5 October 1841 (Tuesday Afternoon). Meeting Ground.

Times and Seasons 2 (15 October 1841): 579 [1]

P.M. Conference opened by the choir singing hymn 104, [2] and prayer by Bro. O. Pratt.

Bro. O. Pratt read to the conference, the minutes of a special conference held in the city of Nauvoo Aug. 16th 1841. [3]

Pres't. Joseph Smith made remarks explanatory of the importance of the resolutions and votes passed at that time.

—5 October 1841


[1] See History of the Church, 4:428. Not in Teachings. The entry in the History of the Church for this discourse has its source in the Times and Seasons account. The following remarks were made at the October 1841 General Conference of the Church.

[2] "My Soul is Full of Peace and Love" was the hymn that was sung.

[3] See report of discourse dated 16 August 1841.