3 October 1840 (1) (Saturday Morning).

Times and Seasons 1 (October 1840): 185[1]

The president arose and stated that there had been several depredations committed on the citizens of Nauvoo, and thought it expedient that a committee be appointed, to search out the offenders, and bring them to justice.… The president then rose, and stated that it was necessary that something, should be done with regard to Kirtland, so that it might be built up; and gave it as his opinion, that the brethren from the east might gather there, and also, that it was necessary that some one should be appointed from this conference to preside over that stake. [2]

—3 October 1840 (1)


[1] See History of the Church, 4:204. Not in Teachings. The History of the Church entry is based on the Times and Seasons account given in the text. The following remarks were made at the October 1840 General Conference of the Church.

[2] Almon W. Babbitt was chosen president of the stake at Kirtland.