24 September 1843 (Sunday Morning)
[1] Joseph Preached about 1 hour. from 2d Chapter of Acts—designed to shew the folly of Common Stock [2] In Nauvoo every one Steward over their own. [3]—Amasa Lyman & Geo. J. Adams [4] continued the meeting after preaching Joseph called upon the brethren to draw Stone for the temple. and gave notice for a special conference on the 6th Oct. Meeting adjourned on account of prospect of rain at about 1. P.M.—
—24 September 1843
[1] See History of the Church, 6:37-38. Not in Teachings. The original source for the entry in History of the Church is the Joseph Smith Diary, by Willard Richards.
[2] Several communitarian groups sprung up in the United States in the first half of the nineteenth century. Converts to the Church living in the Kirtland area in 1830 (formerly associated with Alexander Campbell) had participated in such orders.
[3] The 1831-33 phase of the Church's Law of Consecration and Stewardship did not secure private ownership of property to Church members in Kirtland, Ohio, or Jackson County, Missouri. From 1834 to 1838 consecration consisted of donation of surplus property only—Church members retained title to personal and real property. In 1838 (with the reception of D&C 119) the law of consecration required the donation of surplus properties plus 10% annual increase. This 1838 development of consecration, with some minor modifications, continued during the Nauvoo period. Thus the Prophet could say that Church members were private stewards, having private ownership of property.
[4] George J. Adams (1819-80). Baptized in 1840, Adams was an able and aggressive missionary for the Church. After the Prophet's death he refused to be controlled by the Quorum of the Twelve and left the Church.