No. 15 July 26, 1851
[Continued from page 219.]
On the 27th of November, the quorum of Seventies, in conference assembled, agreed to erect an extensive rotunda in Great Salt Lake City, to be called the Seventies’ Hall of Science; and Joseph Young, their president, was appointed trustee and superintendent of the work. The foundation of the hall is commenced on East Temple and Second South streets, and the Seventies abroad will do well to send their money for the hall, to the trustee, inasmuch as they desire to own shares, and partake of the blessings of the hall on their return. All the elders of the different quorums are permitted to take shares. The design is highly commendable to the brethren, and such a building is much needed in this place.
At a special session of the Great Salt Lake County Court, on the 3rd January, a few transient men were convicted of stealing, and sentenced to hard labor for various terms, who, after serving a portion of their time, were pardoned by the Executive, and have gone on their way to California, the place of their original destination. This was the first jury trial there had been in the State of Deseret since its organization, and the first occasion for the empanelling of a grand jury. It is supposed that about three hundred emigrants who quartered in the valley the past winter have left for the gold mines this spring. Many emigrants on arriving at this place, heard the gospel, believed, and were baptized, and thus far proved their sincerity by their works; while some professed to believe and were baptized, but their works have made manifest their hypocrisy, and their sins remain on their own heads. Had it not been for such kind of characters, no jury would have been needed in Deseret to this day.
In the former part of January, the General Assembly of Deseret granted an act of incorporation to Great Salt Lake City; and on the 11th of the same month the Great Salt Lake City Council was organized; Jedediah M. Grant, mayor, with four aldermen, and nine counselors; and municipal law immediately began to extend its influence over the city. About the same time, charters were granted by the General Assembly, on petition to Ogden City, in Weber County; to Provo City, in Utah County; to Manti City, in Sanpete County; and to Cedar City, in Iron County. All the counties in the State were greatly strengthened by the last emigration, and since that time several new settlements have been formed, and the agricultural interest of the state has been greatly extended.
A railroad has been chartered, to extend from Temple block in this city to the stone quarry and mountain on the east, for the conveyance of building materials; the construction to commence immediately.
A small company of brethren arrived from California, by the south route, on the 27th of January, bringing the intelligence that Utah territory had been organized, and Brigham Young appointed Governor, which intelligence has recently been reiterated through the medium of the eastern mail, in a manner which leaves no room to doubt; but as yet, the official notice, reports, or papers have not all been received. We anticipate no convulsive revolutionary feeling or movement by the citizens of Deseret in the anticipated change of governmental affairs; but an easy and quiet transition from State to Territory, like weary travelers descending a gentle hill near by their way-side home.
As a people, we know how to appreciate, most sensibly, the hand of friendship which has been extended towards our infant State, by the General Government. Coming to this place as did the citizens of Deseret, without the means of subsistence, except the labor of their hands, in a wilderness country, surrounded by savages, whose inroads have given occasion for many tedious and expensive expeditions; the relief afforded by our mother land, through the medium of the approaching territorial organization, will be duly estimated; and from henceforth, we would fondly hope the most friendly feelings may be warmly cherished between the various States and Territories of this great nation, whose constitutional charter is not to be excelled.
The First Presidency of the Quorum of Seventies have been in frequent conference, the past winter, with the presidents of their several quorums, enquiring into the situation of their officers, severing from their office all such as have been known to dishonor their high and holy calling, and filling these vacancies with worthy men; also in filling the places of those who have been known to die since the quorums were organized in Nauvoo. The High Priests Quorum, and other quorums of the Church, have held their weekly meetings in the Council House during the winter, so that the house has scarce been cold since it was so far completed as to be occupied. In January we visited the brethren in Davis and Weber counties, and organized a stake of Zion at Ogden city, by appointing a Presidency, High Council and Bishops: Loren Farr is president of the stake. Officers were also appointed in various places in Davis county, as there was occasion.
Elders Amasa Lyman and Charles C. Rich left this place early in March, with others, the camp amounting to about one hundred and fifty wagons (some of which were to stop and locate themselves in Iron county), for the purpose of establishing a settlement in the southern part of California, at no great distance from San Diego, and near Williams’ Ranch and the Cahone pass, between which places and Iron county, we design to establish settlements as speedily as possible, which Elder Lyman will commence on his route, of practicable, so as to have a continued lie of stations and places of refreshment between this point and the Pacific Ocean, which route is passable during the winter months.
On the 19th of March, we visited the Saints in Utah, and organized a stake of Zion at Provo city, by appointing Isaac Higbee President, with his Counselors, High Council, and Bishops.—On the 24th, we visited Elders Lyman and Rich’s camp, at Payson, and saw them organized ready for their departure. Elder Pace presides over the branch at Payson, which is situated on Peteetneet creek. There are settlements also at Pleasant Grove and Springville. We left Elder P. P. Pratt, accompanied by Bishop John Murdock, and Elders William J. Perkins, John S. Woodbury, Richard R. Hopkins, Philo B. Wood, Morris Minor, and Francis A. Hammond, with Elder Lyman’s company, on his mission to the Pacific.
Our city is now being fenced into blocks, instead of wards as formerly, and many shade trees are being set on the borders of the sidewalks. School houses have been built in most of the wards in the city and out in the country, and schools have been sustained therein the past winter, and we joyfully anticipate that the time has arrived when our children may be partakers of the blessings of constantly continued schools in their several wards. The Parent School is in successful operation in the Council House, under the tuition of Chancellor O. Spencer and Regent W. W. Phelps. The design of this school is to prepare its pupils to become teachers, and for all who may desire to advance in the higher branches of education. It is designed for the parent School to be open continually.
Hitherto, California emigrants have been accustomed to leave their sick on our hands, at a heavy expense, and depart without notice; to turn their teams loose in our streets, and near our city, which has caused much destruction of crops and grass, so that if we wanted a load of hay, we have had to go from ten to twenty miles to procure it, and drive our cattle a still greater distance to herd the succeeding winter; but since the organization of a municipality, quarantine has been introduced, and no animals are permitted to roam within the corporation, which extends to some six or eight miles square; and when the surrounding lands are fenced, the accommodations in our immediate vicinity, for those who travel by multitudes, will be small indeed; and we believe it will be more convenient for the great mass of travelers to the mines to go by Fort Hall, or some route north of this, saving to themselves the expense and hindrance of quarantine, and other inconveniences arising from a temporary location near a populous city, where cattle are not permitted to run at large.
In view of the anticipated change in our government, and to facilitate business, the General Assembly of Deseret appointed Governor Young their agent, to receive the 20,000 dollars appropriated by Congress to build a State House in Utah Territory, and cause said house to be erected without delay on Union Square, in this city, a little north-west of Temple block; and the Assembly adjourned sine die on Saturday last. Dr. J. M. Bernhisel has been appointed by the President to select the Utah library, for which Congress has appropriated 5,000 dollars, and, at our latest advices, he was in New York, making the selection. Dr. Bernhisel has issued a circular, soliciting editors and publishers of newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, and books, to forward a copy of their productions to Great Salt Lake City, for the benefit of Utah library. We are happy in announcing the arrival of a few papers and pamphlets already, and if the friends of science generally shall respond in like manner, we will soon have a most valuable reading room attached to the Utah library, which will cause the blessings of thousands to rest upon the heads of the liberal donors.
The best interests of the Perpetual Emigrating Fund are continually before us, and we would urge the importance of its object upon all the Saints, and desire they would add to its funds by all laudable means; for when once a line of communication is established between here and the Pacific Ocean, those funds can be made to bear in a more effective manner than they can under existing circumstances. We are looking forward in hope that the time is not far distant, when the most speedy conveyance may be had between this and the western coast.
It is wisdom for the English Saints to cease emigration by the usual route through the States, and up the Missouri river, and remain where they are till they shall hear from us again; as it is our design to open up a way across the interior of the continent, by Panama, Tehuantepec, or some of the interior routes, and land them at San Diego, and thus save three thousand miles of inland navigation through a most sickly climate and country. The Presidency in Liverpool will open every desirable correspondence in relation to the various routes, and rates, and conveniences, from Liverpool to San Diego, and make an early report, so, if possible, the necessary preparations may be made for next fall’s emigration.
We contemplate erecting a wall around the Temple block this season, preparatory to laying the foundation of a Temple the year following; and this we will be sure to do, if all the Saints shall prove themselves as ready to pay their tithing, and sacrifice and consecrate of their substance, as freely as we will; and if the Saints do not pay their tithing, we can neither build nor prepare for building; and if there shall be no Temple built, the Saints can have no endowments; and if they do not receive their endowments, they can never attain unto that salvation they are anxiously looking for. So far as the Saints in the United States and Canada desire to see the work of the Lord prosper, let them arise as one man, and come to Deseret, where they can do more for Zion in one year, than they can in many years where they are. Come on the Saints’ route north of the Platte, as we stated in our last epistle, leaving the grave yards on the south of the Platte to a future resurrection. If all were agreed in this move, there need not be a Saint left in the States or Canada one year hence. This is wisdom; but if you shall continue to hold on to your farms, and improvements, and effects, for the purpose of improving the price, and making money, you may expect to want help at a future day, when it will be difficult to obtain; and the Saints need not ever to expect a more convenient time to gather out of the States than the present.
The Indians have been troublesome in their operations the past winter, driving off cattle from remote settlements, but with less threatening of life than formerly, and more secret in their depredations.
We have received very few letters from the elders abroad since our last epistle, although there is a monthly mail between here and Independence, Mo., when not interrupted by snow, as it has been mostly the past three months. The Twelve Apostles are abroad, except Wilford Woodruff and Ezra T. Benson, who are in the valley. Their president, Orson Hyde, is located at Kanesville, Iowa, and is expected to visit the valley this summer. P. P. Pratt is on his way to the Society and Sandwich Islands, and Chili; his mission extends to all lands in, and bordering on the Pacific Ocean. At last accounts, the work was very prosperous at the Society Isles. We have not heard from the Sandwich mission since the arrival of Elder Hiram Clark and his associates. Orson Pratt is supposed to be in the States on his way to the valley, where he will be associated with the University of Deseret for a season. John Taylor was at Boulogne, in France, at our latest dates, preaching, translating, and publishing. Lorenzo Snow, having visited the Italian States, was located at Piedmont. Erastus Snow is at Copenhagen, and the work is prospering in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Germany, and all that region. We received a letter from Brother Snow, dated Copenhagen, August 17, 1850. He is translating the Book of Mormon.—Franklin D. Richards is presiding over the church in the British Isles, and his office is in Liverpool. Amasa Lyman and Charles C. Rich are on their way to the Cahone pass. George A. Smith is presiding at Iron county. The mission of the Twelve Apostles now abroad is to all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, upon the face of the whole earth; and whenever and wherever the Lord shall open a door for their admission, they will scatter the seed, and, if needs be, will leave wise men to gather the harvest, being guided, directed, and counseled in all their movements by the principle of revelation, and the Holy Ghost dwelling within them; and may the God of Abraham and Joseph help them on their missions, for verily they will not have time to preach to all nations before all flesh will be seized with fear and trembling in view of those things which the Almighty is about to bring to pass, for the wickedness of man is great before Him, and the earth He will purify by fire.
There has been more sickness in the valley this spring than usual, and several deaths, though the people in the other valleys have been well generally. We know of no reason why this valley is not as healthy in its location and character as any other; but as this is the place for the first arrival of the Saints, a greater proportion of the infirm stop here, where they can more readily procure the comforts of life, while the hardier portion go forward to newer settlements; and a great portion of the sickness in our midst arises from the seeds of disease and death sown in the system while tarrying and passing through the agueish regions of the western States. Sickness here is generally of short duration, and ends speedily in health or death. The families of the elders who are on foreign missions are in usual health at this time.
The Saints in their gathering should never forget to gather and bring all choice seeds, for here is the place for them to grow and be useful; a large quantity of osage orange, and other seeds suitable for hedges, through which wire may be passed to make fence, are much needed at this time. Bring all the lath and shingle nails you can, also glass, wire no. 9, raw cotton, cotton yarn, machinery, and domestics. Amid all the revolutions that are taking place among the nations, the elders will ever pursue an undeviating course in being subject to the government wherever they may be, and sustain the same by all their precepts to the Saints, having nothing to do with political questions which engender strife, remembering that the weapons of their warfare are not carnal, but spiritual, and that the Gospel which they preach is not of man, but from heaven; and if they persecute you beyond measure, in one city, country, or kingdom, leave the testimony which Jesus has given for a witness unto your Father in heaven, that you are free from their blood, and fl e to other cities, countries, or kingdoms where they will receive you and believe your testimony.
During the early part of the last session of the General Assembly of Deseret, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was incorporated into a body politic, in accordance with the general principles of incorporation, given by Christian governments, to religious societies, with power to choose a trustee in trust and assistant trustees to hold the property, and manage the financial affairs of the Church, for its benefit and convenience; and during the present general conference, President Brigham Young was unanimously and legally elected trustee in trust of the church, and Edward Hunter assistant trustee, and Presiding Bishop.
Should the way open for any of the scattered saints (except such as we have before counseled to tarry where they are) to ship direct to San Diego, in California, they will do so, and from thence they can work their passage to the settlement about to be formed by brothers Lyman and Rich in that vicinity, and from thence to this place.
May grace, mercy, peace, and prosperity, be multiplied unto all the Saints, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Brigham Young,
Heber C. Kimball,
Willard Richards
Great Salt Lake City, Deseret, April 7, 1851
[Continued from page 223.]
The next day after traveling through this lovely country, in the afternoon we stood on the ridge from where we could see an even wider valley, which is about 15 minutes wide before us; it reaches to the south between two mountain ridges out of sight, and to the north about 20 minutes, or more, then to the west for 100, and half that in width. At our feet three strong springs of sparkling water gush, which form enough water to turn mills and irrigate the meadows in their course down to the large river which runs through the middle of this valley, on the eastern banks of which there are thousands of acres of desirable land, yet not many in contrast to those which are on its western side; where we judge to be about 20 thousand acres of flat luxuriant meadows; and behind that as much, or more, of good farming land, which reaches to the foot of the western hills, which rise gradually and are covered with cedars, &c. To the west of the place I describe now, there is a rather high, jagged mountain, which we judge to be of iron ore, the richest that any of us has ever seen; besides several kinds of other ores in that neighborhood. I consider this discovery to be priceless in this place. Some in our company said that they saw coal also nearby, but I did not see any. No doubt but what this is a lovely and very commercial location for a settlement. Commercial, I say, because of the iron, &c., so convenient and abundant,—located about half way between Salt Lake City and the Pacific Ocean, or the California Strait. Lovely, because the country is open to the south, and the climate is temperate, and the lay of the land is so advantageous and beautiful. An excellent place to build a city is at the foot of these hills, where there is plenty of firewood, water, and land, and healthful air to breathe. Permit me for a minute to describe the image which I saw in my mind’s eye while standing in this place! I see here a beautiful city, a branch of mount Zion, and plenty of space to stretch its boundaries where it wishes;—in its foreground, to the east, and that which it overlooks, from every corner of it, I see large fields getting white for the harvest, their glad owners smiling at this sight, without thinking of paying anyone rent or hardly any tax on any of them, rather everyone free to enjoy his fill of all the elements. Beyond these white crops, the luxuriant meadows stretch their verdant and splendid carpets, along which countless thousands of oxen, cattle, calves and flocks of sheep are playing, all of which fill their skins with this abundance in a short time. To satisfy their needs, the river runs slowly and sluggishly past this majestic sight, while along its pretty banks herds of horses prance with a boastful neigh, under the feeling of their independence in this western paradise. Yet, I cannot close this picture until we see hosts of the race of Gomer, which are now in slavery and poverty, their women and children, instead of hunger and oppression, here enjoying their fill; and all of its inhabitants cheerful whom I meet along its long and beautiful roads. But, hush! we have gone far enough; my wish is this, even though perhaps it may never be realized; at least there is here now neither house nor sty, except what the Indians have, nor animals, except for those we brought here, and an occasional deer, wolf, or rabbit. Its only inhabitants are a few Indians of the Pah Utah tribe, which wander over the country without perceiving its worth or its excellence, much like the fox that wishes only for his prey.
From here we went up to the southern valley through fruitful meadows, and we crossed some streams which furnished it with water. The third day we crossed a small river which runs across the valley, which by now narrows to about 7 minutes in width; this river could easily be turned to run to the north, to mix with the waters of the “Great Basin,” and with them to the eastern seas thousands of miles from here; but having been between two thoughts for a long time, it decides to swerve to the south, and it is soon swallowed into the bowels of the Rio Virgin river, which a little to the south bubbles out of the middle of a huge rock, swelling to the bellies of our horses as we crossed it, and it hurries to the south a bit, and then it rushes to a cave under a mountain out of our sight for about 5 minutes, and then it comes to daylight again, hurrying to meet its mother, namely the Rio Colorado, and with her to the California strait, which proves that we now have passed the highest ridge of this continent, and from where there is a descent to the Pacific Ocean.
The climate changes now almost every day and becomes more temperate; no snow or any more snowy mountains, except behind us; the leaves are breaking out on the small trees and vegetables; all of which are of a different kind, more similar to those of the tropics. The geography and the view have completely changed also. Now, the country with its face is looking the other way, as if it had turned backwards. It seems as if we are going quickly to the bottom of some place! The country is lumps and cliffs shattered by something, and stretching its ledges to the south, from the heads of which it jumps hundreds of feet to begin another ledge. On these varied rocks are seen pictographs of almost every kind, hieroglyphics, carvings, together with monuments of the greatness and antiquity of the nation which made them. Several of them were copied; our wise men, those who can interpret them, say that they resemble those which were on the plates of the Book of Mormon. These natives, who are of the tribe of the Pah Utahs, wandering through the country without settling, building or laboring, or having rifles, or clothes except from the skins of rabbits, cannot give us an explanation of them, except that is where they first saw them.
It is obvious that it is Spring in this country, even though it is but the beginning of January for us. The whole country, not only the lowlands, but also the hills, is terribly muddy, so that it is almost impossible to travel. Everyone has to walk now because the horses are sinking; the mules, despite all their skill in trying to tread on rocks, are sinking to their bellies, and unable to rise, so that we frequently have to untie their burdens, at times a half a dozen or more at once. Now we have to keep one or more of the Indians in our camp every night as a hostage so that the others won’t take our animals, &c. Like this we traveled, uncomfortable and tired, down along the banks of the Rio Virgin river, which by now, receives other rivers to its bosom, and finally we reached the place where the Santa Clara empties into it. It rushes now between high and rough crags. A fairly even distribution of trees are along it, with an occasional small and paradisiacal glade, where the Indians have planted corn, &c., but too narrow for a settlement.
Because of the weakness of our animals and the miry condition of the country, we had to change our intent and our course, and from here we followed the small river last named to the west. We had intended to follow along to the south, to the Colorado, to search out the Moquis, &c.; but because of that which was noted, we deemed it wisest to return. In these parts scores of the inhabitants gathered around us, and at times gnashed their teeth at us in an ugly way. The rains are frequent here while we did not have anything to shelter us from them, nor against any other possible harm except for blankets or a Buffalo skin, which we spread on the wet ground, with another one over us; and frequently during the night I woke up almost swimming in water, but the watchmen had kept the fire going in their turn, and thus they kept the large black wolves, the panthers, the wild cats, &c., away, which were thirsting after our blood; yet, the animals were no more bloodthirsty than the natives at times. One time we had a host of them together, and we made conditions of peace with them, which continued at least as long as the presents they received from us. After that they invited us to their country, and said that they had heard a great deal from other Indians about the “Mormons”, that they are good people, who teach them the ways and the skills of their fathers. We did not see a woman or a child in their midst at all; they said that the measles had swept them all away. Was this true or false? there are worse, but unproven tales told about them; I do not think they consider hardly anything too shameful to do. Within a few days, we reached the road which leads to California, along which we returned over the Rim of the Basin, along the valley that I mentioned before, for about 60 minutes, where we met several emigrants going toward the gold country. We saw the abundance of iron ore along the sides of the road, and at last we camped by the foot of the iron mountain mentioned before. Next day, P. P. Pratt and I went ahead of the others, and we reached our wagons in the Little Salt Lake by midnight, tired, and after having a rather hard skirmish with the snarling residents of these woods. Everyone healthy, and happy to see us; we were received with cannon thunder, rifles, hurrahs and hosannas, &c. Hardly anyone slept until the morning, rather we exchanged stories and news, and feasted.
(To be continued.)
(From the “Millennial Star.”)
A special General Conference was held, in the Saints’ Chapel, Whitechapel, London, on the 3rd of June, 1851, at which there were present four of the Twelve, the counselors to the Presidency in the British Isles, Presidency and counsel in the Principality, and twenty- three Presidents of Conferences. The propriety of detaching the Channel Islands Conference from the Presidency of the conferences in the British Islands, and annexing the same to the French Mission was taken into consideration.
Being requested by President F. D. Richards to express his mind upon the subject, Elder John Taylor desired that it should be so, and expressed his sentiments as to the propriety and wisdom of such a movement, inasmuch as it would serve to strengthen the hands of the French brethren, and would be a convenient place from which to obtain and send forth Elders who were somewhat familiar with the language and manners of the French nation. He also spoke with reference to the Book of Mormon, which would shortly appear in the French language, observing that as many Elders would no doubt be sent from this island to the continent to labor, it would be well for them generally to obtain the French translation, and diligently read it, in connection with an English copy, and thus obtain an acquaintance with the French version. This method he considered one of the best for acquiring the language. If the Elders felt to adopt this, it would materially aid in refunding a loan made for the purpose of publishing that work. Elder Taylor also stated his plan for issuing a monthly periodical in Paris, the first number of which is on sale.
After some further remarks from Elder Taylor and others, it was moved, seconded, and unanimously voted, that the Channel Island Conference be detached from the Presidency of the British Island, and attached to the Presidency of the Church in France.
Elder Edward Sutherland represented the situation and prospect of the work in Dublin, after which it was moved, seconded, and unanimously voted, that Elders Sutherland and Hayes continue to prosecute the work of the Gospel in Dublin, and call such faithful men as they may find there to aid them in the same.
The entire day was spent in a most happy and profitable manner, in imparting instruction upon various interesting, profitable, and important subjects, by the different members of the Twelve, and others who were present.
The services of a day that will long be gratefully remembered, were closed at eventide by singing “When shall we all meet again,” and benediction by Elder John Taylor.
F. D. Richards, President.
J. F. Bell, Secretary pro tem.
14, Castle St., Merthyr Tydfil, July 15, 1851.
Mr. Editor,—I have a few counsels to give to the presidents in general; if you have space for them in “Zion’s Trumpet,” I shall proclaim some things that will benefit the districts, branches and all the Saints.
We held a conference here on the 6th of this month, and we sent eighteen missionaries to go to their journeys without purse or scrip; and I think that the last of them has gone out today; and may our gracious God bless them. They have been sent out to test the world, and to establish new branches in their midst, without any help from any branch, rather to get their food, their clothing, and their lodging from the world, as far as circumstances will allow. And now, Presidents of Districts and Branches, in order to legitimately prove the world, prevent these missionaries from visiting your branches, or from receiving help in any way, except for books; if the branches are so kind as to help them with a few books, that will be fine. The reason that more branches have not been established throughout this country is, that the brethren have not gone out legitimately; they have taken money with them or they have been relying on the branches around them. These missionaries have the right to receive money from the world, and they are sure to get it through faith; for God is truthful, and promises to give food, clothing and lodging, and money also, if there is a need, together with everything that is necessary to those who faithfully keep His commandments. And the Spirit of God this very minute, through me, promises these things. There are many temptations to come to confront these brethren; but regardless of how many temptations come, God is on their side, and he will guide them.
And now, brethren, may you in your Districts have as much desire for your part as do these missionaries to save the thousands of souls who are in this land, and search out good men whose circumstances allow them to go out; send them out to the towns, villages, and the surrounding country, to establish Branches. Have no fear of priests, preachers, or any class of men; go to their congregations, and to the synagogues, and preach this Gospel to them, as a witness for the kingdom, and do it with the power of the Holy Spirit, so that you can be free from them on the day of judgment; for all will be judged according to this gospel. And now, brethren, go forward and gather up the daughter of Zion, so that she may be taken home, across the seas, to the Mountains of Ephraim, to build splendid cities and temples, and plant her vineyards, and put on her wedding garment; for her Bridegroom is coming, and galloping across the clouds of heaven, and a myriad of his Saints are with him. So be it. Amen.
I have one other counsel to give to you pertaining to those who are called Saints, or officers, and who are too lazy to work, and go around from branch to branch, singing to the women, and deceiving others for their food like this from house to house for months, and influencing some presidents to take up a collection for them by giving them a small account as to how things are going along in the North, in Cardiganshire, in Carmarthenshire, and in other counties; and how they debated with people and were victorious; and then a little ding dong on the harp afterwards; and then some innocent sister comes in and extends an invitation, “Come and have lunch with me;” “come and have tea with me,” says another; “and come with me to meet with the Saints,” says some president; and he will sit in the chair of the president, and will be introduced—that he is a brother from somewhere, and then the dear Saints will be ready to listen to him. Oh! how sorry I feel for my brothers and sisters, who did not beware, and refrain from giving acceptance to anyone except those who are in authority, or those who have permission in some circumstances. Once again, I warn you, presidents of districts, branches and groups, to beware of such cunning men, and do not allow men to live idly on the backs of the Saints. Teach the Saints to give them a meal, a night’s lodging, and send them on their way the next morning; do so if they possess licenses; and if they do not leave their wicked ways behind, we shall cut them off from the Church, and put their names in the TrumPet.
I am, your humble servant,
Wm. Phillips.
Beauty is a flower that soon dies; health worsens, and strength flees away; but innocence is immortal, and is happiness in life and in death. Perhaps the young may die very young, but it is impossible for the old to live much longer. Unripe fruits can be picked off, or shaken down; but the ripe fruits will fall on their own.
If you do not wish to be considered fools by other people, do not be wise in your own eyes; he who trusts in his own wisdom, proclaims his foolishness; the true wise man has enough wisdom to perceive his own foolishness.
Impetuousness is a kind of fever in the mind; it always leaves us much weaker than it found us.
Payments from JuLy 11 to July 22.—Monmouthshire, £10 10s; Flintshire, £2; Caernarvonshire, £1 6s; Merionethshire, £2; Pontytypridd, £1; Cardiff, 11s 4c; Georgetown, £3 5s; Merthyr, £2 6s; Cefn, 14s 3½c. Total, £23 12s 7½c.
“W. T., A——r.”—If you see some contradictory things in the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants, it is better for you to point them out to us, and then perhaps we can comment on them in the Trumpet, so that others also may also be enlightened as well as yourself.
“W. W.”—We cannot say yet when the next emigration will be; we will let you know as soon as we hear.
Book of Mormon..—We desire all Presidents and their Distributors to collect names for the Book of Mormon without delay. It will come out in the same manner as the “Doctrine and Covenants,” until it is completed, for a penny halfpenny per segment. It will likely contain from 30 to 32 segments.
Send all correspondence, requests, and book payments, to John Davis, Printer, John’s Street, Georgetown, Merthyr Tydfil.