The Church's Cultural Challenges in Europe
Gerald Hansen Jr., Hans Noot, and Medlir Mema
Gerald Hansen Jr., Hans Noot, and Medlir Mema, “The Church's Culture Challenges in Europe,” in The Worldwide Church: Mormonism as a Global Religion, ed. Michael A. Goodman and Mauro Properzi (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center; Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2016), 309-30.
Gerald Hansen Jr. was a faculty member in the Political Science Department at Brigham Young University–Idaho when this was written.
Hans Noot was assistant associate area director for the Church Educational System in Eastern Europe, the Balkans, and Italy when this was written.
Medlir Mema (PhD, George Washington University) was director of research at the Institute of Leadership in Tirana, Albania when this was published.
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