
Jones, J. Talmage, 48
Kearns, Thomas, 168
Kellogg, Roy, 214
Khushi, Rashida, 172
Kimball, Spencer W., 150, 152, 243
Kirkham, E. Kay, 200
Kirtland Temple, 4, 146, 154
Klammath Stake, 173
Knaphus, Torlief S., 96
Knight, Goodwin J., 128, 144, 319
landscaping, 108–10, 198–99, 233
Lang, Delores, 241, 242, 243–44
Lang, Robert, 241–44
Larsen, Kristie, 345–46
Larsen, Larry J., 345–46
laundry room, 176, 249
Lee, Harold B., 84, 140–41, 150, 155–56
Lents, Louise Harkins, 265–66
Lewis, Sarah, 127
Lippold, Alfred A., 97, 105
Lloyd, Harold, 18, 21, 59, 127–28
Loder, Vern, 70
Los Angeles, California
Church membership and missionary work in, 8–9, 13
growth of, 8
Los Angeles City Council, 320
Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, 320–21
Los Angeles Stake, 111, 121
Los Angeles Temple
announcement of, 30–31
construction of
beginning of, 59–76
cost of, 143
ground leveling and road construction, 57–59
interior, 102–7
landscaping, 108–10
laying of cornerstone, 76–87
other buildings on temple site, 111–14
permit for, 55–57
placement of angel Moroni, 87–102
public interest in, 121–22
standards for, 68–70
volunteer labor in, 62–64
dedication of, 140–46
First Presidency messages at, 322–33
official proclamations issued concerning, 319–21
prayer for, 154–58, 299–300, 334–37
proceedings for, 146–53
design of, 22–24, 31–35
fiftieth anniversary of, 183–90
fund-raising for, 43–50, 143–44, 301–4
future of, 279
General Conference reports concerning, 301–5
governmental approvals secured for, 35–38, 55
groundbreaking for, 38–43, 291–98
impact of
as beacon, 224–27
divine assistance, 251–65
eagerness and sacrifice to receive temple blessings, 235–41
hope, peace, and direction, 273–79
joy of temple service, 246–51
love for temple, 227–35
penetrating the veil, 265–69
preparation before temple blessings, 241–46
revelation, 269–73
increased size of, 29–30, 31–35
landscaping of, 108–10, 198–99, 233
leaders of, 348–50
main entrance of, 34, 68, 176
missionary function of, 122, 197–98
Bureau of Information, 201–2
challenges, 214–17
Christus, 201–2
Family History Center, 200–201
grounds, 198–99
and LDS focus on family, 208–10
Mormon Monument to Women, 210–14
special events, 217–20
murals in, 104–5, 125–26, 136
open house for, 125–40
operation of, 165
calling of temple leaders and workers, 166–68
developments in physical facilities, 176–82
first ordinances, 168
and increasing temple attendance, 172–73, 175–76
ordinances for non-English speakers, 171–72, 174
priesthood days, 175
temple endowment, 168–71
and temple excursions, 173–74
planning, 29–30
presidents and matrons of, 338–46, 348–49
remodeling of, 179, 183–88, 189–90
site of
locations considered for, 14–18
protecting environment of, 29
securing, 18–22
size of, 21
spiral staircase in, 68
time line of key events for, 284–88
title history of site of, 289–90
Los Angeles Temple district, 175–76, 183
Los Angeles Temple Mission, 122–25
Ludloff, Edward R., 248
Lundstrom, Joseph, 57
Lyman, Amasa M., 7
MacIntire, Wayne F., 172
Mackay, Spencer L., 271–72
Maeser, Karl G., 8
Magnusson, Ivan, 304
Magnusson, Scott A., 269–70
main entrance, 34, 68, 176
Malin, Millard F., 93–94, 96, 99, 208
Manti Temple, 146
marble, 103
marriage, 209–10, 215–17. See also sealings
Martinez, Veronica, 255–56
Martz, John, 233–34
Matsusaka, Mits, 275
McConkie, Bruce R., 122
McCune, George W., 15–16
McDonald, Howard, 131
McDougle, Ryan, 209
McEwan, Betty Clark, 247–48, 341
McEwan, Jack, 167, 210, 247–48, 249, 341
McIntire, Edith, 274–75
McIntire, Wayne, 274–75
McKay, David O.
and announcement of Los Angeles Temple, 31
becomes Church President, 38
calls temple leaders, 166, 167
Cecil B. DeMill and, 132
dedicates California Mission home, 112
and dedicatory prayer, 154, 155–56, 334–37
describes Jesus Christ, 106
and film for endowment, 169–70
and fund-raising, 44, 45, 301–2
and groundbreaking, 40, 42, 43, 291–92
and laying of cornerstone, 79, 80, 83, 84, 306–7
and placement of angel Moroni, 97–99
and temple construction, 59, 66–68, 79, 80
and temple dedication, 142, 143, 145, 147, 149, 150, 152–53, 299–300, 322–24
McKean, Howard J., 41
Mesa Temple, 16
Mills, Dean, 243
Mills, Marilyn, 242–43
missionary work. See Los Angeles Temple, missionary function of
mission president’s home, 189–90
Moncur, Paul G., 260–61, 277–78
Monson, Thomas S., 89
Mormon Battalion, 5–6
Mormon Choir of Southern California, 82–83
Mormon Monument to Women, 210–14
Moroni, 87–102, 181, 204–5
Morris, George Q., 150
Moses, tabernacle of, 145
Moua, Kacha, 174
Moyle, Henry D., 151
murals, 104–5, 125–26, 136
muscular dystrophy, 240–41
National Production Authority, 37–39
Nauvoo Temple, 89–91, 146
Nelson, George S., 35
New York World’s Fair (1964-1965), 201, 202
Nielsen, Dane, 261
Northridge Earthquake (1994), 181–82, 274
Ocean Heights, 14–15
Ocean Park Heights, 13, 15–16
olive trees, 233
Olson, C. Dean, 41
on-site housing, 176–77
open house, 125–40
baptisms for the dead, 4, 168, 254, 265, 268
eagerness and sacrifice to receive, 235–41
endowment, 168–71, 184
for non-English speakers, 171–72, 174, 259–60
preparation for, 241–46
revelation of doctrine of, 4–5
and salvation for dead, 4, 149–50, 168, 252–53, 258
sealings, 174, 237–39, 243–44, 245–46, 247, 268. See also marriage
Orgill, Helen Kimball, 157–58
oxen, 93–94, 107, 125–26, 255
Packard, H. Von, 342
Packard, Sheila, 342
Packer, Boyd K., 169
Parks, Mary Louise, 272–73
Pawlowski, Bob, 245
Peel, Vern R., 44
Petersen, Mark E., 150, 206–7
Peterson, A. Bent, 166
Pettit, E. Alan, 127
Poole, Eric, 210
Pope, Hyrum C., 23
Porter, Elbert, 96
Poulson, Norris, 80, 128–29, 144, 145, 319–20
Powers, Harold J., 134–35
Prendergast, Edward, 129
Prestwich, L. Lloyd, 130
Price, Arthur, 22–23
priesthood, 242–44
priesthood endowment sessions, 175
pronunciation, of ordinance name, 267
Proposition 8, 215–17
Quealy, Jay A., 27
Quickstrom, Shirley, 266
Raymond, A. George, 121
Redding, Ned, 56, 141
Reeves, Madge, 341–42
Reeves, Wayne A., 260, 341–42
refugees, 174
Relief Society president, revelation regarding calling as, 272–73
revelation, received in temple, 269–73
Reynolds, Lani, 345
Reynolds, William F., 345
Rice, Rosa, 240
Rich, Charles C., 7
Richards, LeGrand, 27, 41, 42, 111, 152, 292–94
Richards, Preston D., 35–36, 38, 41, 42, 45, 147
Richards, Stephen L
and Christus, 201
with Ezra Taft Benson, 151
and fund-raising, 43, 44, 301
and groundbreaking, 42, 296–98
and laying of cornerstone, 84, 85, 86, 312, 316–18
on temple as missionary force, 122
and temple dedication, 142, 149, 324–30
Ricks, Shirley, 215
Ricks, Stephen, 215
Rollo, Renae, 250–51
Romney, Marion G., 152
Rose, Guy B., 123
Ross, Sophronia, 268
Rozsa, Allen C., 237–38, 253, 340
Rozsa, Dawna, 239, 340
Rubalcava, Nefi, 256–57
Russon, John M.
and fund-raising, 45, 46–48
and groundbreaking, 38
and open house, 121, 126, 130
and temple consulting committee, 167
and temple dedication, 140–41
Salt Lake Temple, 89, 146
Salt Lake Valley, arrival of pioneers in, 6–7
San Bernardino Rancho, 7
Sanders, Jeff, 268
Sanders, Jessica, 268
Sanders, Stacey, 268
San Francisco Earthquake (1909), 8–9
Santa Fe Railroad, 8
Santa Monica, 13–14
Schiel, Lilo, 167
seagulls, 101
sealing keys, 149–50
sealings, 174, 237–39, 243–44, 245–46, 247, 268. See also marriage
Sharp, Richard, 56, 61
Sheffield, Brian, 252, 253–55
Shepard, Robert L., 105–6
Sherman, Gene, 101
Shingledecker, Sophronia Ross, 268
Simpson, Jelaire, 340
Simpson, Robert L., 340
sister missionaries, 270
Smith, Dennis, 210–12
Smith, Don H., 27
Smith, Eldred G., 41
Smith, George Albert, 29, 30, 38
Smith, Hugh C., 56, 126, 130, 140–41
Smith, Joseph, 3, 4–5, 154
Smith, Joseph Fielding, 41, 42, 142, 149–50, 152, 294–95
solemn assemblies, 175
Solomon’s temple, 145
Sorenson, Charlene, 343
Sorenson, Nile A., 343
Southern Pacific Railroad, 8
South Gate Ward, 304
souvenir plates, 48
Spafford, Belle S., 143
Spanish-language ordinances, 174
spiral staircase, 68
“spirit of Elijah,” 4
“Spirit of God, The,” 155
staircase, 68
stake choirs, 151
Stapley, Delbert L., 152
Startup, Elbert, 149
Steed, A. Merlin, 122–23, 127, 130, 138–39, 142
Steed, Shanna, 276–77
Stewart, Ora Pate, 135–37
Stock, Carey, 218
Stokes, Barbara, 167
Stott, Joan, 248
Stratford, Richard C., 339
Stratford, Vera, 339
Summers, Raymond A., 123
tabernacle of Moses, 145
Talmage, James E., 168
Tapp, Jesse, 131–32
Taylor, Henry D., 142, 167
Taylor, John, 259
temple dedications, 145–46. See also Los Angeles Temple, dedication of
temple engineer, calling of, 166
temple excursions, 16, 173–74, 190, 227–28, 235–37
temple president’s home, 189–90
temples. See also Los Angeles Temple
construction of, 15, 22
Idaho Falls Temple, 22–23
instilling importance of, in children, 234–35
Kirtland Temple, 4, 146, 154
love for, 227–30
Manti Temple, 146
Mesa Temple, 16
Nauvoo Temple, 89–91, 146
Salt Lake Temple, 146
significance of, 4
Washington, D.C., Temple, 91
temple workers, 249, 251–52, 260–61, 277–78
Thorvaldsen, Bertil, 201
Thrapp, Dan L., 138
tire, fireman helps fix flat, 251–52
Tollman, Max, 109
Toro, Bobbi, 257–58
Toro, Frank, 257
twins, ordinances for, 262–64
Tyler, Doris, 168
utilities building, 113–14
veil, penetration of, 265–69
visitors’ centers, 112–13, 122–25, 199, 201, 214–15
volunteer labor, 62–64. See also temple workers
Waddell, Glenn, 273
Waddell, Joann, 273, 274
Waddell, Michael, 273
Waddell, Scott, 273
Waddell, Wayne, 273–74
Waddell, W. Christopher, 273–74
Waite, W. Noble
and fund-raising, 43–45, 49, 50, 143–44
General Conference reports of, 301–5
and groundbreaking, 38
and laying of cornerstone, 84, 307–8
and open house, 126, 127, 130, 131
and temple construction, 56
and temple dedication, 149
Walker, Glen H., 342–43
Walker, Willa Rae, 342–43
Wallace, Arthur, 158
Washington, D.C., Temple, 91
water conservation, 199
Watkins, Arthur V., 37
Watts riots (1965), 214
Weberg, Harris, 104, 106
Welch, John W. “Jack,” 156–57
Welchman, Kay, 239
Westwood Ward chapel, 111, 121
White, Morgan Hyde, 167
Widtsoe, John A., 168–69
Williams, Frederick S., 122, 124–25, 126, 127
Wilshire Ward chapel, 30, 158
window grills, 72–76
Winn, Howard, 57
Wittorf, Rosetta, 167–68
“Woman—A Precious Jewel” pageant, 214
Woodruff, Wilford, 279
Woolacott, Eliza, 8
Woolwine, Vicki Johnson, 232–33
Woolwine, Woods, 233
Young, Brigham, 6, 7, 14, 30, 279
Young, Clifford E., 150
Young, Hulda, 214
Young, Joseph E., 102
Young, Levi Edgar, 152
Young, Lorenzo S., 23–24
Young, S. Dilworth, 153, 179–80, 212
youth center, 250–51
youth temple excursions, 173, 227–28, 235–37
Zeedik, Kathrine, 261–62
Zierenberg, Kandy, 262