25 January 1840 (Saturday). Brandywine, Chester County, Pennsylvania

Times and Seasons 1 (March 1840): 79[1]

On Saturday last (Jan. 25) a conference of elders was held in the Brandywine branch; pres't. Joseph Smith Jr. being present, was called to preside, and James Rodeback [2] appointed clerk. Two elders and two priests were ordained; great harmony prevailed in the meeting, and much important instruction was given to the elders and members present by pres't. Smith. The saints in that place appear determined to keep the commandments of God; and the visit of brother Smith among them, I trust has tended much to strengthen, and confirm them in the faith of the everlasting gospel.

—25 January 1840


[1] Not in History of the Church or Teachings. The History of the Church, 4:77 records, "About this time I visited the Saints at Brandywine, where I spent some days, and returned to Philadelphia."

[2] James Rodeback (1807-75) was a native of Chester County, Pennsylvania, where he joined the Church. He moved to Utah in 1852 and was a prominent figure in Cedar City, Utah.