5 September 1841 (Sunday). At the Stand.

Manuscript History of the Church [1]

I preached to a large congregation at the Stand, on the Science and practice of Medicine, desiring to persuade the Saints to trust in God when sick, and not in an arm of flesh, and live by faith and not by medicine, or poison; [2] and when they were sick, and had called for the Elders to pray for them, and they were not healed, to use herbs and mild food. [3]

—5 September 1841


[1] See Teachings, p. 190. The original source for this account is most probably the "Book of the Law of the Lord."

[2] An obvious allusion to calomel and other "heroic" medicines of the day. See 13 April 1843, notes 16 and 17.

[3] D&C 42:43.